
officially lost

"fck worm! " mina gasped when doyeon threw her a worm.

she glared at doyeon and doyeon just shot her a playful wink.

" you two should stop before both of your tempers will explode. " aerum said and grab chaeyoung's arm, dragging her to walk more faster and sloppier.

" you walk like a snail-"

" fyi snails don't walk " miyeon rudely cut her sentence off.

" yeah, they just slide and sht. " nayun commented, rolling her eyes afterwards.

" im so tired! " chaeyoung stomped her feet, making the mud under her shoe to splatter into eunmi's white converse. she gulped nervously but soon grinned when eunmi doesn't seem to realize it.

" ha! I saw you tho. " doyeon whispered and chaeyoung immediately shushed her.

" shut up-"

" just where are we exactly!? "

and they all went silent. seconds, and they all halted their tracks. minutes had passed and they all averted their heads to their known guide, eunmi.

eunmi however was busy raising her phone up, hoping to find a better signal. she sighed and shook her phone for several times and hang it up again. it took alot of moment when all she does is to keep repeating this as all of her friends were just looking at her like they're somewhat kind of manikins.

aerum soon coughed.

" uh eunmi? "

" yes? " she turn her head just to see 7 pair of eyes staring directly at her. she eyed them and mouthed " what? "

" where are we? we've been walking for 11 hours and the sun is about to set and yet, " aerum grab the strings of her bag and straightened it to her shoulders. ".....we still haven't reached the main spot that we guys departed earlier in the morning. "

eunmi blinked and spoke, " i thought you guys know. i-i was just following you. "

" fcking sht "

" oh my- o-oh my " chaeyoung fake hyperventilates.

" aurghh! this can't be happening! "

" omona! fck it. "

" dmn it! "

doyeon growls loudly making all of them to look at her.

" i- i uh u-uh....I don't know what to say so uh stop staring at me. "

eunmi was to laugh but then remembered the situation they are right now so she just swallowed her laughter in.

" so what are we gonna do? I thought you guys know the route back to the base because you all were just fooling around there but i guess that you don't know either like me " she said softly.

they all sighed at the same time. doyeon run her tongue to her lips and wiped the imaginary tear under her eye before stating...

" it has been confirmed that we are lost in the day of Thursday, October 4, 2018 at the time of 6: 15 P.M. and at the place of nowhere because i don't know where we are right now because yeah! I just said we're officially lost...so uh- what are we gonna do now? "

i just thought this thing needs to go published.

jungkotionarycreators' thoughts