
37. Chapter 37

Spending the afternoon beside Teddy and Owen’s new pool was not how Carina expected the rest of the day to go.


Maya wasn’t scheduled back at work and Carina wasn’t working either, which is why when Teddy sent the invitation, they both paused in the parking lot of SFD and shrugged. It was late August and the temperature was sweltering. Jamie loved the water and they’d just found out that Maya was being promoted and that she’d have to leave the only station she’d ever known.


A pool party surrounded by doctors instead of firefighters asking questions was oddly appealing.


Which is how Carina found herself stretched out on a deck chair, margarita in hand, openly ogling her wife.


“Okay, there are children here,” Amelia said, suddenly blocking Carina’s view of the pool.


Carina shrugged. “Yes, I know.”


“You are undressing your wife with your eyeballs, Carina.”


“You can’t see my eyes. You do not know what I am doing with them,” Carina said, pointing to her sunglasses.


Amelia took a seat beside her, the smile on her face pure evil.


The sound of splashing and laughter filled the air, and while Carina didn’t want to give Amelia the satisfaction of being right, she was, in fact, totally correct.


Because watching Maya in the pool had Carina near orgasmic.


Maya wasn’t doing anything particularly alluring. She held Jamie in both hands, playfully dipping her in and out of the water, laughing as Jamie kicked each time her toes hit the surface. It was true that each curl of her arm gave Carina the perfect view of her biceps, but it was the combination of a slightly revealing blue two piece, Maya’s obvious happiness with Jamie, and the swagger she’d carried with her from the hearing.


One of Meredith’s kids splashed too closely to Jamie and Maya immediately gathered the baby up close to her chest, scowling as she placed a protective hand over Jamie’s head. Her displeased pout made Carina sigh.


“Seriously, children Carina, children everywhere,” Amelia cut in though Carina didn’t turn away from her wife who was now busy waving Jamie’s little hand towards Pru as she swam close by under Teddy’s watchful gaze.


Carina raised one finger. “You are looking too. Do not lie.”


“Her shoulders are right there. Where else am I supposed to look?”


Carina could think of many places to look, but decided not to share that with Amelia. There were some things for her eyes only.


Owen walked by then holding a box of popsicles, which Carina gratefully accepted, the heat of the day, her thick hair making everything feel a little too sweaty. She broke it in half, sharing with Amelia, and then continued her poolside vigil, content to watch her little family.


Even from the small distance, Carina could see the tips of Maya’s ears and her shoulders turning red, and though they’d smothered Jamie in sunscreen, it looked like Maya had forgotten a few spots on herself.


“Bambina!” Carina called out, getting Maya’s attention.


Maya raised her eyebrows, clearly surprised.


“Stai brucianda, Tesoro!”


Carina couldn’t always be sure how much Italian Maya actually understood, but her words had the desired effect, because Maya hoisted Jamie to her shoulder and climbed out of the pool, which gave Carina a perfect view of water droplets rolling down muscled thighs and tight abs.


She raised the popsicle to her mouth, her eyes on Maya’s as she licked the tip, swirling her tongue before closing her lips over its length.


“You two are obscene,” Amelia growled, though Carina ignored her, having much more fun watching the way Maya’s lips rose into a smirk.


Carina was about to tease Amelia about Kai when Jamie started crying, apparently displeased to be away from the water. It broke any and all sexual tension and Carina practically tossed her popsicle on the ground, worried instead about finding Jamie’s towel.


“Hey, Baby T-Rex, what’s happening?” Maya laughed, still walking towards Carina, now close enough that they could all hear the question. She scooped Jamie up and blew a raspberry against her neck which made the crying turn into boisterous laughter.


Amelia whistled low. “Okay, yeah, no…that’s insanely attractive, I get it.”


“Amelia!” Carina tried to stay serious, but it was hard because Jamie’s giggle, her tiny hands fluttering against Maya’s face, the funny way her hair was sticking up in the middle, Carina couldn’t be mad if she tried.


Maya took a seat on the end of Carina’s chair and passed Jamie to Carina who had a towel all ready.


“Dr. Shepherd,” she said, raising her sunglasses and resting them on top of her head.


“Captain Bishop,” Amelia answered back, which made Maya’s cocky grin grow wider and wider.


Jamie bit down on Carina’s shoulder with a gummy little mouth, which made all three adults laugh. The baby was apparently not in the mood to be swaddled and she pushed against Carina, as if she was trying to look her in the eye.


“Are you mad, Picollina?” Carina asked, finding herself face to face with a very unimpressed little girl.


Jamie fussed, her bottom lip wobbling, but before she could start crying in earnest, Amelia plucked her from Carina’s hand.


“Hey, Mini DeLucs, what would you say to a nap?” Amelia asked. Jamie turned her head to look at Maya, her little brow furrowed.


Maya shrugged and booped Jamie’s nose.


“Ultimately it’s your decision, Jamie,” she said, which made Jamie turn back to Amelia. She seemed caught between wanting to cry and wanting to sleep, and when she reached out her little hand towards Carina, Carina took it, trying to remain still and calm.


Jamie wasn’t a huge fan of people she didn’t know and while she’d met Amelia before, Carina sensed that her baby had a touch of separation anxiety. It was to be expected given her traumatic birth and more recent traumatic custody battle. While she likely couldn’t remember either or the weeks she’d spent in the NICU, some subconscious part of her always wanted Carina or Maya close. It both worried Carina and made her heart feel like it was going to burst.


That this tiny life needed her? That Jamie recognized her? That she’d chosen Carina to be her mother?


Maya pressed her hand to Jamie’s back and they all watched as Jamie closed her eyes and yawned and finally fell asleep against Amelia’s shoulder.


Carina could tell that Amelia was somewhat bewildered by what had just happened, but she appreciated that for once, there was no flirtatious remark or sarcasm. Amelia knew everything the DeLuca-Bishops had been through to make their family. She knew all the pain and turmoil of the past few months.


As she stood from the chair, she winked, both hands holding Jamie, and for once Carina didn’t feel a pang of fear as she watched Amelia carry Jamie into the house. With every day that passed, they came closer and closer to signing the official paperwork. Jamie was safe and so were they.


Maya moved closer on the chair and Carina uncrossed her legs, helping to make room. She reached into the bag next to her, retrieving their sunscreen. Maya was burning through SPF 30. Carina would need to invest in something stronger.


“Come here,” Carina said, patting the space between her knees.


Maya glanced down at Carina’s hand and then up again. “We are in public, Dr. DeLuca.”


“Sì. And you are turning into a lobster.”


“A lobster?”


“Andiamo, Capitana!”


With an indulgent smirk, Maya settled between Carina’s legs, sighing lightly when Carina placed a kiss on the back of her neck. She seemed content, both hands finding Carina’s knees, and Carina belatedly realized that it was the first time they’d been alone all day.


Technically they were surrounded by her colleagues, but they had both focused almost entirely on Jamie since leaving SFD and now they had a moment of just the two of them.


Carina massaged sunscreen into Maya’s shoulders, frowning slightly at the pink skin.


“Bambina you need to wear a hat,” she chided, ignoring Maya’s annoyed grunt because even as she protested, she reached into their bag and found her Mariner’s cap.


As she placed it on her head, gathering her ponytail, Carina couldn’t help but kiss the back of her neck again. She knew Maya was likely hyper-focused on the outcome of her hearing. On the fact that she was going to leave 19.


By the time the hearing was over, A-Crew was long gone, called back to work, so Maya had sent a vague text to their group chat indicating that everything went well and she’d fill them in later. Telling her team that she was going would be hard. Stepping away from the only house she’d ever known would be harder.


But Carina also knew Maya well enough to understand that she’d talk when she wanted to and not a minute sooner.


“This is nice,” Maya said, relaxing under Carina’s touch.




“The party. It’s easier…”


Carina understood exactly what Maya was trying to say, even without words.


Easier than being with 19, with people who knew every detail of her life, every sin she’d ever committed. It was easier to think and process without questions, without drama. It was just…easier.


They sat quietly, Maya contemplative, Carina happy to spread sunscreen over Maya’s arms and back, teasing her fingers underneath the straps of Maya’s bathing suit. At one point Amelia dropped off a baby monitor and two additional margheritas and Carina decided to stop worrying about the future and focus on how perfect the moment felt.


Jamie was sleeping safely upstairs and Maya was leaning back against her. The day was warm and best of all, Maya was relaxed. She seemed almost peaceful.


Carina wrapped her free arm around Maya, pressing her hand just below her breasts.


There was something she wanted to ask Maya, something about the hearing, but she wasn’t sure how Maya would take it. It had haunted her for months, it had crept up on her in quiet moments, and with the hearing now over, she couldn’t keep it inside anymore.


“Maya?” She tightened her hold, coasting her lips over Maya’s shoulder.




“Did they…in the hearing, did they ask about Andrea?”


Of all the accusations Ross had hurtled at Maya, insinuating that she’d been responsible for Andrea’s death had broken Carina in a way she hadn’t thought possible. She knew Maya had nothing to do with Andrea’s murder, there was not an iota of doubt in her mind. But the fact that Ross had said it, that perhaps others at SFD had thought it too…


Maya sat up and turned on the chair, facing Carina. She took off her aviators and Carina felt compelled to remove her sunglasses too.


“They did,” Maya said, “they spoke to the FBI. Witnesses. They said I didn’t break protocol, that I did the right thing.”


Carina released a shaky exhale. Maya didn’t need absolution, but Carina wanted to make sure that Maya knew that too. That she believed it.


“They are right, Bambina. You believe them, yes?”


Maya nodded. “I told them what she said about you. It’s bothered me for months, the idea that something I did could’ve…that you could’ve…”


Carina’s attack was still so fresh. They lived with too many what if’s and too many nightmares. So, to hear that Maya had questioned herself thanks to Ross’s words…


“I…I didn’t apologize for what I said to her. I never will. I don’t care that she’s the Chief or my superior. No one can talk about you like that. No one,” Maya said, and Carina desperately wished they were truly alone.


Maya had said the same thing that horrible day in the hospital when she had heat stroke. The day she’d looked so defeated, so small. And now she was strong and bold, she’d stood up for herself and won. Maya’s inner strength, her passion and resolve, her refusal to back down…


Carina wanted to strip Maya naked and drown herself in Maya’s body. Maya seemed to sense her want too because she took Carina’s hand, squeezing it hard.


“We should check on Jamie,” Carina whispered, though she could clearly see that Jamie was fine on the baby monitor.


But Jamie was asleep in a guest room. A guest room that also contained a bed. And a lock on the door.


They shared a knowing smile, a silent promise, and just as Maya leaned in for a kiss, they heard a familiar voice calling for them.


“DeLuca-Bishop’s!” Bailey appeared by the pool, waving her phone, clearly a woman on a mission.


“Is everything okay, Miranda?” Carina furrowed her brow, though reminded herself that whatever Bailey had to say, it wasn’t Jamie related. Jamie was sleeping soundly, she was safe, this was something else.


“Bishop have you checked your email?” Bailey was out of breath as she approached, but her question made Maya visibly tense.


“Uh…no,” she said. Carina tucked her hand into Maya’s elbow, equally concerned.


“Benjamin just sent this. You’ll want to read it.” Bailey unceremoniously tossed her phone to Maya and crossed her arms.


Maya looked up. “Warren sends you classified SFD emails?”


“Of course he does.”


“Why don’t you send me classified SFD emails?” Carina asked, teasing, knowing Maya would never break protocol like that despite apparently being the most insubordinate person Natasha Ross had ever met.


Maya ignored the tease and started reading, her eyes widening as she did.


“Bambina, what is it?” Carina leaned forward, trying to read over Maya’s shoulder. Maya exhaled sharply, turning to meet Carina’s gaze. She was clearly surprised. Surprised and excited.


“Ross is leaving,” she said, which made Carina’s eyebrows shoot up in equal shock.




“It says she’s accepted a position in Chicago and will be leaving effective next month.”


It was the final piece of the puzzle. Carina had wondered where Ross fit into Maya’s hearing. It was obvious that SFD had conducted a thorough investigation and Natasha Ross could not have come out of it unscathed. Apparently SFD felt the same way.


“Benjamin told me that Sullivan is moving too. He’s still a Battalion Chief, but they’ve moved him across the city,” Bailey added, taking back her phone.


Carina watched as the smile on Maya’s face grew and grew. She so loved that toothy grin. It was as if Maya lost all inhibition when she smiled. It consumed her whole face, her entire self, and Carina scootched forward on the chair, unable to stay away.


She wrapped her arms around Maya’s hips, mindful that her boss was right next to them, but she needed to be in the moment with her wife. This moment of triumph.


Bailey seemed pleased too, though she stared at Maya with a knowing look.


“You’re leaving 19, aren’t you?” She asked, forward as always.


Maya sighed. “I haven’t told them yet. If you could…”


“Wouldn’t dream of it.”


After Bailey left, Maya remained comfortably in Carina’s arms, quiet again, thoughtful. Carina kissed her shoulder, her thoughts racing because so much had happened in such a short period of time. They still had so much to get through, but one of the most difficult challenges of their marriage, the first and longest lasting, had come to an end.


The sun set painted the sky in orange and gold and fairy lights around the yard made the space feel like a tucked away secret. There was laughter in the air and the smell of BBQ. They had nowhere to be, nowhere they had to be. It felt decadent. It felt stolen. Carina wished it could last forever.


As the children disappeared into guest room beds and pack and plays, the party continued outside. Maya had snagged an entire pitcher of margherita from the kitchen and while they were sober enough to keep an eye on Jamie’s monitor, the buzz was welcome too.


Kai and Amelia were hidden away in one corner of the yard, huddled together under a tree. Teddy was helping Owen with the BBQ and Meredith was inside with Maggie. When Maya stood up and extended her hand, Carina didn’t hesitate before taking it, though she was surprised as Maya led her to the pool.


The water was still warm from the afternoon sun and they both sighed as they stepped into the shallow end.  Lights from below cast shadows on Maya’s face, making her eyes look black, but Carina knew it was only a trick. She knew those eyes better than she knew herself.


Maya gathered her up, smiling softly when Carina wrapped her legs around her hips and her arms around her shoulders. They bobbed together, weightless, their bodies pressed so tightly. Again, Carina wished they were alone, she wanted to take off her bathing suit and Maya’s bathing suit, she wanted to feel her wife against her. Instead, she rolled her hips just enough so that Maya noticed.


The hands on her hips drifted down, squeezing her ass. Link and Jo were still in the pool, though far enough away that they weren’t paying attention the DeLuca-Bishop’s. It was very much a public space, though, so Carina didn’t push and Maya didn’t either.


“Teddy said we could take the guestroom for the night,” Carina whispered, tipping her forehead against Maya’s. They were both in no condition to drive and the prospect of wrestling Jamie’s car seat into an Uber felt less than ideal.


Maya nodded, nuzzling her nose against Carina’s.


Judging by the state of the other adults present, they wouldn’t be the only ones sleeping over.


Carina stroked her fingers up Maya’s necks, into her wet hair, pride swelling in her chest. She was about to tell Maya, but Maya leaned forward suddenly, tucking her face into Carina’s neck, kissing the small bandage just below Carina’s jaw.


“I am so proud of you,” Carina said, holding Maya’s head to her shoulder, “I am proud to be your wife. And Jamie is proud of you too.”


Two strong arms tightened around her body, holding her up.


Carina knew they always would.   




The captaincy and Carina were oddly intwined in Maya’s mind.


For someone who’d lived her life according to a plan, both the promotion and her wife had been unexpected. The timing was off.


Not wrong. Just off.


When Pruitt Herrera picked Maya for 19, she’d sometimes wondered if it was because she was Andy’s friend. She knew she was good. Yes, she was small, smaller than anyone else in her class, but she was strong and fast and skilled. Maya had no doubt in her abilities though she sensed that others often did no matter how many times she proved herself.


Captain Herrera had been a good captain, a great captain even. But he ran 19 as if it was a house full of his children. Andy and Jack at the head of the table, Maya, Vic, Travis, and Dean further down, watching the adults with little ambition.


Except Maya always had ambition, she just wasn’t sure what to do with it because the focus was always on Andy’s trajectory to the top. Andy made lieutenant and then Andy was studying for the captaincy and Maya supported her throughout. Because Andy was next.


Maya still wasn’t sure why she’d ever thought that way. The captaincy was about skill. It was often about politics. It wasn’t about nepotism, though the Herrera legacy certainly helped Andy earn a reputation quickly. Andy was good at her job, just as good as Maya, but 19 belonged to Andy in a way that no one else could claim.


The team blamed Maya for taking Andy’s captaincy, ignoring the fact that Pruitt had intervened, that Sullivan of all people had agreed with him. Maya was the villain. The thief. The usurper. It didn’t matter that she was good at the job or that she was willing to lay down her life for every single member of her squad. It didn’t matter because she wasn’t Andy.


And at the end of the day, that’s what it came down to.


She wasn’t Andy.


So who was she?


Maya stood staring at herself in the mirror, slightly tipsy, but not drunk enough to completely forget the racing thoughts that so often distracted her. She was in Teddy and Owen’s guest washroom, attached to their guest room, and her daughter and wife were just outside the door.


Her daughter and her wife.


Instead of going to 19 and talking to her crew after the hearing, she’d chosen to spend the day with her family amongst people she didn’t know well, but people who welcomed her without judgment. And she knew a lot of that had to do with Carina. They were kind to her because she was Carina’s wife.


But it was nice to be Carina’s wife instead of Maya Bishop, overly ambitious, selfish, heartless…


Maya braced herself against the sink, shaking her head, trying to find some balance.


As soon as she’d earned the captaincy, she’d lost her friends. They’d so easily stepped away from her, they’d so easily stopped calling, stopped inviting her out. They cut Maya out of their lives as if she’d never been there at all, as if she hadn’t offered them support and guidance, a place to sleep, food…


And as if the universe sensed this great injustice, it winked at her. It more than winked.


Maya became captain. And into her life walked Carina DeLuca.


And then Maya married Carina DeLuca. And was no longer captain.


But now she was captain again. And she was a mother.


And, and, and…


Maya leaned down and splashed cool water on her face, trying to shock herself out of her thought spiral. She wanted to be happy. In many ways she was. There was just so much…so much had happened and changed…so much of it was unplanned and unexpected…


A soft knock made Maya tense, but she relaxed when Carina cracked open the door and peeked her head inside.


“Are you okay?” She asked, eyeing Maya’s dripping chin and slightly shell-shocked expression.


Maya nodded. “Just thinking.”


Carina closed the door again and set Jamie’s monitor down on a nearby shelf. She was still in her bikini, a towel wrapped around her hips, and while she looked stunning, the spit-up on her shoulder was a reminder that they were no longer those two women on vacation for the first time, free to while away the hours with sex and alcohol.


They could while away some hours though, especially as the source of the spit-up seemed fast asleep.


“Good thinking or bad thinking?” Carina asked, reaching for a towel. Maya grabbed it first, running it under warm water before lathering it with soap.


“Both? I guess?”


She washed Carina’s shoulder, marvelling that she was no longer phased by things like poop and vomit because the Maya of a few years ago would’ve rather jumped out a window than clean up baby puke.


Carina was looking at her with a funny little secretive smile, but Maya decided not to call her on it. She finished drying Carina’s skin and then washed her hands, biting her lip when Carina appeared behind her in the mirror.


“Can I help you, Mona Lisa?” Maya said with a laugh


Carina dropped her towel to the floor and took a step closer, her pelvis firm against Maya’s ass.


“I was going to ask you the same thing, Capitana,” she smiled, her hands settling on Maya’s hips.


They were in a house full of Carina’s colleagues. Most were sleeping, there were children on every couch and blow-up mattress, but Maya also knew that their guest room had a lock.


And while she’d never, ever think of Carina as her trophy wife, Carina was totally her trophy wife, and Maya had made just Captain again. She was feeling cocky, more than cocky, and the alcohol and full day of watching Carina prance around in barely any clothes made her quickly dismiss any hesitancy about having sex in Teddy and Owen’s guestroom. She wanted to celebrate. They’d earned this.


She licked her lips, her eyes blazing into Carina’s as they stared ahead at the mirror.


“Take off your clothes,” Maya spoke softly, though there was grit behind her words. It wasn’t a request, it was an order. She turned, leaning back against the sink as she crossed her arms, looking at Carina expectantly.


Carina smirked and then shrugged, reaching behind her to loosen the strings on her top. It fluttered to the ground, quickly followed by her bottoms, leaving Maya with the perfect view of sun-kissed skin and tan lines.


Much of Maya’s bravado melted away as her brain formed one thought and one thought alone: touch.


She took one step forward, her eyes following the line of Carina’s collarbones, her arms. The bruising over Carina’s ribs had faded to a sickly looking yellow and green, but she was no less beautiful. If anything, the change from angry purple was a reminder of her strength, it was a reminder that she was healing. That they were healing.


“I think I should have a portrait of you painted for my new office,” Maya said, openly staring at Carina’s chest, her abs, the apex of her thighs, which left Maya feeling lightheaded from want.


“A portrait?” Carina laughed, “like one of your…what is it…French girls?”


“Did you just make a Titanic reference?”


“Sì. You are a very strong swimmer, Bambina.”


Maya reached out, dragging her fingertips across Carina’s abdomen.


“Take off my clothes now,” she said, again commanding, though she was becoming less interested in telling Carina what to do and much more interested in finding out what Carina had planned.


Her wife seemed especially pleased by the request, moving with comical speed as she pulled Maya’s top up and over her head. She worked equally fast on Maya’s bottoms and then pressed herself close, forcing a hiss from Maya’s throat. There was tension between them, an invisible wire, as if each was waiting for the other to strike first.


Carina tilted her head and licked her lips.


“May I reward mia capitana?” She asked, the question sending a chill down Maya’s spine.


“What did you have in mind?”


Maya expected Carina to pull her into the shower. She did not expect Carina to unceremoniously drop to her knees. Carina leaned in, biting Maya’s hip bone hard enough to make Maya hiss again.


Teeth were replaced with soft lips, as Carina placed both palms flat against Maya’s thighs.


“I probably taste like chlorine and sunscreen,” Maya laughed, though the sound died quickly as Carina dragged her nose just below Maya’s navel.


“No,” she said, darting her tongue between Maya’s legs, “you tase like paradiso.”


Maya flailed slightly as Carina sucked her clit, the pressure so hard that for a moment she worried she was going to fall over. With one hand on the sink and the other buried in Carina’s hair, she steadied herself and gave in to the overwhelming sensation Carina was creating with her tongue.


She whimpered, forcing herself to stay quiet even as Carina grazed her teeth over a particularly sensitive spot, but tugged Carina’s hair, wanting Carina to know how good it all felt. Maya let go of the sink, circling her hand around Carina’s skull, squeezing as Carina swirled her tongue just as she had on that damn popsicle…


Lucky popsicle.


Maya thrust forward, grinding herself against Carina’s face, unable to stop herself from smiling because she was Captain Maya Bishop and she was great and her wife was fucking her senseless and everything was amazing.


Carina lapped at her, holding onto her hips, encouraging Maya’s jerking movements.


“Babe…” Maya breathed, desperate not to cry out, “suck…please…I…Carina…”


Carina pulled back just enough for Maya to see her glistening lips and chin.


“Like this, mia capitana?” Carina flashed a cheeky grin before obeying Maya’s wish, the pressure building so quickly that Maya tipped her head back and gulped for air, her mouth dry from panting.


Her legs felt weak, she wasn’t sure she could stay standing much longer, and as if sensing that Maya’s strength had reached its limits, Carina reared up on her knees, doubling her efforts, moving her tongue just a little to the left and…


Maya clenched, she could not stop the low moan, she could not stop the roll of her hips as she sought Carina’s mouth again and again. Her body shook, she felt electricity surge from between her legs, blooming in her chest, eviscerating her brain, until all she could do was grab on to the sink again and try to stay verticle.


Carina stood, gathering Maya up, letting her ride out the aftershocks with gentle words and gentler touches. When Maya finally felt like herself again, she straightened, only for Carina to grab hold of her ass and keep her in place.


“Did you like your reward, mia capitana?” Carina asked, her lips sliding over Maya’s shoulder.


“More than like.”


“Do you know how good you taste?”


Maya growled and wrapped her arms around Carina’s back.


“Get into bed with me,” she whispered, licking Carina’s bottom lip before pulling it lightly with her teeth.


“Are you tired, mia capitana?”


“No,” Maya said, slipping her hand between them to slide her thumb over Carina’s nipple, “I’m not done with my reward.”


She moved her hand again, lower, cupping Carina between her legs.


Carina hummed, her fingers sharp against Maya’s skin.


“We can’t wake Jamie,” she said, breathless, and Maya had to hold in a disappointed groan. Her eyes darted around the small space, from the sink to the toilet to the shower and its very expensive looking handheld showerhead…


Without a word, Maya let go of Carina and stepped into the bathtub. She turned on the tap and then reached out her hand, helping Carina climb in. Before Carina could touch her, however, Maya returned to the tap, removing the handheld from its brace and testing the different pressure settings.


She guessed Carina was about to complain about being cold, so she worked fast, smiling when she found the setting she needed. Teddy and Owen had exceptional water pressure.


“Come here,” Maya said, closing her hand around Carina’s throat, mindful of the bandage. She didn’t squeeze, but she flexed her fingers, just enough to make Carina bite her lip and sigh. Carina eyed the showerhead Maya held and shot Maya a suspicious glance, though she did not object when Maya had her stand with her back to the tiled wall.


Maya watched as Carina’s breathing became ragged in anticipation. She felt like she was holding a loaded weapon, and she could tell from Carina’s short inhales and exhales that she was already preparing herself for what she knew Maya had planned.


“Kiss me,” Maya said, purposefully letting the water hit Carina’s thigh so she could feel how strong it was. How strong it was going to be.


Carina shuddered, leaning in, her mouth needy against Maya’s lips.


It was the perfect distraction.


Maya dragged her fingers down Carina’s body, finally settling between her legs.


“Bambina…per favore Tesoro…” Carina began, but stopped when Maya spread her open and aimed the shower head at her clit. The pressure was likely intense and given Carina’s widening eyes and the way her mouth fell open, Maya’s aim was true.


She squirmed, almost as if her body was trying to get away from the unrelenting torrent, but Maya watched carefully, knowing Carina would use their safe word if it was too much. Carina’s hands held on to Maya’s shoulders, squeezing, but Maya wouldn’t let her budge, forcing her to stay standing, encouraged not to relent by the way Carina’s head tipped back, by her hooded eyes, by the veins bulging in her neck.


Maya needed both hands, so she could only step forward, rubbing her breasts against Carina’s, enthralled by the rapid rise and fall of Carina’s chest. When their nipples brushed, Carina gasped so loudly that Maya caught her mouth in a kiss, trying to quiet her.


“Do you want the whole house to know what I’m doing to you?” Maya asked, her lips tickling Carina’s ear.


Carina was panting, but when Maya pulled back to hear her answer, she was surprised to see a smirk on Carina’s face.


“Sì, mia capitana,” she said before sinking her teeth into Maya’s shoulder and moaning.


The pain was exquisite. Maya gasped and then refocused, the feel of Carina’s bite and hands pulling her hair encouraging her to keep going, to show no mercy.


Not that Carina was asking for mercy.


Her hips rolled, her body writhed in pleasure, and the smirk was gone when Carina raised her head again, mouth open, Maya’s name on her lips. Begging. Pleading.


Maya was surprised when Carina raised one leg and hitched it against her thigh. The shower was slippery, so Maya pressed herself close again, keeping Carina steady with her body. She looked between them, her mouth watering at the sight of Carina so exposed, at how hard the water hit her body, and found herself moaning too. A quiet whine from the back of her throat.


“Cazzo, Bambina…io…devo…”


She bit down on Maya’s other shoulder and then jerked her hips, her muffled cries enough to tell Maya that she was coming, that her body was releasing, that she needed Maya to hold her up, to carry her through, and Maya felt so swollen at the sight that she almost finished again.


Carina’s hand finally tapped Maya’s wrist, though she was not able to speak yet, and Maya moved the showerhead away, placing it back in the bracket and switching the setting to a normal stream. The warm water felt nice, but Carina’s hand on her clit felt even nicer, and with two hard strokes Maya came again, lighter this time, but no less welcome.


“You are a very mean fire captain,” Carina said, her voice ragged and out of breath. She was giggly and affectionate, nuzzling Maya’s forehead with the tip of her nose.


Maya hummed, swaying their bodies from side to side.


“I think I am a very nice fire captain,” she said, biting her lip when Carina growled.


“Bambina, I can’t feel my clitoris. You are very mean.”


“Want me to check if it’s still there?”


“Idiota,” Carina pinched Maya’s ass, though any anger was purely for show because her grip on Maya tightened.


Maya tried to keep her laughter at bay as Carina became clingy. She found herself surrounded by long limbs and grasping hands, a sure sign that Carina’s orgasm had been earth shattering.


Maya understood the feeling.


She kissed Carina again, knowing that they needed to go to bed, that they were in a house surrounded by Carina’s colleagues and far from the privacy of their own home. But Maya couldn’t bring herself to stop and Carina held on like Maya could disappear.


Because what had started on the night of their wedding was over. The dark cloud hanging over what had otherwise been the best day of their lives before bringing Jamie home had evaporated. And neither wanted their moment of victory to end just yet.