
26. Chapter 26

“The main take away needs to be, act normal. Be yourselves, but not…too much yourselves. Just…normal. Am I clear?”


Maya paced back and forth across the Beanery, clipboard in hand, the muscle memory from her captaincy returning in full force. She made eye contact with each person seated around the table, hoping to convey the severity of the situation.


What lessened the impact somewhat was the fact that Jamie was strapped to her chest in a baby carrier, looking out with big blue eyes and a very drooly smile.


“Is she okay? The vein in her forehead looks like it’s going to pop,” Vic whispered, pointing towards Maya. Travis shrugged and turned back to tossing grapes at Theo’s head.


Maya was about to reprimand them, when she caught sight of Carina walking up the stairs next to Katherine. Glancing down at her checklist, Maya was pleased to see they were right on schedule.


Pack diaper bag

Dress Jamie

Bring Jamie to work

Carina picks up mom

Address the team

Carina and mom arrive


At the sight of Carina, Jamie started wiggling her legs, her babbles growing louder and louder as Carina approached.


“Ciao, mio piccola amore!” Carina cooed, pointing at Jamie who immediately wrapped her tiny hands around Carina’s fingers.


Maya nodded, pleased with the proceedings.


“Excellent timing,” she said with a nod before looking over Carina’s shoulder at Katherine.


“Buongiorno to you too,” Carina smirked, though Maya could tell she was nervous too. Nancy was due any minute for their first work-place visit and both moms were feeling the pressure.


They knew that Nancy was very much on their side. They also knew that the first home visit had gone very well. But there were far more variables at play in Station 19. Maya had once seen a man’s toes fall off in the clinic. Anything could happen. Anything.


She eyed her checklist again. There was no listing for “avoid rotting body parts.”


Katherine took Jamie’s diaper bag from Carina’s shoulder and looked at Maya expectantly.


“Mom, you sure you’re good with this?” Maya asked, already undoing the carrier’s straps so Carina could hold Jamie.


Katherine’s smile was wide. “Spend the day with my granddaughter? Are you kidding? I’m great with it!”


An alarm on Maya’s phone sounded indicating the beginning of phase two. It was time to open the clinic for the day.


“We’ll just be downstairs,” Maya said, rubbing her thumb over the back of Jamie’s neck. The baby had fully latched herself onto Carina’s shirt and Maya prayed there wouldn’t be too many tears when it was time to separate the two.


Behind them, Travis, Theo, and Vic stood up and started making their way downstairs to a chorus of hi Carina! and hi Mama Bishop! and hi Jamie!


It really was time to get going. Andy had graciously allowed Katherine to stay in the lounge with Jamie for the day and the Clinic meant that 19 wouldn’t need to attend any calls, so there was no worry of the klaxon sending everyone away.


With Carina on mat leave, the clinic also allowed Nancy the opportunity to see Carina in a workplace setting too. It was convenient, and far less complicated than having Nancy attend active fire scenes or operating rooms.


Jamie fussed as Carina passed her to Katherine, though she seemed to settle quickly.


“There are diapers, formula, three changes of clothes, baby Tylenol, her stuffed dino, a hat in case the air conditioning bothers her…” Maya pointed at the bag over Katherine’s shoulder, but stopped talking when Jamie showed off her newfound laughing skills with aaahhh-bbbbbb!


“Is Mommy funny?” Carina asked, stroking her hand over Jamie’s head.


“Mommy is just trying to stay organized and be prepared,” Maya said. Her phone buzzed in her pocket and when she checked the screen, she discovered that the front desk had sent her a message.


Nancy had arrived.


“Okay!” Maya said with a nod, “Jamie, Mama and I have to go. Be good for gran. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask.”


She took Jamie’s little hand and shook it, missing the incredulous look Katherine shot Carina who just shrugged and gazed at the back of Maya’s head with pure affection.


Maya barely waited for Carina to join her before trotting down the stairs. She was hyper-focused on the day ahead and first impressions mattered.


“Hello Nancy,” Maya extended her hand to the woman waiting in the lobby. Nancy held a large file-folder, but her face was friendly, so Maya tried not to focus on the reams of paperwork that apparently held their fate.


Nancy had a clipboard too. And Nancy’s clipboard was bigger than Maya’s clipboard.


Maya gulped.


“Maya, Carina, I’m very much looking forward to today,” Nancy was cheerful as ever and Maya felt herself forcing an overly wide smile.


It occurred to Maya that Nancy might want to know Jamie’s whereabouts too. She took one step forward, clasping her hands behind her back and clearing her throat.


“Jamie is upstairs with my mother. Her clothing is all fireproof and we only use organic shampoo and…”


Carina hand on Maya’s back silenced her, as did the surprised expression on Nancy’s face.


“Oh,” Nancy said, “that’s lovely! Good to know.”


Should I offer coffee? The coffee here is terrible. What if she sees the kitchen and decides it’s a biohazard? I told Travis to clean the stovetop…did Travis clean the stovetop? I might have to murder Travis.


“Now,” Nancy continued, “pretend I’m not even here. I’ll stay out of your was as much as possible. Think of me as a fly on the wall.”


Carina gestured towards the door to the barn, guiding Nancy forward.


“We do the clinic once monthly, though we’re trying to get funding to increase that,” Carina said, breezily pointing out their setup and numerous places Nancy could stand and observe for the day.


Unlike their first clinic day, word had spread amongst the community quickly and there was usually a lineup at the door before they could even open. Jack was especially relieved, concerned about Dean’s legacy and living up to his promise. For Maya, the clinic reflected well on the Station and that was important. Even though she was no longer captain, it was the kind of program she wanted to support.


Station 19’s current captain was in her office, the door closed, and Maya felt a familiar pang of tension when she thought of Andy. It was hard to see her in that office. Maya could admit that she was jealous. Part of her was offended by how easily 19 accepted Andy, how obvious it was that they felt Andy was the rightful captain.


Maya shook away her thoughts and returned to Carina’s side, pleased to see Nancy smiling and clearly interested.


“Bishop…” a voice whispered from one of the cubicles and Maya ducked her head in, raising an eyebrow at Warren who seemed to be hiding away.




“Just when you think it’s going bad, that’s when it’s actually going well. I thought my workplace visit was a disaster. Turns out I nailed it.”




Warren shot her a thumbs up, leaving Maya even more worried than before.


What if something really did go bad? What if a patient died or Ross showed up or…


“Here we go, 19!” Jack called, hitting the lever to open the barn door.


The sound centred Maya. She realized that Nancy was nowhere to be seen, undoubtably lurking in some corner. Carina was busy getting set up herself, which meant that Maya had a job to do too. She looked at her clipboard one more time and grimaced.


Survive the day




The morning passed without incident.


Maya was pleased by how mundane it was, how boring. Patients came and went, most with minor complaints. Carina stitched a nasty head wound while Nancy stood by, looking slightly green.


For once, the station felt drama-free and everyone was working like a well-oiled machine. Maya was practically skipping through the barn by the time lunch rolled around and they closed for a thirty-minute break.


Carina stood up and stretched her back, the silk material snagging across her chest much to Maya’s distraction.


Focus, Bishop! No sexing up your wife during the work-place visit.


Instead, Maya offered Carina her hand and led her to the steps.


“So usually we take turns making meals,” Maya explained as Nancy joined them, trying to remember who was in charge for the day.


Nancy nodded happily. “Oh, that’s lovely. Very communal!”


Maya was feeling quite smug. They were killing it. They were absolutely nailing it. Nancy was going to check-off all her boxes and some judge somewhere was going to look at it and Jamie would be officially adopted in no time.


Her smugness instantly evaporated, however, when the trio reached the top of the stairs, only to find pure chaos in the beanery.


Vic and Travis appeared to be mid-argument in the kitchen, both gesturing towards the oven. The smell of burned something was definitely in the air and Theo was staring into the sink, likely the location of the burned something.


But what really had Maya ready to keel over was Jack, who had Jamie up on his shoulders. She was so small that she was essentially lying on top of his head, and though he had both hands on her to keep her safe, the visual of her baby holding on to Jack Gibson’s stupid hair was enough to make Maya want to scream.


“Jack!” Carina’s voice rang out over the beanery, “Cosa stai facendo al mia bambina?”


The rapid-fire Italian gave everyone present pause and Jack winced, squinting his eyes.


“Uh…” he started to speak before Maya stepped fully into the room.


“Where’s my mom?” She asked, just as Katherine strolled out of the washroom and took in the scene.


Her eyes darted from Jack to Jamie and back at Jack and then she burst into laughter, holding her stomach as her shoulders shook. It broke the tension and suddenly there were pots and pans crashing and more laughter and the normal comradery that came with Station 19’s chaotic A-Squad.


Jack carefully plucked Jamie off his head and handed her to Carina who was still staring him down. But Jamie seemed no worse for wear. If anything, she was extra smiley, though that may have been because she was back in her mama’s arms. Sure enough, Jamie nuzzled her cheek against Carina’s shoulder and used one little hand to grab onto Carina’s shirt and Maya was fairly certain they were going to have a hard time prying her away.


“Did Uncle Jack make you laugh?” Maya asked through gritted teeth, stroking the top of Jamie’s head while shooting Jack a death glare.


Jamie turned to look at Maya, her drooly grin widening and Jack was smart enough to back away as soon as Maya was distracted by Jamie’s perfect little face. It was only belatedly that they realized Nancy was still standing behind them.


“Nancy,” Maya said, bracing herself, “I am so sorry, that’s not…”


Nancy was smiling ear to ear, eagerly jotting down something on her clipboard. She raised her head at the sound of Maya’s voice and from the look of her red cheeks, she’d been laughing too.


“Lovely, lovely!” She said, taking a step closer to Carina and offering Jamie her index finger, which Jamie took with a tentative squeeze. Nancy wasn’t Carina or Maya or gran, so Jamie was apparently not excited about shaking hands.


Maya tried to usher the group towards the table, trying to see if there was anything to eat or if lunch was going to be burned perogies. Thankfully, Travis’s mother appeared at the top of the stairs almost as soon as Maya had the thought and the sight of her hands full of soup containers made Maya want to reach out and kiss her.


Looking around the beanery, Maya couldn’t help but once more feel like they were nailing it. The squad was happily eating together, Nancy had a chance to see Jamie’s village up close in person including Katherine, and the social worker seemed enthusiastic and genuinely happy.


As Maya stood behind the counter grabbing an extra pitcher of juice, she allowed herself a moment to pause, a moment to review her own mental checklist. Everything was on time and as scheduled.


“Bishop,” Warren appeared behind her without warning and Maya jumped, slamming her hand to her chest.


“Jesus, Warren, what is with you today?”


“My social worker had a way better poker face. Looking good, looking good DeLuca-Bishops.”


He took the juice from her hand and strolled towards the table as if he hadn’t just scared the crap out of her.


Lunch proceeded as normal. The crew passed Jamie around, each taking a turn to hold her or tickle her. Vic even sang to her which resulted in Jamie staring up in wonder, her little legs kicking in excitement. Maya watched as each of her friends interacted with her baby – she watched as each one adored her, and it made her feel both a pang of sadness and of gratitude.


She wished that life was simple, that she could stay at 19 with her found-family and raise her baby surrounded by the station’s warmth. She wished that there was no need for her investigation, that there was no chance of her needing to leave.


But watching Jamie with her friends strengthened Maya’s resolve too. She didn’t want her daughter in a toxic environment. She didn’t want Jamie to see a world where women couldn’t speak up, where her mom couldn’t speak up. Maya would always be grateful to 19, she was proud to be part of Pruitt Herrera’s legacy, but she would also do anything to protect her family and show Jamie that standing up against wrongs was the right thing to do.


As the crew finished lunch, Jamie finally made it back to Maya’s arms. The baby immediately relaxed and so did Maya, lifting her in both hands so she could kiss her cheeks over and over.


Carina appeared in her peripheral vision and it wasn’t until she pressed her lips to Maya’s temple that Maya realized she was so close by.


“Sei bella,” Carina whispered before taking Maya’s empty plate and carrying it to the kitchen. Maya watched her go, love-struck as always, and then turned back to Jamie who scrunched up her face in a way that let Maya know a diaper change was necessary. She stood, making a quick stop in the lounge for Jamie’s diaper bag, but before she could walk into the washroom, Natasha Ross appeared at the top of the stairs.


Both Maya and Ross paused, awkwardness descending.


“Bishop,” Ross said, curt.


Maya nodded back, subconsciously tightening her grip on Jamie. When Andy strolled down the catwalk seconds later, the situation became even more intense, as Andy looked from Ross to Maya, clearly picking up on the tension.


“Uh, Chief Ross, there’s some paperwork that needs your signature in Sullivan’s office,” Andy explained, obviously trying to defuse the situation.


Ross ignored Andy’s request.


“I assume this is the baby in question?” Ross asked, smiling what appeared to be a genuine smile.


The baby…


“Yes. This is Jamie,” Maya said, hyper-aware that Nancy was nearby. The last thing they needed was a confrontation.


Ross’s smile widened. “She’s very sweet, Bishop, congratulations again.”


Maya was about to say thank you and move on, but Ross reached out her hand first, stroking her finger down Jamie’s cheek.


Which made Jamie burst out into tears so loud that even Maya startled. Ross snatched her hand back, eyebrows raised, and Maya had to bite her lip to keep from laughing.


“Sorry,” she said, “she just really needs a diaper change.”


“Of course. Hererra? You were saying?” Ross spun on her heels, practically speed-walking away, and Maya was relieved to see her go. She made a mental note to thank Andy later.


As soon as Maya walked into the washroom, Jamie stopped crying. It was like someone had turned off the faucet. She looked up at Maya with her silly little smile and Maya couldn’t help grinning back.


“You’re my girl, Jamie. That was awesome.” Maya bumped her fist with Jamie’s, choosing to believe that Jamie’s outburst was purely out of spite and had nothing to do with her soggy diaper.


With one final kiss to the top of Jamie’s head, Maya got to work, the smile never leaving her face.




The afternoon continued in much the same way as the morning. Patients came and went, Nancy lurked in the corner with her clipboard, and Maya had to keep the pleased smirk off her face.


She stood by the front of the barn, checking-in patients and going on supply-runs when needed, though her supply-runs were usually code for go tickle Jamie’s tummy. It was only when she turned towards the front door that she realized a young girl was watching her with frightened eyes.


“Hi,” Maya said, approaching cautiously, “can I help you?”


“Uh…I…this is the clinic, right?”


The girl looked no more than fourteen. Maya sensed fear radiating from every pore.


“It is,” Maya nodded.


“Are you a doctor?”


“No, but I’m a trained EMT. And we have doctors here too. Would you like to see one?”


The girl swallowed hard and then winced, one hand pressing against her stomach. Her clothes were baggy, but Maya could tell that whatever the problem was, it was definitely abdominal.


“Maybe? It’s kinda embarrassing though…”


“Trust me, the doctors here have seen it all. They don’t think anything is embarrassing. Can you tell me your name? I’m Lieutenant Bishop, but you can call me Maya.” Maya extended her hand, feeling like she was talking to a scared colt.


“Uh…I’m Sasha.”


“Hey, Sasha. Do you mind if I ask your age?”


Sasha dug into her back pocket for her wallet and handed Maya a driver’s license. Despite her youthful looks, Sasha was apparently eighteen, which made things easier. There was no need for parental permission or special forms.


Still, eighteen was young and Sasha was clearly afraid.


“Okay, perfect,” Maya said, handing back the card, “if you follow me, we can find you a doctor.”


“They’re nice, right? I…my doctor is really judgemental and I don’t have insurance and…”


“The doctor I have in mind is the nicest.”


Sasha winced again as she started walking, bracing herself against a nearby table. She let out a low moan, clearly suffering, and Maya decided to speed up the process. She grabbed a nearby wheelchair and had Sasha sit down, patting her shoulder as they started rolling.


“Dr. DeLuca,” Maya called out, knowing Carina was likely nearby.


A familiar face popped out of one cubicle, motioning for Maya to come forward.


“Sasha, this is Dr. DeLuca. As I was saying before, she really is the nicest,” Maya said.


“Hello, Sasha. Would you like to hop up on this table for me?” Carina motioned to the gurney behind her, but Sasha groaned, clamping her hand around Maya’s wrist.


“Can you stay?” Sasha asked through gritted teeth.




“Sorry. You just remind me of my sister. She left for college and I know it’s stupid, but she’s half-way across the country and…you just…”


“No problem,” Maya said, trying to ignore the small pang in her chest as she thought of Mason.


With Maya’s help, Sasha lay down on the gurney, both hands resting on top of her stomach.


“Sasha can you tell me what’s wrong?” Carina asked, dawning gloves. Maya stood near Sasha’s head, trying to stay out of Carina’s way.


“My stomach has been hurting since yesterday, but when I woke up this morning and went to the bathroom…ugh this is embarrassing…”


“I have pulled a flashlight out of a grown man’s rectum. Nothing is embarrassing,” Carina said with a shrug, which made Sasha drop her jaw in shock and Maya mumble Carina in half-affection, half-exasperation.


“Okay,” Sasha continued, “so…I went to the bathroom and there was like this gush…like I didn’t know the body could pee that much at once, and then things really, really started to hurt. I tried to take an advil, but it didn’t work.”


Carina raised her eyebrows and Maya did too.


“Sasha, do you mind if I lift your shirt?” Carina asked, waiting for Sasha to give her consent. Sasha nodded and Carina pulled up the hem of Sasha’s hoodie, revealing a very small bump. Carina’s poker face was impeccable because she didn’t react at all. Maya, meanwhile, was quickly putting the pieces together and had to refrain from yelling oh shit!


Carina circled the gurney, calm as always. “Sasha, when was the last time you had your period?”


“Uh…I don’t know? It’s irregular…I’m on the track team, or I was…graduated two months ago…”


Maya and Carina exchanged another look and Maya could only nod her head in understanding. Her period hadn’t been regular until after the Olympics. She’d saved a fortune on tampons in high school.


“And when is the last time you were sexually active?” Carina’s voice was calm, steady, totally without judgement, but Sasha’s cheeks turned red nonetheless.


“Oh, I mean…like…like a few months ag…oh my God.”


Sasha tried to sit up, clearly panicked, but Maya stepped in, her hand on Sasha’s shoulder, gently holding her down.


“It’s okay, Sasha,” she said, “you’re going to be just fine.”


Carina offered Sasha a warm smile, a smile that always made Maya feel safe. She could see it working on Sasha immediately.


“Sasha, I would like to examine you with a portable ultrasound. I will need you to remove your pants. Is there anyone you’d like us to call?”


Sasha shook her head, her breathing rapid.


“Bambina, could you get the ultrasound, some towels, the portable heart rate monitor…” Carina listed, clearly distracted enough to use a pet name in front of the public.


“On it,” Maya said, but Sasha’s hand found hers and squeezed.


Carina pat Sasha on the knee one more time, understanding that she wanted Maya to stay.


“I’ll go gather everything,” she said, disappearing and leaving Maya alone with a very panicked teenager.


“Sorry, sorry, this is just…is she saying…I’m…” Sasha was nearly hyperventilating as she spoke.


Maya took a deep breath. “Carina is the best, okay? I would literally trust her with my life. And my kid’s life. And I don’t trust anyone with my kid. Hardly even myself.”


“That’s…you guys must be really good friends.”


Maya saw the tiny rainbow flag pin on Sasha’s backpack and took a chance.


“Well, she is my wife, so I have to say nice things,” she said, pleased to see Sasha smile.


“Oh! That’s really cool. And you have a kid?”


Sasha was afraid and alone and small talk was apparently helping her focus, so Maya decided to just keep on speaking.


“We do. She’s upstairs right now.”


“Who’s upstairs?” Carina asked, bustling in with her arms full of equipment. Vic dipped her head in too, dropping off towels and the portable vital signs monitor.




If Carina was surprised by Maya disclosing personal information to a patient, she didn’t show it. Instead, she smiled upon hearing Jamie’s name, and then quickly set up equipment all around Sasha.


“Can I take off your pants and underwear? We will cover you with this towel,” Carina said, waiting again for consent.


At this, Sasha started sniffling, tears dripping down her cheeks, and Carina stopped everything to come stand beside her and take her hand.


“Sasha?” She asked, so gently.


The teenager nodded, looking right at her.


“I know this is very scary, but I am going to be here with you the whole time. And so is Maya. I’m going to start with an ultrasound and then I will need to check your cervix.”


“I didn’t know,” Sasha confessed, “how did I not know? I barely gained any weight…I thought it was just because I stopped running.”


“Are you sure there’s no one we can call?” Maya asked. Sasha shook her head.


“What am I supposed to do? I’m going to college next year. I don’t want a kid!”


Carina squeezed Sasha’s hand. “When we are done here, I am going to send you to Grey-Sloan to see my colleague, Jo Wilson. Do not worry about insurance or anything like that. But Dr. Wilson will help you look at your options and I will see you tomorrow too. For now? I need to examine you and make sure you and the baby are okay.”


“Baby,” Sasha whispered, still clearly in disbelief.


“Maya can you get a blood pressure read? Do heartrate too and temperature.” Carina took her spot at the foot of the gurney again.


“Wait!” Sasha looked around, “this is a fire station! I can’t have a baby in a fire station!”


“You wouldn’t be the first,” Maya said, which made Sasha tilt her head.




“Nope. Yours will be the third.”


“Oh. Okay. I…okay,” Sasha motioned towards her jeans and Carina stepped forward again.


Maya couldn’t help but feel warm all over as she watched Carina work with such care. She was gentle and friendly, she told Sasha every single thing she was doing, from removing the teenager’s jeans and underwear, to draping a towel over her pelvis. When she had the ultrasound equipment set up, Carina quickly spread gel on Sasha’s abdomen and used the wand, concentrating on the small screen.


Her eyes narrowed and Maya stared, wondering what it was about Carina doing her job that she always found so impossibly attractive.


Her confidence. Her intelligence. Her expertise.


Carina sat down on a stool, taking position between Sasha’s legs.


“You’re going to feel my hand now, okay?” Carina said, waiting for Sasha to nod.


She winced as Carina worked, but Maya held her hand, squeezing tight.


“I only did it once,” she whispered in a voice so small that Maya barely heard her.


“You only did…”


“Sex. Just one time at a party. I…it’s so stupid,” Sasha cried, a contraction stealing her words.


“Hey,” Maya said, “it’s not stupid, okay?”


“I didn’t want to still be a virgin when I went to college. It’s so stupid! It seemed like everyone else was having sex, but I was so busy with track…it wasn’t even good! It really hurt and I didn’t even like him that much even though he was nice…and we used protection and everything…”


Jamie is never leaving the house. She is never allowed to talk to boys. Or look at boys. I am going to buy her two big dogs. Two big dogs and a wolf. She’s going to learn krav maga. Starting tomorrow. Krav maga lessons. They must have krav maga lessons for babies…


“Boy are dumb,” Maya grumbled, which made Carina whip her head up from the foot of the bed.






Carina pursed her lips, but turned back to Sasha, patting her knee.


“These things happen,” Carina said, “but sex should never hurt, Sasha. It just means you weren…”


Maya scoffed. “Carina? Seriously? Now?”


Before Carina could respond Sasha laughed, a noise so surprising that the DeLuca-Bishops paused their argument to look at her.


“Are you two always like this?” She asked, gritting her teeth as another contraction began.


Maya squeezed Sasha’s hand, trying not to bark in pain. The girl had a strong grip.


“Sasha, when you feel your next contraction, I want you to push,” Carina instructed, her eyes finding Maya’s.


If Sasha was ready to push, she was fully dilated, which meant that she’d essentially made it to the Station in the nick of time.


“Can you…” Sasha huffed, “can you tell me about the other…ugh…the other babies born here?”


Carina nodded for Maya to go ahead.


“There was a huge blizzard a few years ago and we opened the Station for people stuck in the roads or who just couldn’t get home,” Maya said, reaching for a nearby towel to wipe Sasha’s forehead, “and one of the firefighters…Dean…his girlfriend showed up here in active labour, but we couldn’t get her to the hospital, so she had no choice but to have the baby here. On the floor of the washrooms actually…”


Sasha groaned but was clearly listening.


“And I didn’t know anything about delivering babies, but…I’d been texting a very beautiful OB from Grey-Sloan, which was extremely convenient given the circumstances,” Maya caught Carina’s eye, earning her a sly grin.


“Was the baby okay?” Sasha asked, panting.


“She was! She actually just turned four.”


Maya could still remember the exhilaration. She remembered holding Pru and Dean coming in to see his baby for the first time. But what she remembered most was the sun that morning, pink and orange and warm enough to melt the snow. She’d stood outside the station, the wind turning her cheeks red, and all she’d wanted in that moment was to see Carina DeLuca again.


She remembered texting Carina, the anticipation of Carina’s reply. And she also remembered what happened later. She remembered taking off Carina’s clothes for the first time. How painfully gorgeous she was. How Maya’s heart had start beating so quickly, how warm Carina’s mouth was, how good it felt to touch her.


How after it was done, Maya realized she wasn’t interested in a Wednesday night pursuit. And how she’d pushed that thought away, ignoring it, pretending that the scent of Carina’s perfume hadn’t followed her for days. How the scent of Carina on her fingers hadn’t driven her to distraction.


Sasha’s yell pulled Maya from the memory, but she just knew that when the day was done, when Jamie was safely sleeping in her crib, she was going to take Carina to bed and love her and taste her and revel in the fact that they belonged to each other.


“I think I have to push,” Sasha yelped, struggling on the gurney.


Maya grit her teeth and held on, listening to the teenager scream in pain while Carina calmly gave her instructions.


“And again,” Carina said, encouraging.


Maya squeezed Sasha’s shoulder, trying to give her support. “Almost at the finish line, kid, a few more laps and you’re there.”


“I hate running!” Sasha practically screamed, leaning forward as she pushed again.


Maya blanched. “Message received!”


“Sasha, I can see the baby’s head. You’re doing so well.” Carina tapped Sasha’s leg.


There was another push and then another and Maya found herself wondering if her hand was broken. She hadn’t expected to do this for anyone other than Carina and the thought alone…


Maya chanced a glance at her wife, suddenly overwhelmed by the image of Carina someday giving birth, of Carina in pain, holding on, screaming…


“Good, good, good,” Carina said, getting ready to catch the newborn.


With one more push, Carina instructed Sasha to stop, only for her to request one more push to finish the job.


Sasha obeyed, her face red with exertion, but as she yelled out in pain, another voice joined the chorus, a high, whining, sobbing voice coming from Carina’s arms.


“It’s a girl,” Carina said, smiling, though she was obviously tempering her exuberance. The situation was complex and no one wanted to force Sasha to feel a certain way. Sasha lay gasping for breath on the table, her face stained with tears, but she tentatively reached out as Carina lay the baby on her chest.


“Do you want to cut the cord?” Carina asked, holding a clamp towards Maya.


“Uh…no,” Maya said, staring at the clamp before meeting Carina’s confused gaze. Carina did the job and then instructed Maya to take the baby so she could help Sasha deliver the placenta.


It was only as Maya held the little bundle that she realized there was a crowd outside the cubicle. She poked her head out, shocked to see half the station standing outside, including Nancy.


“Did someone just give birth?” Jack asked, incredulous, and Maya rolled her eyes. She was literally holding a newborn baby.


“Obviously. But everyone let’s give her some privacy, okay?”


When she returned to Sasha’s side, the teenager seemed much calmer though she was still clearly in shock.


“Can I hold her?” She asked.


“Of course you can,” Maya said, helping Sasha take the infant.


Sasha pulled down the blanket, staring at the baby’s face for a moment before looking up at Maya again.






“Could you call my sister for me? The number is in my phone.”


Maya pat Sasha’s arm once before chancing a quick glance at Carina who was gazing back at her with soft eyes.


“Sure think, kid,” she said, “sure thing.”




Maya and Carina stood side by side as they watched Warren drive away with Sasha in the Aid Car. They were both smiling, the adrenaline of the afternoon very much still coursing through their veins and as always, Maya found herself feeling very mushy inside over her wife’s brilliance.


She would’ve said as much if Nancy hadn’t appeared, her excitement palpable.


“That was incredible!” She said, gesturing with her clipboard.


Carina shrugged. “Anything can and does happen in the clinic.”


“But delivering a baby? I’ve been on a lot of work-place visits and seen a lot of things, but that? Never in all my days!”


Maya held back from pumping her fist in victory.


“Would you like to see Jamie again?” She asked instead, unsure if Nancy needed to do a check on Jamie’s well-being too.


Nancy shook her head. “No, we’re good here. We’ve got one more home-visit scheduled for six weeks from now, and I really shouldn’t say this out loud, but I am going to do everything in my power to get these adoption papers signed as soon as possible. Everything else at this point is theatre.”


Carina’s hand found its way into Maya’s, her cold fingers a sure sign that she was excited.


“That would be,” Maya began, shocked to find her throat closing with emotion, “that would be amazing, Nancy. Thank you.”


“Grazie mille,” Carina repeated, bouncing on her feet just enough to let Maya know that she was three seconds away from hopping up and down.


Nancy took a few last notes and then waved goodbye, leaving the DeLuca-Bishops alone on the sidewalk.


“We killed that,” Maya whispered, giggling when Carina took her hand and started skipping towards the door.


“We really did!” She said, dragging Maya with her, past the front desk, up the stairs, and finally into the bathroom where they could have a moment alone.


Carina wrapped her hand around the nape of Maya’s neck and pulled her closer, smiling into a kiss. She was half sighing as she pressed her mouth to Maya’s and Maya couldn’t help but join her, wrapping her arms around Carina’s middle to pull her as close as possible.


“There’s something about watching you deliver babies…” Maya breathed, brushing her hand over Carina’s side, the silk of her blowse wonderfully soft against her palm.


Carina gasped a little as Maya cupped her breast over her shirt, clearly surprised by the bold move.


“Mmm…why wouldn’t you cut the cord?” She asked, her free hand hovering just over Maya’s belt buckle.


It took Maya a moment to remember what Carina was talking about. Another moment still to remember why she’d refused in the first place. She’d barely been conscious of the why before she’d spoken. Now she was.


“I only want to do that when it’s our baby,” Maya said, leaning back to look at Carina’s face.


“Our baby?”


“When you have our baby. I don’t want to cut the cord for any other baby. Just ours.”


Carina’s eyes nearly turned black. She growled, the hand on Maya’s neck squeezing.


“I wish we weren’t at work right now,” she hissed, cupping Maya over her trousers. Maya bit her lip, silencing her moan.


“Oh?” She managed, smirking when she felt a hard nipple beneath her palm.


“I need to taste you.”


Maya clenched, trying with difficulty not to give in to Carina’s words. They were at work. The door was unlocked. And Maya was getting tired of quickies and stolen touches. She wanted hours with Carina. Hours to do every single thing she wanted to do.


She licked a path up Carina’s neck, kissing the warm pulse point she found, greedy with want.


“Are you wet?” She asked, nipping Carina’s earlobe.




“Tell me.”


“Sì. Tutto per te.”


Something possessive coiled in Maya’s stomach, something primitive triggered, something….


A loud, very familiar wail filled the air, alerting Maya and Carina that just outside the door, their baby was still very awake and likely in need of attention. They both laughed a little, forehead to forehead, breathless, but achingly happy.


“Her timing is worrisome,” Maya laughed and Carina agreed, nodding.


“Tonight. When she is sleeping. I will show you what you have done to me.” Carina’s words were a promise, one Maya clung too as they straightened their clothing and headed towards the door.


Maya had much to show Carina too.




Laughter followed them all the way home.


Maya laughed as she drove, listening to Carina sing a silly song in Italian while Jamie gurgled along.


They laughed in the elevator up to their apartment. And they stayed laughing as they walked through the front door, relief at surviving the day washing over them. Maya couldn’t remember ever feeling so happy, so content. She watched Carina carry Jamie into her nursery and sighed, wondering what she’d done to deserve the good she now had.


Even with the investigation looming, Maya felt hope for the first time in a long time.


When her phone rang, she smiled again, seeing that it was Nancy undoubtably calling to congratulate them on an excellent work-place visit.


“Hi, Nancy, “Maya said, still distracted by the sound of Carina singing to Jamie from the bathroom.




Nancy’s voice was serious. Serious enough that Maya’s smile faded.


“What’s wrong?” She asked, unsure how to brace for whatever was to come next. She heard a heavy inhale on the other end of the line.


“Jamie’s grandmother has come forward. She’s contesting the adoption.”