
From Slave to Master

Billy is sold by his supposed parents to a very wealthy lady, Morgan Adams due to debts they owe. Morgan turned out to be a sassy and bossy master, who treated him like a slave until he could no longer take the abuse from her. He vows to find retribution. Billy wins a lottery that turns him into a billionaire overnight. He could only seek revenge for the humiliation she put him through, and he repays his parent's debt. His owner could not accept his freedom. This leads to the path of payback and conspiracies between him and his former master that led Billy into a trap of forced marriage when his lover, Chloe was kidnapped and he was blackmailed into being the husband of his previous master. He found his way out when he finally had an ace up his sleeve, but his lover was heartbroken.

Jane_lynn · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter Four

Billy stared around as he walked into the casino, the place was roughly packed with people of all manners, he could see people of all manners. Men in expensive suits, people poorly dressed, some were smoking others had women in their laps. He got to the counter and a burly-looking man held out his hand.


"Entry fee please" he said curtly and Billy handed him fifty bucks, the man peered at the money and raised it to the light, he stared at it for thirty good seconds then he nodded and motioned for Billy to go in.


Billy walked to a bar and sat on an empty barstool. A bartender offered him a drink and he shook his head, he didn't have any more money left to afford a drink.

The bartender leaned down and whispered in his ear.


"This drink was bought for you by that lady over there" he said and pointed to a beautiful lady even more beautiful than Morgan, she waved at Billy and he inclined his head and grabbed the glass of brandy. He lifted the glass to his lips and slowly drank. The brandy was spicy and burned down his throat but he liked it that way. He watched the lady and she walked over to him.


"Hey" she said and he nodded.


"Hey" he responded, she smiled at him. Billy found her smile contagious and his lips lifted up into a smile.


"I have never seen you here before, you want something?" She asked and Billy nodded.


"Yeah, I am here to get rich" he said and she smiled amused, she slipped into an empty barstool beside him.


"Most People have been here for trying but haven't even gotten rich" she said and Billy shrugged and resumed sipping his drink.


"I am not most people" he said and she smiled.


"I like that, that determination" she said and Billy chuckled.


"Determination? He said it's desperation" he said and she laughed.


"That's funny, but desperation leads to determination sometimes" she said and Billy shook his head.


"It leads to foolishness like I am about to do" he said and she smiled.


"Like you said, you are not most people. You might get lucky tonight. What do you wanna play" she said and he sighed.


"I honestly don't know" he replied and her eyes lit up.


"You play predictions, right? There is someone I know that is willing to sponsor you and when you win you give him half." She said and I stared at her in surprise.


"Really, how much do they stake on people?" he said and she smiled ruefully.


"Thirty million" she said and Billy's eyes widened.


"Hell no! Dollars?" He asked and she nodded. He steeled his nerves and nodded.


"Okay, what are we predicting?" He asked and she grabbed his hand and pulled him from his



"Come on, I'll show you" she led him to the back and they stepped out into the fresh air. In front of them was an open field where dogs were kept and he could tell they were racing dogs. Billy suddenly noticed she was rubbing small circles in his palm with her thumb and for some reason he liked it, she noticed and pulled her hand away.


"Sorry" she muttered and Billy nodded.


"It's okay, I kind of liked it" he said and their eyes met. She looked away and gave a nervous laugh.


"Thanks" she said and she led him to the place where other guys were waiting.


"Pick a dog" she said and Billy picked the one with the number three tag. He silently prayed to whatever divine being was out there to let luck be on side. He could hear snickers from the other guys who picked other dogs.


"That dog is the weak one among the others, he had never even come up to four places" She explained and he sighed, he couldn't help but like the German shepherd. The dog stared at him with soulful brown eyes and Billy rubbed the dog's head and it let out a whine.


"Win this for me buddy, I promise to take you out of this shithole" he said and the dog licked his hand as if it understood what was needed and it faced the track in determination, the other competitors readied their dogs, the lady turned to him and patted him on the back.


"Good luck with your dog" she said and Billy nodded, someone counted to three and blew the whistle, everyone cheered and gathered to watch the race from the big screen.


Billy could see his dog behind and his new friend shook his head sadly. Billy sighed, the poor dog was giving everything he had, the raced on until the returning lap and the spectators cheered then Billy realized something, his dog was saving strength during the first and second laps but now he was running like crazy, and within minutes he passed the other dogs and was neck to neck with the only one ahead, the spectators hollered louder and Billy literally sat on the edge of his seat.


Please, please, please, he silently urged, he could see the dogs now approaching, neither of them wanting to give up but in one final burst of speed, his dog raced for all its worth, passed his competitor, crossed the finish line and crashed onto the ground exhausted.


The crowd cheered and Billy rushed to the dog and poured water on its face. It jerked and Billy fed it water and it drank, panting hard.


"You did it buddy, you are leaving this place" he said. His friend tapped him on the shoulder.


"Wow," she said, "This dog must really fancy you to run like that" Billy nodded and she brought out a phone.


"Your details. So we'll transfer the money" she said and Billy stared at her in surprise. He couldn't believe it,

He was a millionaire.