
From Slave to Master

Billy is sold by his supposed parents to a very wealthy lady, Morgan Adams due to debts they owe. Morgan turned out to be a sassy and bossy master, who treated him like a slave until he could no longer take the abuse from her. He vows to find retribution. Billy wins a lottery that turns him into a billionaire overnight. He could only seek revenge for the humiliation she put him through, and he repays his parent's debt. His owner could not accept his freedom. This leads to the path of payback and conspiracies between him and his former master that led Billy into a trap of forced marriage when his lover, Chloe was kidnapped and he was blackmailed into being the husband of his previous master. He found his way out when he finally had an ace up his sleeve, but his lover was heartbroken.

Jane_lynn · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter Five

Billy stared at her still in shock, he had received the alert on his phone minutes ago and was still in a state of shock, he, a pauper, had fifteen million dollars in his bank account. The first thing he did of course was to purchase his German shepherd friend and the dog had not wanted to leave his side but he had to give the dog to his lady friend to take care of. She was smiling at him now.


"I said coming here was not foolish. It was smart" she said and Billy smiled at her.


"Thank you, you made me the millionaire I am now" he said and she smiled, their eyes met for a moment before she looked away and blushed.


"My name is Billy" he said and she smiled and extended her hand.


"Chloe. Nice meeting you Billy" she said and kissed him on the cheek, "I hope to see you again, Billy" she said and he smiled.


"You will Chloe. Please take care of...."


"Jack" she said and he smiled at the dog.


"Nice name, please take care of Jack for me" he said and waved, Jack whined and howled but Billy smiled he would come back to them both but for now he had business to attend to. He got home and walked in and as usual, Morgan was lounging on a sofa and she was scowling.


"Where have you been?" she snapped and he stared at her, right in the eye, something he usually didn't do.


"I was out" he said and she shot up abruptly to her feet and slapped him hard across the cheek, the hit stung but Billy said nothing instead he just gave her his most predatory stare.


"Who do you think you are?" She asked and he stared at her.


"Remember your parents owe me and you are mine until they pay back" she seethed and he smiled.


"And if I want to pay back?" He said and she let out a cruel laugh.


"You?" She said incredulously, "What sort of sick joke is that? You are as poor as a church rat" she said and Billy didn't say a word.


"Send your details, Morgan" he said and she stared at him in shock.


"Did you call me by my name?" she asked and Billy shrugged.


"That's your name isn't it" he said and she glared at him.


"Do you know how much your parents owe me?" she said and he raised a brow.


"How much?" He asked and she smirked.


"Seven hundred thousand dollars, now let's see how you can pay that. And I swear to God that

If you can't pay you'll regret ever being born" she said but Billy ignored her and sent her money. Her phone vibrated and she stared at Billy in shock.


He smirked and walked past to gather his things, she thought he was done but this was just the starting.


"Where are you going?" She asked and four of her hefty bouncers came out and blocked Billy's way. "For your information, I don't care where you stole that money from but you are going nowhere you are my pet and you can't leave me." She said and Billy nodded and smiled.


"I have paid your damn money, leave me alone" he snarled but she smirked.


"You see Billy, the thing is that I just want your life to be hell. I don't know why, but I just hate you. You better drop your belongings back or these men beat you to death," she said and Billy nodded and whistled the door opened and two armed special security came in holding assault rifles and dressed in full combat gear. The bouncers stepped back and Billy smiled coldly at them.


"You guys have been enjoying beating me up huh? Today is your day lads" he said and turned to the security. "Take them away" he said, and then led the four bouncers outside. He walked closer to Morgan then he slapped her head across her face and he smiled coldly.


"That's a warning shot dear" he said and plopped into a sofa and crossed his legs, "Sit" he said and scowled and didn't do as he asked it when one of his security personnel pointed a gun at her, she sat down.


"How did you become rich?" She asked and he shrugged.


"The universe was tired of me being your....." he made some signs in the air with his fingers,


"Pet" he finally said and she scowled.


"Don't tell me you didn't enjoy it" she said and Billy raised a brow.


"Enjoy it?" He repeated, "You are telling me a full-grown man enjoys being pushed to the ground by a woman who is dry-humping my buttocks or being made to walk around naked in his house." He paused.


"What do you think I am? A masochist?" He asked and she stared at him.


"Yes" she said. He nodded and stood, he moved closer to her and bit her on the earlobe. He smiled when she stifled a moan, when he moved away she slapped him and he smiled, the armed security came for her but Billy waved him off.


"You see, Morgan, I am coming for retribution. You almost broke me but me, I am not going to just break you, I'll make sure you wish you were dead" he said and kissed her on the forehead and smiled as she shivered. He made a mental note in his mind.


"You'll pay for this" she said, "I have money and affluence. I have been rich for years. You can't beat me at this game," she said and Billy smiled.


"Can't I? Never underestimate a man out for revenge. I'll do anything to beat you even at your own game" he grabbed her head and roughly pulled her in for a kiss, asserting his dominance.


He pushed her away when he was done and grinned.

"See ya around Morgan," he said with a satisfied look on his face.