
From Mortal to Shinobi

A guy who lives for wonders and beauty of unexplored gets another chance in another world. The copyrights of Naruto are not mine, but I invite you to dive in and enjoy my vision of the interesting progression of the characters in this fanfiction.

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* Hopefully, having already gone through the initial training phase, I will know what I really want to achieve, but as the saying goes, a poor man has no right to be picky about food, so most paths will require me to be on top of this world, and I will not demand less of myself. - This way he was inspiring himself and trying to keep the bar high.

The lion's share of the inhabitants of the shinobi world do not realize the dangers that await them. If the opposite were true, the number of those who persist and invest in their training to the point of bloody fists would increase many times over.

Another advantage, which expresses Yuske's belief in his future, lies in one particular attribute. After spending so many years confined to bed, he could not even think of leading an idle life, and knowing the events of the future, there was a persistent desire to invest his whole body and soul into training and squeeze all the potential out of himself.


* Though who am I lying to, these workouts are going to be a vibration of pleasure echoing to my soul. – Yuske was afraid that just a little more and he would succumb to that treacherous thought of running into his parents' shop and stealing the chakra paper. This option was rather for a person without principles, and he was unwilling to even consider it. 

In his opinion, he can always go to their workplace, find the chakra paper there, and then ask what it is for. Admittedly it's a bit suspicious looking, and he'll have to first ask about all the items in the store and their usages to end up asking about the elemental affinity paper itself.

Yuske felt that it was vital at the earliest stages to know about his element. Usually, shinobi only begin to delve deeper into their element after they have grown up and spent years of physical training, resulting in increased chakra reserves, but the youth thought this approach was wrong. They assume from the fact that they can't give themselves to this kind of training alone for years and want, as in the case of Naruto, to achieve the desired results in a few weeks or months.

Yuske had a lot of free time and patience, and he wasn't going to become an average shinobi who spent too much time on silly things like shurikenjutsu or often resort to using traps, explosive seals and poisons.

In addition, only exceptional few start their training from a very early age, due to child psychology and lack of understanding of the significance of the training itself.

Then again, Yuske wasn't going to put too much strain on his body with training, and mainly wanted to figure out his affinity of the elements to be able to think through the best way of training.

It also didn't hurt to find out how the elements themselves behaved if someone tried to rein them in: whether it was possible to interact with them without using chakra, or how much chakra would be required for the slightest manipulation of one's element.

There were too many details left out in the anime, and even those that were mentioned required personal confirmation.


* It's time to think about the most important aspect of the future, and it's the category that will require a talk about the elements of jutsu. For that matter, I have an idea what I need and what is vitally critical to my future plans. - Yuske certainly didn't claim to be the most experienced, not at all, but taking advantage of his knowledge of the world and the future could be a huge asset.

Without even realizing it, the shinobi of this world have become or will become his teachers, indirectly so to speak.

Ignoring what you've seen in anime and following your own path, building your own unique style sounds very nice and catchy, but at the same time stupidly naive. Take Oonoki as an example, the quantity and quality of the jutsu he has shown leaves nothing but quiet admiration for his combat style.

If Yuske has affinity to earth, or one of his elements is earth, it would be foolish to disregard the old man's skills, and having reached the mastery of his level, one can consider moving to the next stage - creating his own unique style.

Not without reason mankind has chosen as a method to perfection the way of knowledge transfer from the older generation to the younger one, the main figure in which are teachers.

The knowledge and experience of the shinobi of this world was the reason for Yuske's confidence to reach the top, and of course the belief that his unique ability would play an important role. Its uniqueness, by the way, is worth finding out in the very first place.

He needs to find written sources about the chakra, not only to discover its secrets, but also to understand if the black substance was really unique to him alone, or if someone else had it, or maybe everyone else had it altogether, which would be a blow below the belt.