
From Mortal to Shinobi

A guy who lives for wonders and beauty of unexplored gets another chance in another world. The copyrights of Naruto are not mine, but I invite you to dive in and enjoy my vision of the interesting progression of the characters in this fanfiction.

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It is hard to blame the mother for her hopes; not every sage will understand the consequences of having power, and that sometimes a mere civilian who is of no interest to anyone is safer than one who has power and thus attracts unnecessary attention.

To draw a parallel from the old world, a prime example would be a bank robbery. A robber will always neutralize guards and armed personnel first, and in order to minimize the risks, he will most likely do it by killing the mentioned individuals. People without guns and not carrying a threat as such will simply be taken hostages.

Despite all this, humanity still considered having their own personal firearms as a means of defense, sometimes without realizing the threat it actually posed to themselves.

As for the nature of the boy's behavior, Yuske made the decision to stick to silence more often in his interactions. If he begins to speak the way he thinks - there will be a lot of questions, as how the child knows some terms, and why he has a such train of thoughts. It was required to keep to the speech of a minor, which at all can't feast with complex literary expressions, or what is worse phraseologies. All in all, silence and the image of a shy boy is a much better outcome than giving away your secret.

* Apparently there weren't too many visitors or work to be done in the shop today, which is why Mother came back so early. Father will probably be back, as usual, in the late afternoon. It's a strange thing, while thinking about them it's pretty easy to call them that way. I guess I'm unintentionally channeling their affiliation as mother and father to the body in biological terms, but voicing and naming them that way just doesn't work for me.

Yuske still ranted about his psychological block of addressing his father and mother as such in this world, and hoped to figure it out one day, but for now, respectful treatment and demanding the behavior of an adult was enough.

* It is urgent to find a way in which I will not arouse any suspicion, but will bring parents to the point where they will tell about the chakra paper and its necessity for identifying the inclination of a person to a certain element or even better to several elements at once. I think it's best to try and get this information exactly from father, since he was a ninja and clearly has more to tell that the average civilian. - Although his mother understands a thing or two about ninjas and can answer basic questions, but that knowledge was gained while working at the store.

Yuske's tiny amount of chakra isn't enough to do the experiments he's interested in. For now he decided to focus on figuring out some details and do some light training for this body in the morning and see what workouts would fit best.

* It is a shame that no elemental ninjutsu had been applied by the shinobi of the village during these days of my exploration, which would have been a great excuse to start a conversation with parents about it and try to learn about the elements. - He certainly knows more about the chakra than many in this world can dream of, but to state it openly is a taboo for any transmigrator and at least a bit rational person.

There was still the factor of the need to confirm his knowledge, because anime may not be the most reliable source of information. The world often screws up people and their logic, but he hoped the basics and rules would be similar to those shown in the episodes.

Yuske knew he needed his parents' help if he wanted to get a chakra paper and learn his affinity to the elements. Ideally, get them to the point where they tell you everything themselves and present the necessary, while not raising any suspicions about yourself.

As far as Yuske had been able to find out, the nonsense that authors sometimes wrote in their writings in the form of adults 'awakening' and 'helping to awaken' the children's chakra" was not true.

People are born with the chakra and either life situations, such as school or family arrangements, or circumstances of another kind cause one to turn to it and begin using it.

No 'rituals' to help children awaken their chakra were required. All that was needed was talent and persistence. The former helped some individuals to reduce the time cost of getting the same result with chakra that would take the rest of the people much more time, hence the phenomenon of genius. Persistence, on the other hand, served to confirm the possibility that even those born with little or no chakra could become powerful shinobi. An example of this phenomenon is freaks, such as a pair of teacher and student, wearing green jumpsuits.

Yuske wanted to believe that even if he had an average talent in chakra, it would be possible to compensate this factor with the help of the black substance, and the persistence in him was abundant.

* Even if the substance turns out to only have the strengthening property, I have many ways to use all of it to gain a huge advantage over those who don't possess cheats like dojutsu, as such individuals are far too much inherently enhanced from birth.

The boy felt that his presence wouldn't be too much of an aberration, considering what a colossal power gap there was between individuals like Hashirama Senju and the average ninja, which for this world was the chunin. Jonins are pretty rare, and genins are unable to influence the outcome of events, hence a conclusion like this. He just wanted to dive into the wonders of chakra and its magical nature, and he didn't put too much faith in his natural talents. It's quite difficult to try to influence the world if even overly mighty entities couldn't accomplish such a thing. 

Yuske himself has not yet decided what he wants from the future, but the fact remains that it will take years of hard training to become a significant person whose rights will not be violated.