
From Mortal to Shinobi

A guy who lives for wonders and beauty of unexplored gets another chance in another world. The copyrights of Naruto are not mine, but I invite you to dive in and enjoy my vision of the interesting progression of the characters in this fanfiction.

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After a few days of the increase in chakra reserves, Yuske decided to find out how much black substance he could produce in a day if he followed the scheme of converting chakra into black substance, then meditating for an hour to recover, and then converting chakra into substance again, continuing all day long.

In the end, he was able to find out that he had some error in the initial calculations, because at the end of a day of such processing the stock of black substance had increased by about 140 grams.

Yuske guessed that the exact figure he produced in a day was most likely 144 grams (0.317 lb), and one full reserve of his chakra was turning into about 6 grams of black substance. From this comes out that in a day without the method of intensive meditation, and at the same time pumping the chakra into the substance every time it is restored, it is possible to make about 36 grams (0.079 lb) of black matter. This includes the need to wake up once a night to prevent chakra that is filled to capacity from being unoccupied.

It was not hard for him to do such a thing, because the only difficulty was in keeping a constant eye on the chakra reserves, as well as the need to wake up once during the night to prevent it from idling, which happens when the reserves reach their full value.

From all the mentioned it comes out that although one can make 36 grams of black substance in a day, if one does not indulge in meditation, but it is absolutely unacceptable. The thing is, there will be no chakra, which means there will be no strength left for physical exercise and, most importantly, chakra control training, which will become his main daily routine once he has his affinity sorted out.

Any manipulation of chakra, be it controlling it or using elemental ninjutsu, requires that same chakra as a basis, so it was unacceptable for Yuske to convert all available supplies into black substance. At least until he achieves the necessary results in elemental jutsu and chakra control.

Yuske had already decided that he was going to improve his chakra control first. He had his doubts that improved control would allow him to produce more black substance in a day, for poor control only wasted chakra when it is directed outward. The black matter, on the other hand, was created internally by absorbing any amount of chakra that flowed into that suction force and always produced the same amount of substance.

However, this did not negate the factor that for future training, control would be an overly significant factor. Still indirectly, if he doesn't waste chakra by improving his control over it, he will have more spare chakra left over the years, and thus the amount of special matter will increase.

After much deliberation, Yuske came to the conclusion that the best option was to turn some chakra into substance every hour or two, and engage in training and other activities until the chakra was restored to its peak.

It is quite dangerous to turn everything at once, considering the world he is in, so a stock in the form of half of the chakra, or even 75% of all reserves should be left. However, this way of thinking is more suitable for the future, when he grows up.

There was no particular danger now, and he hadn't found the best use for the black substance either, so some time could be spent on gathering it. Besides, he remembered very well that Konoha should be relatively safe in the coming years, and his family, at least from what he knew, was not involved in underhanded plots.

Yuske wanted to develop a habit whereby not a drop of potential would be wasted. Unfortunately for him, he didn't have an automatized system that would convert the chakra into a black substance on its own when it reached the highest possible amount.

The human body is like a container, and once the chakra is fully replenished, the regeneration process stops, which didn't suit Yuske. He clearly understood that the substance was very important, and the more of it there was, the more alternatives he had.

Even now he wanted to experiment with a lot of things, but the amount of black matter did not allow for frivolous spending. On the other hand, he valued it so much that he had grown quite attached to it, and he was disgusted by the thought of using up this unique matter for useless experiments.

If it is ignored or wasted, there may not be enough of it at the time of need. Therefore, the youth had already decided that he would have to learn to keep track of his chakra volume every hour and if he reached the limit, he would have to 'pump' a part of it into the black substance, so that the chakra would not remain idle and would be restored, and he would thus get the most out of his potential.

He wasn't the least bit lazy to even wake up every four hours at night and turn chakra into substance, so maniacal was he about the issue of planning his unique power.

* I believe creating 50 grams (0. 0.11 lb) or maybe a little more of the substance per day will not create any obstacles to either physical exercises or training related to chakra control and elemental jutsu. - For the sake of understanding, 10 grams of the black substance is half the size of a 9mm bullet, without the cartridge case itself, which is something the size of a fingernail.

It was heavy enough in his understanding, compared to most metals, even heavier than gold, but it would be enough to cover one finger of a child with a not very thin, yet not very thick layer of 'armor' of black substance.

It would not be enough for an adult's finger, but Yuske couldn't speculate on the exact cost yet. He thought that only after practicing this power for a number of times would he be able to give an accurate estimate, and the conditions weren't suitable right now. There is neither a large enough stock of chakra to process it into unique matter, nor an adult body to cover with substance.