
From Mortal to Shinobi

A guy who lives for wonders and beauty of unexplored gets another chance in another world. The copyrights of Naruto are not mine, but I invite you to dive in and enjoy my vision of the interesting progression of the characters in this fanfiction.

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The explanation for the chakra surge itself seemed rather obvious to him, given how it actually occurs within a person in the first place.

While watching anime and exploring manga, he formed quite a few theories about the chakra itself and the essence of its nature. As mentioned, chakra is the product of a fusion of spiritual and physical energies.

At the same time, a balance is required, and if there is too much of one and too little of the other, there will be little chakra as a result, in particular the case of Yuske himself. The point is that he does not have the soul of a young child in him, but rather a mixture of souls of his past and present personalities, hence a huge amount of spiritual energy.

The body on the contrary, just of a two year old child, so to speak, the container is too small for the content, from which there was very little chakra before the training started. As soon as he strengthened the body a bit – the spiritual energy found more room and chakra got an instant boost. Of course, some of the details mentioned were not known to Yuske, making it impossible for him to possess the naked truth of what was happening.

Another proof of this theory is the existence of the souls of Asura and Indra, from which their reincarnations in the original could reach extraordinary feats. This also means that some have greater 'spiritual mass', so to speak, an initial advantage.

The growth of the body and soul of ordinary people is gradual, so the volume of the chakra increases unnoticed by them. But if the soul of an adult gets into the body of an infant, it will affect the body more intensely than that of normal people, and will demand an accelerated rate of growth.

It was a curious occurrence for Yuske that a light was shed on a question that had been tormenting him for a long period of time in such a random way.

Yuske also didn't know one simple and well-known thing, due to the fact that in his previous life he didn't even have the ability to walk properly, let alone train. The point is that after the first exhausting physical activity, the average person's body needs a few days to recover.

He thought that sleep was the main reason for rapid regeneration. It hadn't even occurred to him that in this bundle of rest and chakra, it was the latter that was the crucial factor. Neither did he have any idea of the mystery of his origins, and believed that there was little uniqueness to him, and the presence of black substance was a transmigrator's perk, just a tiny case of luck.

The increase in chakra made it necessary to ponder about the black substance once again, as the thought had been swirling around in Yuske's mind for quite some time. On the other hand, he doubted that the black substance would ever cease to occupy the main part of his thoughts.

Yuske wasn't sure if it was because he was selfish or if he just wanted to be unique, but he felt that only the substance was something that truly belonged to him and the rest was only something temporary.

In his understanding, the thing that makes you stand out from the mass of other people requires it to be cherished, from which even if he did not want to, all thoughts sooner or later returned to the black substance. He even felt himself betraying this ability if he didn't do his best to learn the secrets of this power and find the finest use for it.

The chakra spike that had occurred had already begun to open more opportunities for him to study it, because the first thing he did as he felt a surge of strength and lightness in his body, was to check and find out that his chakra felt heavier, which was a sign of its increase.

Leaving only a little chakra behind he pumped the rest into substance again. Making some little calculations, he figured out that he could produce about 30 grams (0.0661 lb) of black substance in a day, perhaps a little more.

It was pretty hard for him to distinguish the difference between 30 grams and 40 grams, but that number has some math to it. The thing is, 30 grams will be if he pumps almost all of his chakra into substance six times in a day.

His chakra was restored from zero digits to maximum in about four hours, give or take a few minutes. Through trial and error, Yuske was able to discover that this restriction could be bypassed as well, but such a thing requires a kind of 'idleness' on his part.

The fact was that after the first few transfers of chakra into the black substance, he was faced with the issue of the lack of the mentioned energy. As a consequence of all this, he had to observe his chakra to understand its recovery rate and possible variations of its manipulation.

Soon he managed to find out that if you do nothing and just focus on accelerating the gathering of chakra from the environment, conducting a kind of meditation, you can speed up the process itself several times.

Having tested the 'meditation' itself a few times after emptying his chakra several rounds by creating black substance, Yuske found that he was able to restore his full reserves in either four hours of waiting or one hour of meditation.

The only difficulty was that the very process of concentration to gather the chakra required constant attention, something you didn't need to do if you let the chakra recover at its own pace. Not only was he becoming vulnerable while meditating, but he couldn't even occupy himself with anything else.

The obvious benefit of such meditation was that in addition to the time needed for sleeping, eating, and other minor needs, the rest could be spent restoring chakra.

There is no meditation posture as such, one could sit, lie down or assume any other most relaxing position while concentrating on gathering the chakra inwards - nothing beyond that was required.

Whether it's a matter of psychological prejudice or the influence of stereotypes, but sitting in lotus pose is one of the best options. However, Yuske didn't like this approach because it attracted too much attention, so he simply lay down on the floor of his room or on his bed and restored his chakra at an accelerated rate.

This raises far less suspicion from the sidelines than if the two year old sits in the lotus position and does something obscure.

Due to the fact that this kind of accelerated recovery required idleness, it was sometimes much more favorable to leave the chakra to recover on its own and occupy himself with physical training or something else.