
From Humble Origins to Common Man

For Shi Lu, a dual-system powerhouse born in the end times, nothing is more important than simply surviving. So, when she was struck by lightning and became Li Wu Ya, a daughter of a humble military household in ancient borderlands, she adapted well and quickly assimilated into the ways of the ancient people. To live, one must have some pursuits. Clothing: Fine silk and satin, and jewellery too, but not excessive. Food: A daily indulgence in bird's nest, shark fin, and sea cucumber, but not excessive. Shelter: Pavilions, towers, and elegant corridors, surrounded by serene bamboo forests and the melodies of birds, where one's home becomes a scenic spot, but not excessive. Transportation: Lavish carriages and luxury horses are a must, but not excessive. With an endless supply of money, no need to work, a loving husband, and children to warm her bed, life... perfect! Life is not easy, so one must love oneself dearly. Shi Lu is determined to experience everything she hasn't encountered or enjoyed in the end times. Unfortunately, reality dealt her a harsh blow. The borderlands are bitterly cold, plagued by years of war, and even getting enough food to eat is difficult, with constant threats to her life. Fine, let's roll up our sleeves and strive! Shi Lu abides by one motto: As long as you don't stand in my way, you're good, I'm good, and everyone's good. Otherwise!!! To secure her position, one must be assertive. In life's triumphs, one should indulge. Be a shallow yet happy commoner.

anupro · History
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102 Chs


Four sleek and well-fed horses pulled the luxurious carriage side by side, moving steadily with an imposing and majestic aura. Wherever they passed, an air of reverence hung in the surroundings.

Had the common people of Xining City ever witnessed such a grand procession? Not one among them remained unaffected, with even the timid ones lowering their heads, fearing to offend the dignitaries in the carriage.

As the carriage approached from a distance, Li Wuya's face was filled with envy.

Wasn't this the deluxe version of a mobile home?

This was what true travel should be like!

This was the kind of life they deserved!

When could she experience this kind of comfort during her own travels? If that happened, she would be content.

"Five sisters, the carriage is so beautiful!" Li Qilang exclaimed, his eyes wide in awe.

Li Wuya hummed in response, "Beauty is secondary. The most important thing is that it must be comfortable to ride in. The carriage is so big; they could even sleep inside."

Li Qilang's eyes lit up, "Really?" Then his expression turned wistful, "I want to ride in a carriage like that too." That way, when they visited their father, he could sleep during the journey.

Li Wuya patted her brother's shoulder with satisfaction.

Indeed, she had raised them well; they dared to dream!

Dare to dream, dare to do. This mindset had to be preserved!

"Qilang, as long as you dare to dream and work for it, there's nothing impossible."

Li Qilang's eyes sparkled, "Really? Can we really ride in such a carriage? But, it seems like only nobles can."

Li Wuya snorted, "What's wrong with nobles? As long as we strive and work hard, we can become nobles too."

Li Qilang was inspired, a look of excitement on his face.

Old Madam Li, who seemed a bit dazed by the grand procession, was shaken from her thoughts upon hearing the conversation between the siblings. Her expression grew complex, and she quickly turned her head to look at them.

Observing the confidence exuded by the siblings and their calm demeanour, which stood in stark contrast to both herself and the people around them, Old Madam Li's face shifted through various emotions. Then, with a sharp tone, she rebuked them, "Both of you, shut up!"

"Who do you think you are to ride in a carriage? Do you even have the qualifications?"

"You want to become nobles? Have you ever taken a good look at your own status? Since you were born in a military village, you can only be lowly soldiers for the rest of your lives, living on the border, in Tianling Village."

"Don't daydream all the time. People's destinies are already predetermined. You're only fit to eke out a living on the border."

Her stern and curse-laden reprimand echoed in the silent crowd, sounding especially harsh.

Surrounding people looked at Old Madam Li in astonishment.

Jin Yue'e was trembling with anger, gritting her teeth as she said, "Mother, you're the true grandmother of Wuya and the others. If they are lowly, what does that make you and Father?"

This statement left many confused.

"Since when does a grandmother curse her own grandchildren like this?"

Seeing the perplexed expressions around her, Old Madam Li grew anxious and quickly explained, "Children lack understanding. I'm just worried that they might offend the dignitaries."

"People fear most those who lack self-awareness. I, as an old woman, am only looking out for the well-being of my grandchildren. Daydreaming all the time is counterproductive. It's better, to be honest, and return home to work the fields."

Hearing this, many people nodded in agreement.

"Although you mean well, Old Madam, it might be better not to be so severe in the future. The two children are still young, and look, you've scared them."

Old Madam Li nodded reluctantly, intending to say a few soothing words to smooth things over.

But as her gaze turned, she was met by a pair of calm, unwavering black eyes. Those eyes held no warmth, and at that moment, a chill ran down her spine. Startled, she quickly averted her gaze.

Li Wuya withdrew her gaze quietly and comfortingly patted her disappointed brother, Li Qilang.

Clearly, Old Madam Li's words deeply affected Li Qilang.

This angered Li Wuya; his confidence was what she appreciated the most. Despite the poverty and difficulties in the Li household, he hadn't become as insecure and sensitive as the other kids in the village.

This good grandmother of theirs truly couldn't bear to see them succeed!

Publicly humiliating her own grandchildren like this—was she really the daughter of the Li family?

Li Wuya began to doubt her father's true lineage once again.

"Wuya, Qilang!"

Li Sanlang pinched Li Wuya's hand and then Li Qilang's, shaking his head at both of them and whispered, "The nobleman's carriage has arrived."

It was at this moment that Li Wuya noticed the luxurious carriage had come to a stop in front of the Wangmu Temple.

As soon as the carriage halted, the attendants on horseback dismounted swiftly, placing a ladder at the carriage door and knocking on it respectfully. "Master, we have arrived at the Wangmu Temple."

Upon hearing an affirmative 'hm' from inside the carriage, the attendants opened the door.

Subsequently, two individuals disembarked from the carriage: a dignified man in his fifties and a middle-aged man radiating an air of nobility.

It was evident that the older man held the middle-aged one in high regard, as his speech and demeanour conveyed a deep respect.

Once both men stood still, half of the attendants hurriedly entered the Wangmu Temple, ushering people out.

Having barely set foot inside the temple, the Li family was swept along by the crowd and ended up outside the temple once again.

In no time, the temple was emptied.

"General Jiang, let's go."

The middle-aged man, exuding an air of elegance, took the first step forward. After a couple of paces, he realized Jiang Antai hadn't followed suit and frowned slightly in annoyance. His voice grew sharper, "General Jiang."

Jiang Antai snapped back to attention and quickly approached, apologizing, "My lord, forgive me. I spotted a girl in the crowd who looked vaguely familiar. I couldn't help but take a second glance."

Seeing Jiang Antai's apologetic demeanour, Rong Junwang didn't take offence. Walking toward the Wangmu Temple, he chuckled, "A familiar-looking girl among those commoners? That's unusual. Those people we just saw were clearly common folk. Why would General Jiang find anyone familiar among them?"

Jiang Antai followed closely behind Rong Junwang, speaking just a step behind, "Perhaps I mistook her. The girl just reminded me of my sister when she was young."

After a moment's thought, Rong Junwang said, "If I remember correctly, General Jiang's sister was Lady Guangyao, the wife of Marquis Wuchang, right?"

Jiang Antai nodded with a smile, "My lord is correct. Speaking of which, I haven't seen my sister for many years. I wonder how she's doing in the capital?"

Rong Junwang didn't respond to this.

Let alone the fact that the Marquis of Wuchang's household had long since declined, even if it hadn't, a powerless marquisate wasn't worth his effort to remember.

He remembered solely due to a reminder from his staff during the journey to the border.

This time, the Emperor had sent him to the northwest in search of a divine physician. But the northwest was vast—how could he possibly locate such a person?

Luckily, Jiang's family had been stationed in the northwest for generations, and Rong Junwang thought he might have some use for Jiang Antai. This was why he had his staff review Jiang's connections and eventually thought of the Marquis of Wuchang's household.

Seeing that Rong Junwang hadn't mentioned the Marquis of Wuchang's household, Jiang Antai couldn't help but feel a heavy heart.

It seemed that the Shi family was struggling in the capital now.

With Rong Junwang and Jiang Antai entering the temple, the great doors of the Wangmu Temple closed with a resounding 'bang.'

"This is the power of authority!"

Watching the guards stationed outside the Wangmu Temple, Li Wuya couldn't help but sigh.

Old Madam Li noticed Li Wuya's envious gaze and her continuous glances, causing her to coldly snort, "Enough, stop looking. With so many children in our family, your heart is the wildest."

"Can you even dream of riding in the nobleman's carriage?" She looked at Jin Yue'e and continued, "Elder daughter-in-law, manage Li Wuya properly. She's a young girl; it's better if she behaves herself."

"Indulge her like this, and when she grows wild, do you think she'll willingly marry a soldier and live a simple life?"

Jin Yue'e's face displayed her anger, "Mother, Li Erya and Li Wuya are all grown up now. The head of the household and I won't let them marry soldiers."

Old Madam Li sneered, "Not marrying soldiers? Do you want to reach the heavens? Take a good look at yourselves. Can well-off families even consider you?"

"Even Cuihua could only marry to a slightly more prosperous garrison town. Do you really think Li Er and Li Wuya will have better prospects than their cousin?"

"Settle down. Marrying a soldier, even if it's just a garrison, can still support the Li family."

Li Wuya laughed in exasperation. Not content with oppressing their father, they were now meddling in her and her sister's marriages.

These pests!

"Grandmother, do you really despise your own grandchildren so much? Other grandmothers are eager for their grandchildren to do well, but you're going against the grain."

"No, it's not just that you don't want us to do well. Even if we strive for improvement ourselves, you suppress us vigorously. It's as if you can't stand to see us prosper."

"Grandmother, you truly leave me bewildered!"

"Me too, I'm bewildered as well!"

Suddenly, Li Sanlang spoke up, his eyebrows furrowing as he gazed at Old Madam Li, "Grandmother, I know you don't like us, but why? Even if we don't please you, is there a need to curse Li Wuya and Li Qilang like this?"

Li Erya joined the conversation, "You're our own grandmother. Based on what you just said in the Wangmu Temple, we would have thought we were your enemies."

Li Qilang chipped in, "You're not our real grandmother!"

Old Madam Li, faced with accusations from the first branch, trembled in anger.

Li Dalang, who stood beside her, realizing the situation was turning bad, hurriedly supported her and suggested, "Mother, weren't you planning to buy New Year supplies? Let your grandchildren accompany you."

Old Madam Li's eyes shot a cold look at the first branch's family and finally turned to Jin Yue'e, "You've raised well-behaved sons and daughters, but they dare to accuse their elder like this. Your whole family is so well-behaved!"

Jin Yue'e replied calmly, "Naturally, my children are all well-behaved. There's nothing wrong with the entire garrison. We're going to see the head of the household at the garrison now, so I won't accompany you, Mother."

With that, she turned and led her four children away.

Watching their retreating figures, Old Madam Li trembled with anger, muttering, "Very well, you're all so proud now. Let's see how long you can keep this up!"

Li Dalang, fearing Old Madam Li might get too upset, tried to console her, "Mother, don't be angry at the second branch."

Old Madam Li's expression eased a bit, "Lao, you're a good child. But don't follow in the footsteps of Sanlang and the others. Don't imitate them. They might be acting high and mighty now because they have your eldest uncle's support."

"Let me tell you, your eldest uncle won't live a long life. The battlefield is unpredictable, especially in recent years. The battles are becoming more intense. Sooner or later, he will die on the battlefield."

"For now, let your eldest uncle and aunt act recklessly. But once he's gone, watch how I deal with them."

Looking at Old Madam Li, her lips trembling with coldness and resentment, Li Dalang's heart quivered.

After all, Eldest Uncle was her own son. How could she curse him to die on the battlefield?

Even though Eldest Uncle didn't always agree with Father and Mother's decisions, Li Dalang knew that their family's ability to eat their fill was largely thanks to Eldest Uncle.

Even if they were wrong, Grandmother shouldn't act this way.

At that moment, Li Dalang's heart felt a chill.