
From Humble Origins to Common Man

For Shi Lu, a dual-system powerhouse born in the end times, nothing is more important than simply surviving. So, when she was struck by lightning and became Li Wu Ya, a daughter of a humble military household in ancient borderlands, she adapted well and quickly assimilated into the ways of the ancient people. To live, one must have some pursuits. Clothing: Fine silk and satin, and jewellery too, but not excessive. Food: A daily indulgence in bird's nest, shark fin, and sea cucumber, but not excessive. Shelter: Pavilions, towers, and elegant corridors, surrounded by serene bamboo forests and the melodies of birds, where one's home becomes a scenic spot, but not excessive. Transportation: Lavish carriages and luxury horses are a must, but not excessive. With an endless supply of money, no need to work, a loving husband, and children to warm her bed, life... perfect! Life is not easy, so one must love oneself dearly. Shi Lu is determined to experience everything she hasn't encountered or enjoyed in the end times. Unfortunately, reality dealt her a harsh blow. The borderlands are bitterly cold, plagued by years of war, and even getting enough food to eat is difficult, with constant threats to her life. Fine, let's roll up our sleeves and strive! Shi Lu abides by one motto: As long as you don't stand in my way, you're good, I'm good, and everyone's good. Otherwise!!! To secure her position, one must be assertive. In life's triumphs, one should indulge. Be a shallow yet happy commoner.

anupro · History
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102 Chs

Old Man Tianchi

With Old Madam Li's influence on their mood gone, and the prospect of meeting Li Changsen, Jin Yue'e and her four siblings had smiles on their faces.

At this moment, people on the street were whispering about the noble person who entered the Wangmu Temple.

"That noble person, I wonder who they are?"

"Why such a grand entrance in our remote town?"

"Most likely, they're here for the divine physician."

Hearing the words "divine physician," Li Wuya perked up and unconsciously let go of Jin Yue'e. She joined the crowd and asked, "Divine physician? What divine physician?"

Jin Yue'e quickly pulled her back, her expression stern. "We agreed before leaving that you wouldn't wander around. Wuya, if you keep this up, I won't take you out next time."

Li Wuya hurriedly pleaded, "Mother, I'm sorry. I was just curious about the divine physician."

Jin Yue'e snorted, her expression still sour.

Later, Li Wuya made continuous attempts to coax a smile from her mother, which finally managed to ease Jin Yue'e's anger.

"Mother, is there really a divine physician?"

Jin Yue'e nodded, "Of course it's real. Your maternal grandfather even met him."

"One time, your maternal grandfather took your two uncles hunting in the Tianshan Mountains. He got bitten by a venomous snake, and luckily the divine physician happened to pass by and saved him just in time. Otherwise, your maternal grandfather might not have survived."

Li Wuya asked, "Just curing snake venom, how can you be sure he's a divine physician?"

Jin Yue'e gave her daughter an annoyed glance. "Your maternal grandfather's snakebite was not ordinary. Within a few breaths, the leg that was bitten turned completely black, and he fell into a coma."

"After the divine physician arrived, he casually stuck a few needles into your maternal grandfather's leg, and his leg visibly returned to normal."

"With such remarkable medical skill and the fact that the person had white hair but looked young, identical to the legendary Old Man of Tianchi, who else could it be but a divine physician?"

Li Wuya's eyes lit up. "White hair but looking young. That matches people's imagination of a divine physician. But Mother, who is this Old Man of Tianchi?"

Jin Yue'e replied, "This is related to the legends of Tianshan."

"Legend has it that on the top of Tianshan Mountain, there's the Tianchi left behind by the Queen Mother of the West. Around Tianchi, not only are there unique flowers and grasses, but also a highly skilled divine physician resides there."

"At first, people thought the divine physician was just a legend. However, several decades ago, during a massive war between Da Chu and Bei Yan, General Xiahou was ambushed, seriously poisoned, and on the verge of death."

"In that critical moment, a man in white robes with flowing hair, who claimed to be the Old Man of Tianchi, appeared outside the Da Chu camp."

"The day after the Old Man of Tianchi arrived, he pulled General Xiahou back from the brink of death and quickly healed him."

"The general's life was saved, and the morale of Da Chu's soldiers soared. Under General Xiahou's leadership, they defeated Bei Yan in a matter of months, and the border disputes ceased."

"After that, whenever a major commander was severely wounded, the Old Man of Tianchi would appear."

"Since then, the Old Man of Tianchi has been well-known throughout the border."

"Do you know why that noble person went to the Wangmu Temple?"

"Because the Old Man of Tianchi appears and disappears without a trace, it's nearly impossible to find him. Throughout the border, the only chance to encounter him is at the Wangmu Temple."

"The Old Man of Tianchi is concerned about the suffering of the people. When he has time, he descends from the mountain to provide free medical treatment to the poor. Whenever he appears, it's always at the Wangmu Temple."

"Any patient treated by the Old Man of Tianchi, no matter how severe or complex the illness, is completely cured."

"The name 'divine physician' truly befits him!"

Li Wuya's eyes flickered with excitement. Leaving aside the skill of the Old Man of Tianchi in healing, just his legendary reputation alone made her intrigued.

In the eyes of ordinary people, her ability to heal was almost like magic.

For years, she had been contemplating how to reveal her healing abilities under some kind of pretext. Now, a perfect opportunity had presented itself on a silver platter.

A divine physician, intertwined with mythical legends – even if her medical skills were remarkable, they probably wouldn't be doubted.

"Mother, does the Old Man of Tianchi take on disciples?"

Jin Yue'e looked puzzled, surprised by her daughter's spontaneous thoughts. Nevertheless, she answered, "It seems like the divine physician has two disciples, but whether it's true or not is uncertain."

Li Wuya's mind spun. The Old Man of Tianchi was elusive, making it hard to meet him in person. Yet, if he had disciples, that would be great. When she eventually exposed her medical abilities, she could simply claim to be a disciple of the Old Man of Tianchi.

Having a source for the revelation of her healing ability uplifted Li Wuya's mood, making her walk with a spring in her step.

However, not long after, Li Wuya suddenly stumbled.

"Walk carefully, don't be so hasty. We're outside now, and you're stumbling while walking. Be careful not to become the subject of ridicule," Jin Yue'e scolded as she grabbed Li Wuya.

If it had been any other time, Li Wuya would have used her usual cunning to deflect the issue. But this time, she remained uncharacteristically silent.

Jin Yue'e assumed her daughter was upset about her reprimand, causing her to lose face. Thinking she was merely sulking, Jin Yue'e didn't think much of it.

Seeing her little sister with a solemn expression was slightly amusing to Li Sanlang. He patted her head where a small bump was forming and said, "You're getting quite temperamental. Can't handle Mother's scolding anymore?"

Li Wuya swiftly grasped Li Sanlang's arm, prompting him to bend down. She then whispered, "Brother, someone is following us."

About seven or eight meters away in the crowd, two burly men were staring at them with intensely hostile glares.

Coming to Xining City to see Li Changsen, Li Wuya hadn't felt any danger. Consequently, she hadn't extended her mental senses, which was also something she couldn't sustain for long.

However, their intent to kill was so strong that even someone as sensitive to danger as she was had sensed it.

Li Sanlang's expression changed, and he instinctively wanted to turn around and look, but Li Wuya held him back.

"Brother, don't look, they'll notice."

Those two men were most likely from Bei Yan!

Li Wuya immediately thought of the group of Bei Yan men she had subdued at the inn. Apart from that incident, she couldn't think of any other reason for them to have it in for her.

The two hadn't made a direct move yet and were dressed as ordinary Da Chu citizens. It seemed that they were Bei Yan's undercover agents in Xining City.

Undercover agents usually had tasks to accomplish and couldn't expose themselves easily.

However, if they learned they were exposed, they would undoubtedly resort to deadly measures.

Li Sanlang's expression shifted back and forth. "Wuya, are you sure someone is following us?"

Li Wuya nodded decisively, her face a bit grim. "Brother, they're from Bei Yan." She had noticed the black wolf head emblem on the back of their necks. The three Bei Yan men she had killed at the inn also had the same emblem.

Hearing this, Li Sanlang's face turned pale in an instant.

Li Wuya's voice was sombre as she said, "They've come to seek revenge against us." The events that took place in June at the inn were known by quite a few people. For the Bei Yan people to investigate and find out about it wasn't difficult.

Li Sanlang's heart raced. Despite his fear, he tried to reassure his sister, "Wuya, don't be afraid. We won't be in danger."

He looked towards the gate of the nearby guard station, a few hundred meters away.

"We're almost at the guard station. As long as we get close to the gate, those Bei Yan men won't dare to make a move."

Li Wuya also looked in that direction. At this point, that seemed to be their only option.

The two Bei Yan men were approaching them briskly from behind. With numerous pedestrians on the street, if they killed them, they could easily blend into the crowd.

"Brother, later you go and take Qilang. I'll pretend to challenge him to a race. You take Qilang and Erjie and run ahead. Then I'll pull Mother and chase after you."

Li Sanlang nodded. He understood that they needed to act as if they hadn't realized they were being followed.

At that moment, Li Wuya addressed Li Qilang, "Qilang, we're almost at the guard station. Let's have a race and see who reaches the gate first."

Li Qilang's eyes lit up. "Let's race."

Li Sanlang took over, teasing, "Wuya is bullying Qilang again. You know he can't beat you." With a smile, he went to pull Li Qilang. "Come on, let your big brother pull you to run. We must beat Wuya today."

With that, without further explanation, they began running towards the guard station. Li Wuya immediately shouted, "Mother, they're bullying me. Let's catch up!" She grabbed Jin Yue'e and started running.

Jin Yue'e felt somewhat helpless. The street was crowded, and she couldn't let her children out of her sight. Therefore, she had no choice but to grit her teeth and run along.

The two Bei Yan men behind them quickened their pace upon noticing, also breaking into a jog.

As the two men got closer and closer, Li Wuya grew anxious. Spotting the snow on the ground, she hurriedly manipulated her mental power, attempting to control objects remotely.

At the moment, her mental power wasn't advanced enough for remote control. But with no other choice, and the guard station still over two hundred meters away, they were running out of time. If they were caught, they were as good as dead.

Forcing her mental power to control objects, Li Wuya's face turned pale in an instant, and beads of sweat formed on her forehead.

Just as she was about to reach her limit, two snowballs formed out of ice were moved beneath the feet of the two Bei Yan men.

"Bang, bang." Two loud thuds sounded as the two Bei Yan men fell awkwardly.

Instantly, they attracted the attention of numerous bystanders.

Taking advantage of this distraction, Li Wuya and her siblings hurriedly sprinted towards the guard station.