
CHAPTER - 3 'Kpop school?'

'Damn he is cute, I can't, kill me...'

"JENNIE UNNIEEEE [1]"you shouted.

"WHAT THE FLIPPIN DONUTS?!", she replied.

"JenO asKEd mE tO eAt LuncH wiTh hIm!!", you told her. "YoU BeTter bRinG me WiTh yoUuu" "DArling, I wiLL", you answered her. You took her hand and started walking with her to the cafeteria. (Little did you know that Jeno heared you fangirl.)Jennie suddenly felt uneasy and guilty.

"Do you know what school you are attending?", Jennie suddenly asked.

"A normal school, I guess..",you answered her.

"Y/N~ah..." she took both of your hands which made you stop walking, "You are in a Kpop school...." You were shocked so you let your hands loose and you hung your head low. You started backing off of Jennie and walked away to the cafeteria. Jennie felt so much guilt, sadness and she felt uneasy.

------------------ (P.O.V change)

' I shouldn't have told her...

It hurts so much to see her like that even though we

just met, it still hurts...

I'll try to find her!'

You (Jennie {bc of P.O.V change}) started to walk to the

cafeteria you knew it would be hard for you because you

couldn't see her bright smile nor her face. 'It is

impossible to find her like this...'

You found her brother in the cafeteria so you asked him

if he saw his sister.

"I didn't saw her. Is something wrong? I can help you!",

he politely said to you.

----------------- (P.O.V change)

"Y/N~ah, here!", you heared someone calling you. You walked to the person ,suddenly *THUDD* you fell onto the floor again. 'Aish, why am I always falling down?...' "I'm sorry, I didn't see you shortly. My name is Liu Amber but just call me Amber.", she then held her hand out for you. You gladly took her hand and got up. "My name is Yang Y/N nice to meet yo-"

"EOMMAAA!! [2] ", a guy said to Amber. "Oh mY

cHiLD!!", she jokingly answered. "Wifueee", another guy said. "Hey Ten.", you said to the guy who said 'Eomma' to Amber. "Hey potato", he replied. Suddenly the 'little family' had a 'fight' you then quickly and quietly walked away from them, then to Jeno.

"Hey Jeno", you said in a low yet sad voice. "What's

wrong Y/N?", he asked you with many emotions. "It's nothing, don't worry I'm ok.", you gave him a weak

smile. You were literally fangirling inside but didn't

show it. "Ok then, let me introduce you to my friends.

This is Jisung, he is the maknae [3]from our group. Then Chenle, he is the second youngest. That is Renjun,

Haechan, Jaemin and that is Mark."

" 1, 2 ,3.... We are NCT Dream!", they said as a group.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Yang Y/N, I am Yang

Jeongin's sister.", you said. "Are you younger than me?",

Jisung asked. "Probably, I'm 17 years old.", you

answered him."I'm 17 too, which month were you born?"

You both talked while ignoring the others.

"Are they really ignoring us?", Mark asked the dreamies.

"I guess so..." Chenle answered.

Jeno felt jealousy and a little bit of anger rushing

through his body. "Dude are you ok? It looks like you

are her overprotective boyfriend.", Haechan jokingly

said. "What if I have a crush on her? It's none of your


THAN YOU! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ." [4], you were happy that

you were younger than him, you always wanted to be

the youngest in everything. You smiled brighter than

the sun with your bunny smile.

Jeno felt his anger and jealousy go away after

seeing you smile. "That's unfair!", Jisung sadly said.

"Don't worry Oppa! [5] You always are going to be a

grandpa! ㅋㅋㅋ.", you said while smiling "YAH! I'm nOT

A gRAnDpA!!", Jisung said while blushing because you

called him Oppa.

Suddenly you felt someone grab your wrist with a

strong grip. "YAH! OW OW OWWW!!!"

He dragged you to the hallway where no one was.

*THUD, CRASH* He pushed you against a locker.

You groaned in pain.


[1] 'Unnie' ~ You use when you are a girl and say it to your older sister or to your non- blood related girls.

[2]'Eomma' ~ You use it to say Mom or you often you use it if a specific someone acts like a mom.

[3] 'maknae' ~ it is used to say that he/ she is the youngest of the group or family.

[4] 'ㅋㅋㅋㅋ' ~ hahahahaha

[5] 'Oppa' ~ you use it if you are a girl and say it to your older brother or to non-blood related older boys.

-------[Chapter - 4 - Crush or friend?]

A/N: I'm so sorry this is so confusing for you, right?... I'm sorry. I'm not that good at writing stories... But still. Thank you for reading!