
CHAPTER - 2 'childhood friend to enemy?'

'This is going to be hell.' you thought. Your teacher called you and waited for you to say 'yes' or just simply nod. And you nod. You then went in front of the blackboard and introduced yourself. "Hello, my name is Yang-", you suddenly got interrupt by a girl. "OMG ARE YOU YANG JEONGIN'S SISTER?!", you mentally facepalmed yourself. "Yes, now may I end my sentence? Ok, my name is Yang Y/N-- I'm Jeongin's sister, I'm 17 years old. and I'm from South Korea.", you annoyingly said. "Damn, you are young yet cute-," "hot--", "beautiful--" "and sexy" You are a little player JUST A LITTLE so you winked at them, the girls didn't mind at all. "Nope, no dating or shizz like this in my classroom.", your teacher disgustingly said. A girl in front of you said that you should choose a seat. You looked around the classroom and saw many free places but, you seated yourself next to the girl and surprisingly she was really happy. 'Is she a lesbian?', you thought while chuckling.

While the teacher was teaching the class your seatmate started a conversation. "Hii~~ my name is Kim Jennie but, you can call me Jennie.", she whispered to you. "I think you already know me but I'll still say my name. My name is Y/N, nice to meet you.", you softly whispered, which made her fangirl. "OMG, you have such a soft voice when you whisperrr~~", she said while fangirling, which made you chuckle and she fangirled more so you stopped.

Time skip: After 1st period

"What is your next class?", your friend asked you. "Ughh, I have PE", you sadly answered her. You actually are good in PE but you were too tired to do PE in this year. She suddenly dragged you out of the classroom "LET'S GO", she almost shouted. 'Jesus...' She brought the two of you to the changing room and started to change to your PE clothes. It happened again, she dragged you to the gym. You tried to free yourself from her grip and succeeded. Suddenly, *THUDD* you flopped yourself onto the floor. Jennie just chuckled. 'I will kill you.' "Stand up before the teacher comes!", she happily said. "I wanna sleeeppp", you said as your body has given up on walking. But because school is hell, you stood up and sat down on a bench with Jennie. "WATCH OUT!", someone said.

A basketball was about to hit Jennie's face but, you kicked it with your leg away


"Welp, that happened.", you said, proud of yourself. Jennie hugged you and asked if you were ok, you just nod. "I'm so sorry for my friend!", a handsome guy suddenly appeared, he was speaking english, He had australien accent. "I'm ok, don't worry.", you replied him kindly with a soft voice, which made him blush. You giggled. He hid his face out of embarrassment. 'Cute'

"My name is Yang-", you got interrupt, AGAIN. "Ok class get yo ass up we are playing basketball.", your PE teacher said. 'Oof'

Your teacher made two groups, the girls didn't want to join so they sat on the bench. The first group was: Jeongin, Suga, Jeno, Felix and JinJin

The second group was: Y/N (you), Chan, Jungkook, Jisung (Pwark Jisung), Han (Han Jisung) and Sanha.

'Is this a Kpop school or what?'

After a while your team had scored 20 points as same as the other team. You made many points. While you were lost in your thoughts, a ball was about to hit you but you catched it and scored another point.

"THE END, you guys are done now go and change, lesson is over.", your teacher said without any emotion. Everyone of your team cheered for their win, while you were walking to the other team, hugging them to say they were good at the game but one didn't like you. 'I think his name was Felix, it sounds pretty familiar.' "Go away kid. It was just your lucky day and don't you dare hug me with your disgusting feminine body.", Felix rudely said, which made you (JUNG)shook. Jeno then tapped your shoulder "Do you want to have lunch with my friends?" he politely asked with his cute eye smile, you couldn't say no "I would love to, is it ok if I bring a friend of mine with me?", you asked with your little bunny smile. It made him also blush but he didn't hide it, it was cute."If it makes you happy.", he opened his eyes a little 'Damn, he is cute, I cant, kill me...'

A/N: I'm so sorry if I didn't get to the point, I often just write useless things to stories but yeaaa... I hoped you enjoyed!