

A university student has passed through to the prehistoric period; will history still evolve along the original trajectory? In this ancient wasteland of ruthlessness and bloodshed, Edward armed with his imagination and human knowledge of the 21st century is out there to lead his small tribe into creating an empire for generations to remember. From introducing fire, the secrets of the soil, and aspirin to launching the savage cave fashion show. But against him stands his savage rivals, ferocious beasts and hundreds of barbaric ethnic groups.

Killerpants · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Wild men will always be wild

Five people waited by the five deer.

They placed their preys in front of everyone by the ground. In addition to the people on Edward's side, there were people from the Titan tribe and the previous tribe of Night. Everyone was petrified for a moment at the amount of prey Edward had brought back. Titan's mouth was wide open and eyes round in shock.

Titan's mind simply couldn't keep up with what he was observing.

"Big head, continue!" Hearing Edward's orders, Big head quickly returned to the woods.

Three more deer were brought out!


The first to break the calm were the people from Night's previous tribe who were standing not far from Edward's group. The cave Edward was using as his base wasn't that far from Night's previous tribe cave.

Some people were even slapping their faces in shock to make sure they were not dreaming.

"They live off on a pile of meat mountain!"

"I said it before that the person who brought us fire was not ordinary!"

"That is for sure! The scent that floats out every night from their cave alone makes my mouth watered!"

"Following such people who can eat meat, I regret not following him before!"

Everyone from the tribe was talking about it.

The Chief Big Head had already accepted the reality as he was there by the hunting ground so he did not say a word. They had decided to follow Edward.

Night snorted, her dark eyes flashed as she stood close to Edward while her hands unconsciously grabbed his arm. Edward clearly felt her heat and felt excited.

The expression on the face of Titan turned from shock to gloom, and the colors appeared alternately, and then he suddenly laughed:

"Ha ha ha ha ha....."

"I don't know from under which cliff you crawled out from but your luck is good! However," Titan turned and squinted: "No matter how many prey you hunt, they all belong to me! Even Night is mine!"

Just as Titan proclaimed that, he stepped forward and kicked Edward to the ground. Night screamed and looked around for help but she was quickly taken into Titan's arms.

Everything happened in a split second that no one had a chance to even react to the sudden change.

"Brothers, kill this monkey, and bring their prey with us. Kill any who stop us!" Titan command to his men.

The people of Night's previous tribe screamed in panic. Even in such a situation they had a look of anger in their eyes. If Titan was ready to fight his way out so they were ready to stop him too. Not because of the meat but because Night was the daughter of their previous Matriarch.

Edward was heavily smashed, and he fell to the ground. He regretted his stupidity at the moment.

This was an era of where strong ruled the weak. Where everything was settled with fists and the law of the jungle was followed. Edward was forcing his own thought process on them while forgetting that it was a result of human evolution after tens of thousands of years. His thinking of civilized era was not compatible with the current rules of the jungle.

'If I continue to succumb to such thinking, no matter how many lives I live they will not be enough to make me survive this harsh world!' Edward scolded himself.

Titan's men rushed over towards Edward with a big stick and a grin on their faces. He didn't even have time to get up from the ground. Seeing this situation, he was desperate!