

A university student has passed through to the prehistoric period; will history still evolve along the original trajectory? In this ancient wasteland of ruthlessness and bloodshed, Edward armed with his imagination and human knowledge of the 21st century is out there to lead his small tribe into creating an empire for generations to remember. From introducing fire, the secrets of the soil, and aspirin to launching the savage cave fashion show. But against him stands his savage rivals, ferocious beasts and hundreds of barbaric ethnic groups.

Killerpants · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Second encounter with Titan

In the heart of the night, Night was very happy. She walked briskly by Edward's side. She knew very well that this was a gamble that had paid off. Light was on the winning side but Titan was a typical rogue. He had always used force to deal with things. Once he knows that he lost, what will happen?

They slowly neared their camp.

Night spent the day with by Light's side, and she listened to every word he said and learned more about how he did things.

She slowed down her footsteps and whispered a few words at her side to Roc. Both Roc and Debro were holding a stick tied to two deer. He changed his shoulder and looked at the Night.

He nodded.

Through the treetops, Night finally saw the camp, but when they were 150 meters near the cave, she saw shadows moving around.

Night suddenly screamed.

"It's the Titans!"

"That's good, it seems that he is very punctual? Let's go! I am eager to show Titan his defeat so that he doesn't harass you again!" Edward said with a smile,

"Light," Night glanced at Roc, and then said to Edward: "Can we not take all the prey out? In case..."

Edward did not quite understand the meaning behind Night question.

"We'll listen to you. Leave the rest at a good hiding place."

Soon they walked out of the tall grass and stood in front of Titan.

The Titan tribe also immediately discovered them.

At the foot of the Titan, there were two live wild boars and a dead fox. He used a big stick in his hand to poke a large pile of semi-dry yellow clay collect by Light's command.

It seems strange how this thing will come here?

Titan slowly raised his head to look at Light. Titan licked his thick dry lips in anticipation as he looked at Night.

"Hey, monkey! It seems that there is still some resistance in you! Look at the amount that I have hunted! This only proves me as the alpha. You wouldn't be even able to catch frogs!" Titan provoked Edward.

"Ha ha ha....." Titan's men all laughed in support!

He continued:

"Listen! I, your father has endured for five days to catch these preys. Weren't you the one who said that even a monkey must prove his strength to be the alpha? Here I show you my hunt. It's time for me to take Night too hehehehe."

Titan knew that his hunt would bring people to his tribe and show his worth to his own men. He was somewhat respectful towards Night as she was the daughter of the previous tribe leader of her clan. To prevent too much fighting, he was being calm at the moment. Only to avoid bloodshed and unnecessary deaths.

"Stop!" Edward, who only spoke at this time, gave a shout.

Titan and his men stopped.

"Titan, our original agreement was for the one who will hunt the most prey will be the alpha and get Night, is this the case?"

Titan looked straight towards Edward's eyes: "My prey is here, and your pheasants are by your waist. What more is left?"

Looking at their two wild boars and foxes, Titan and his men were smug.

Around the two wild boars and foxes, the Titans and his men were smug with the feeling that they had won.

You know, in the prehistoric era, it was already a great thing that primitive humans who lived on herbs and left over preys could hunt down such large animals in a very short time.

Not far away, the people from Night's previous tribes along with their elders stood there in awe of Titan. They were surprised that he was able to hunt this much. This was their first time seeing something like this other than what Light was able to do.

"Okay, we will do it according to the agreed conditions!"

Since the other party obeyed the agreement, Edward did not care about rudeness towards Titan.

'I have successfully captured the animals I most wanted and it was time to take the next step of my plan. In front of this Titan, although he is a violent savage at least he had followed their promise and was willing to take the gamble. This showed that at least Titan could accept defeat too.'

Edward thought to himself

Edward gestured and Night waved towards the woods.

Big Head walked over with a few people while bringing their mighty preys.

The people from the Titans were stunned by the scene in front of them, and the people from Night's previous tribe were even more surprised!

The air solidified.