

A university student has passed through to the prehistoric period; will history still evolve along the original trajectory? In this ancient wasteland of ruthlessness and bloodshed, Edward armed with his imagination and human knowledge of the 21st century is out there to lead his small tribe into creating an empire for generations to remember. From introducing fire, the secrets of the soil, and aspirin to launching the savage cave fashion show. But against him stands his savage rivals, ferocious beasts and hundreds of barbaric ethnic groups.

Killerpants · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Missing expedition

Edward had a strong feeling of ominousness. It felt as if something was wrong. Maybe it was his sixth sense or just a gut feeling.

A lot of tribesmen were complaining to Edward too. Not just cause they wanted their salt but because they felt that the salt group should have been back a few days ago. They had already overshot their supposed day of return.

He immediately summoned Roc to discuss the matter.

Everyone was sitting around the fire at their habitual positions. Night and Daisy were sitting beside Edward. Roc and Debro were sitting opposite from Edward. They all had an expressionless face as they stared at the fire.

Today Qia was also coming by to the group to hand over some of the newly made clothes she had skillfully made.