

A university student has passed through to the prehistoric period; will history still evolve along the original trajectory? In this ancient wasteland of ruthlessness and bloodshed, Edward armed with his imagination and human knowledge of the 21st century is out there to lead his small tribe into creating an empire for generations to remember. From introducing fire, the secrets of the soil, and aspirin to launching the savage cave fashion show. But against him stands his savage rivals, ferocious beasts and hundreds of barbaric ethnic groups.

Killerpants · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Dazzlement from shoes

Night and Daisy both washed their feet and put on the 'shoes'. They both tried walking around the cave and then finally decided to show off and walk outside.

As soon as they got outside, all the eyes of the women in the tribe were fixed on the two. It was not winter right now so everyone was basically barefoot so at this moment when Night and Daisy walked outside it caused everyone to stop their work and their eyes were all on their feet.

"Oh my! Look at Night and Daisy's feet. It looks comfortable and safe."

"Yeah! This looks like it can protect your feet well especially in winter with all the fur that is inside them."

"When can I have such a thing?"

Different voices were raised all around the tribe and Night and Daisy could certainly feel everyone's eyes were on them.

Qia who had followed along to test the prototype shoes replied to the various voices of the tribe: