
Ch 2 : The Novel's Daughter

As days turned into weeks in this new world, Jin honed his skills as a gatherer of information. He became adept at eavesdropping on conversations, blending into crowds, and uncovering hidden truths that seemed to lurk beneath the surface of everyday life. The realization that his skills had transcended his previous world filled him with a sense of purpose and empowerment.

One afternoon, as Jin wandered the bustling streets, a snippet of conversation reached his ears. A group of merchants were discussing a high-stakes auction that had taken place in the heart of the city. Intrigued, Jin lingered nearby, feigning interest in the wares displayed before him while secretly absorbing every word.

"Did you hear?" one merchant exclaimed. "The daughter of Elder Zhang – the powerful cultivator from the Northern Mountains – was seen coming out of the casino! She's been causing quite a stir."

Jin's heart skipped a beat. The name Elder Zhang resonated with him. It was a name he had encountered in the novels of his previous world. Elder Zhang was a figure of great importance, a character whose influence spanned entire continents in those stories. And now, here, in this world, his daughter was not only real but also the center of attention.

Curiosity piqued, Jin continued to eavesdrop on the conversation. The merchants spoke in hushed tones about the daughter's rumored eccentricities and her supposed disdain for the life of privilege that came with her lineage. What truly caught Jin's attention, however, was the mention of a unique bracelet – a piece of jewelry that adorned the daughter's wrist, confirming her identity beyond doubt.

Jin's mind raced. If he could somehow obtain more information about this situation, he might be able to turn it to his advantage. In a world where information was currency, he realized that he held a rare and valuable piece. The novel's daughter could be his ticket to resources, connections, and a higher standing in this complex society.

As evening approached, Jin began to discreetly follow the trail of the daughter's movements. He shadowed her from a distance, his heart pounding with a mix of apprehension and excitement. She moved gracefully through the city's streets, her aura a blend of elegance and mystery. But Jin wasn't the only one who had taken notice of her.

As the daughter entered the grand doors of an opulent auction hall on the main road, Jin hesitated. He knew that stepping inside would require him to reveal himself, to present the information he had gathered about her presence and her bracelet. The decision hung in the air, heavy with the weight of potential consequences.

Taking a deep breath, Jin entered the hall. The opulence of the surroundings was overwhelming – glistening chandeliers, intricate tapestries, and an air of anticipation that seemed to hum in the air. The auction had drawn a diverse crowd, each individual yearning for a chance to obtain something rare, valuable, or perhaps even life-changing.

Jin's heart raced as he discreetly scanned the faces, searching for the distinctive bracelet. And then, he spotted her – the novel's daughter. Her presence seemed to radiate a mix of defiance and vulnerability, and Jin felt a surge of empathy. He knew that her fate, much like his own, was shaped by circumstances beyond her control.

As the auctioneer's gavel struck, signaling the start of the event, Jin's mind whirred with possibilities. He held a secret, a piece of information that could alter the course of not only his own life but also the lives of those around him. The novel's daughter held the key, and Jin was determined to unlock the door it could open – a door that led to a future filled with potential, intrigue, and the promise of his own unique journey in this new world.