
Ch 1 : The Mysterious Transmigration

The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows over the unfamiliar landscape. Jin's heart raced as he tried to comprehend what had just happened to him. One moment, he had been walking down a mundane street in his own world, and the next, he found himself in a place that seemed straight out of the fantastical novels he used to lose himself in. Everything was different – the architecture, the clothing, the very air he breathed.

As the initial shock began to ebb, Jin took in his surroundings. Bustling market stalls lined the cobbled streets, and people in vibrant attire moved with purpose. Yet, their voices carried an unfamiliar cadence, and their words were strange and foreign. The realization hit him like a wave – he was no longer in his own world, and he had no idea how or why he had been transported here.

Confusion and panic bubbled up inside Jin. He stumbled through the crowds, his thoughts a jumble of questions. Was this a dream? A hallucination? But the sharp pinch when he tugged at his own arm convinced him otherwise. This was real, whatever "real" meant in this bewildering context.

As he wandered, Jin's ears perked up at fragments of conversations he could understand. Information was a highly prized currency in this world, and it seemed that he had inadvertently landed in a realm where knowledge was power. People were discussing rumors, sharing stories, and even bargaining with bits of information. It was then that Jin's bagger instincts kicked in – he might not know how he got here, but he could use his skills to navigate this new reality.

With a sense of determination, Jin found a quiet corner where he could gather his thoughts. He remembered the stories he'd read about parallel worlds, realms where the rules were different from his own. It seemed that he had stepped into one of those worlds – a place where novels and legends were more than mere fiction.

He recalled the stories of cultivators, individuals who harnessed spiritual energy to achieve incredible feats. In this world, they were held in high esteem, and becoming a cultivator was an aspiration pursued by many. However, Jin's excitement was tempered by a harsh reality he quickly discovered: not everyone could become a cultivator. It required a special "spiritual root," a rare trait that only one in ten thousand possessed. The odds were stacked against him.

Despite the odds, Jin refused to be defeated. He had faced challenges in his own world, and he was determined to face them here as well. He realized that his bagger skills – the ability to gather and process information – could be his ticket to survival. Just as he had once scavenged for survival in his own world, he could now scavenge for information and trade it for the resources he needed.

As the sun set on that bewildering first day, Jin made a decision. He would adapt. He would learn the intricacies of this new world, navigate its mysteries, and carve a path for himself. He might not have the innate talent to become a cultivator, but he possessed a different kind of power – the power of information. And with that power, he was determined to not only survive but thrive in this novel-like realm.

And so, with resolve burning in his eyes, Jin embraced his new identity as a gatherer of information, a bagger of stories. Little did he know that this decision would set him on a journey that would challenge his limits, reshape his understanding of reality, and ultimately lead him towards a destiny he could never have imagined.