
From assassin to Demon lord

Zaru is adventurer in Astenna kingdom. One day on a mission he is betrayed by his team and left to die. But, the goddess of demons have another plans for him. How will their chance meeting change the world?

Tony_Raven · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Ch.2 The dungeon

When I woke up, I was lying in soft bed.

'Wait where did a bed got here?!'

I sit up straight and found out that the goddess of demons was hovering in mid air.

"You're up sleeping beauty?" she grinned and landed next to the bed.

"Yeah, I'm up. How long did I sleep for?"¨

"Just about three hours. Your magic replenishes quickly," goddess nodded as we were walking out of the bedroom.

"When you collapsed, we took you here and then I took that elf girl for a bath. We took the kids with us and send Skaly toinvestigate the rooms. That elf girl is now cooking for everyone in the kitchen."

"There are a lot of rooms eh?"

"Well, you should knew it better then me."


"You made this place. Everything you thought about during the process of creation of the dungeon got converted into reality here. There is kitchen, alchemy lab, storage rooms, giant dining hall, throne room, bedrooms… All you need to live!" the goddess smiled.

"I see… well, it really is a big place. How many rooms are there?"

"About two hundread. It's about 1 square kilometer big and given that this is a base floor, every floor you create from here will be this size or bigger."

"That big?!"

"Well, you had an awfully lot of mana to begin with," goddess shrugged.

"M-misther demon lord?" a small voice called me out. Said voice also bit her tongue.

I turned around and saw the girl of elves. She was completly clean now and her hairs glittered with sparkling cleansiess.

"It's you. Yuki, right?"

"Yes sir Demon lord! I've prepared food!"

"Drop that sir demon lord, the name is Zaru."

"Lord Zaru?"

"Just Zaru."

"Z-Zar… Master! I shall call you master! Please take good care of me!" Yuki bowed.

"Wh-wait! That's not what I– wait take care of you?"

"I do not have a place to return to so I wish to serve you!"

"No place to return to?"

"In my village I was unwanted… that's why they sacrificed me to giants"

'How is this cute girl unwanted?! And sacrifice?! Seems like I have a village to burn!'

"Okay, I understand. I don't know what I will have you do, but for now I think First secretary or something like that, should be good enough of a position. I think…"

"Master… I–I will give you my besht!" Yuki bite her tongue again.

"Okay you guys!" the goddess claped her hands with a big grin, "I stuffed the giants into the dungeon core so you have some Demon points to start. Yuki, about the thing we talked before, I wish you good luck. With this, I have to give you my good byes for now. If I stay in the mortal realm for too long, I may accidently destory a country again, bye~"

The goddess didn't even wait for our reply and left in whirling vortex of black clouds.

As we were walking to the dining room, I had to ask one thing, "So, why did she wished you good luck?"

"Ah!" Yuki turned red, which with her usual pale color sheme looked extreemly seductive, "Well, we have those frost giants here and they were about to assault me so I quess it was to give me courage… or something."

"Ah, yeah, those guys…" I remembered that I only named the adult female one and not the kids.

We entered the dining room, or rather hall. This place could easily accomodate ten thousand people. Yuki seated me in the head of the main table and stood behind me.

In front of me were prepared plates with soup and sizzling meat whose smell made me droll.

"You guys won't eat?" I looked at the kids who were standing in line next to Skaly.

I had hard time looking at her, becouse, what I didn't realized before was that she was completly naked.

"Um, Skaly… would you mind puting some clothes on you?"

"Clothes? What is that?" she tilted her head.

'Oh, I forgot that she was a Frost giant. The differences in races can get confusing sometimes…'

"Clothes are pieces of fabric or hides from other animals that shield us from cold."

"But master, I'm a [Frost] now. I have imunity that prevents cold damage."

"Th-That may be right, but the lack of clothes makes it hard to look at you here!" I pushed some of the spare clothes I had in my Magic bag to her. "Put that on and let's eat after that."

The kids looked at Skaly and then looked at me.

"So you five. Come here," I smiled at the kids who slowly walked to me.

"You are good kids I see. I decided to give you names too. So let's start with the boys. Merpy and Gilat sounds good for the two of you. And now the girls…"

I looked at them closely. While the boys were both looking like Frost giants from the start, the girls looked more like elves. "Marika, Ell and Aldei. How does that sound?"

The kids beamed a happy smile and all started to shine like Skaly did.

Right now, they were recognized as my subordinates and as such they would recieve a gift to make them stronger. In other words, an evolution into higher being.

Speaking of ranks of beings. In mortal realm there exist three ranks. The low rank, aka the beasts without the ability to communicate. The middle rank, which contains most of the sentient beings such as humans, elves, beastmen, scalefolk and much more. Finally the high rank, this rank is specified to those who overcome the limits of their bodies and entered the realm of the true strenght.

Of course there is one rare rank standing above everyone else. Those are the Imortals. Such as Demon lords, angels, spirits, devils and dragons. This is a group I belong to now.

When the kids evolved into [Frosts] as well, I gave them all some clothes and send them to Skaly to change.

With that done, I decided to return to my food. I only had some small provisions in the morning and the Demon fruit so I was really starving.

I took a deep breath and bite into the first piece of the meat. It was so amazing! The tender and juicy meat spread in my mouth. It was a reall moment of bliss.

"Yuki, if you want you can sit here and eat with me you know? Actually, I would prefer that."

"I deffinitely can not! You are master of the house! I as a servant can't eat with you!"

"Urgh… Then I order you to do so. No, take that back. From now on, you are ordered to always eat with me unless specified otherwise. I don't know how it worked at your village, but here you will follow my rules, understood? I'm master of the house and I wish to eat together. You understand right?" I tried to give her my most reasuring smile, but I had to keep in my mind that I made kids cry when I was smiling before.

But now, I experienced something new. Yuki smiled as a blooming flower and said simple "Yes."

As she took the place on my right side, she looked really happy. She served herself a piece of meat too and started eating happiliy. I got a little curious about her so I used «Identify»

Name: Yuruki (Yuki)

Race: Snow elf

Class: Magic chef

Level: 12

HP: 50 MP: 200 STR: 40 VIT: 30 DEX: 30 AGI: 30 MAG: 1,000 LUCK: 250

Skills: Master chef, Magic mastery, Disintegration, Water magic, Fire magic, Complete comprehension


"I-is something the matter master?" Yuki got suprised as I rised my voice.

"N-no! I just got surprised how much tastier the meat got with every bite!"

<Complete comprehension> is a rare skill that allows it's user to learn things ten times faster then any normal person. The most important thing about it is that it doesn't affects regular abilities, but skills too. 'With this skill she could be one day as strong as me right now…'

"I-Is that so master? Thank you I shall strive to make even tastier food in the future!"

"I'll be looking forward to it. I have some things I have to understand yet so I will be in the throne room after the food. By the way, what's this delicious meat?"

"It's Frost giant. Miss Goddess choped of one leg when she was stuffing the whole thing into the Dungeon core, when I asked her about what I should make for diner."

'That shitty goddess! She knows how much I hate eating humanoids and she let's her prepare meal from it!! But... I can't stop now... Yuki would definitely cry...'

"Um... and Skaly and the rest were okay with that?"

"Oh, yes. Miss Skaly said that her brother kill and ate their father before he became leader of the tribe here."

It took only one look in Yuki's sparkly blue eyes to make me eat the rest of the steak. 'How can I be so weak to cute smile?'

After finishing the food, Yuki took the plates and left for the kitchen to wash them.

I, in the meanwhile, went to the throne room. The place was as big as the dining hall and had two rows of black pillars. The doors I used to walk in were on a elevated platform where the throne was also located.

The throne was made from massive gold and had black runes that lit with purplish color when I sit on it. The dungeon core was cleaverly hidden in right armrest with fake orb fixed in the backrest above my head.

When I touched the core, or another fake orb in the left armrest, a semi-transparent screen appeared in front of me. There I found the functions of the dungeon. I could place traps to dungeon area (aka the land above the dungeon), I could create floors and summon monsters.

Weirdly, sitting on the throne made me feel as if power coursed through me.

"Create floor: Catacomb maze. Summon: Elder lich"

I created a floor and then I selected a monster and what class it should have.

The monster before me should be a skeleton, but for some reason it looked like a dried up zombie.

"You shall become guardian of the first floor, the catacomb maze. For that reason I want you to use your Necromancy skills to summon monsters to guard it. To boost your power I shall grant you a name. You will be known as Renzir."

Black flames enveloped the monster and when the flames died down, a woman looking creature appeared.

"Master, is that a [Great spectre]?" Skaly came out of the doors next to the throne. Now, that she was dressed, she was much easier to look at. Though, the tightness was another thing to worry about. 'Guess I will need a crafter'

"I Renzir, shall strive to meet your expectations, my lord," Renzir bowed, "And I hope you could spank me as a reward."

'She's a pervert!!!'

"Let's leave it for another time. Now go and fullfil your duty."

"Yes master, I shall look forward to your spnking," Renzir bowed with a lewd grin and left.

"What the hell is her problem…" I sighed.

"Maybe she was just reacting to your demonic energy," Yuki said as she was glaring towards doors Renzir disappeared behind.

'Huh? This looks like… is she jealous?'

"Well, I also have to summon some monsters to work in the caves…"

"Caves?" Skaly asked.

"The caves you lived in were pushed away when I created the dungeon. That means there are now caves under us. I want to change them into mines. So… Summon: Storage Slime 10x. Summon: Goblin"

In next moment ten white blobs with [Storage] skill appeared. Slimes are considered the weakest monsters alongside caterpillars and mices. But most people miss out on their most useful trait. Adaptability. Slimes can adapt to it's surroundings and evolve into advanced species to survive.

The goblin on the other hand, was also weird. Mainly becouse it had hairs, which goblins usually don't have.

"Goblin. Your name from today onwards will be Gobura. I want you to go check on the caves alongside the slimes and the Frost kids. Investigate the caves and report on any unusual thing that will happen there. If you find a monster, don't fight it and return here."

"Understood! Sir!" the goblin hit it's chest and shone with golden light. Soon after that, it evolved into Hobgoblin.

"It's a girl!" Yuki screamed out.

'Is she jealous of all girls that I call out? Wonder what would happen if Lizzie came here… As good as I know her, she will instantly know what happened.'

"Skaly, let's go. We will be hunting today."

"Yes. My lord."