
From assassin to Demon lord

Zaru is adventurer in Astenna kingdom. One day on a mission he is betrayed by his team and left to die. But, the goddess of demons have another plans for him. How will their chance meeting change the world?

Tony_Raven · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Ch. 3 The insect fighter and first night

I stepped out of the dungeon followed closely by Skaly. My main objective before sunset was to find something to eat that isn't humanoid and rise Skaly's level.

Name: Skaly

Race: Frost

Class: Fighter

Level: 10

HP: 250 MP: 10 STR: 100 VIT: 130 DEX: 80 AGI: 60 MAG: 10 LUCK: 100

Skills: Hand to hand fight mastery, Primitive weapon user, Freezing aura, Childcare mastery

"Okay, I had a look on your skills and I decided to give you more experience. And becouse monsters defeated in dungeon area yield Demon points, I used remaining points I had to expand the Dungeon area from here all the way to that forest over there."

After that I took out monster lure incase and activated it.

"Now, monsters will be coming to us. I will take care of the stronger ones and let you take care of those around your level. Any questions?"

"No sir. But, could you please provide me with a weapon I could use?"

"I could give you a club, but we will be eating the meat afterwards so no weapons for you."

"I understand," Skaly nodded.

"Hm? Seems they are already here," I pointed to the nearby forest, where a group of Crystal rabbits.

"Your first targets are those rabbits over there. They can attack with their dagger-like crystal horns. They have a small black dot on their chest. If you hit it, they will die."

"Understood master!" Skaly nodded and jumped into action.

While her speed was low, she was able to hit the rabbits where I pointed at, which made them fall quickly.

Her level rose up to twenty, when she learned a new skill «Nilfenhaim Knight» It was a skill that allowed her to use Ice magic and made weapons from them. Interesting enough, she didn't choose a club, but a broadsword.

"Good work. You've defeated a lot of rabbits, but what about the wolf pack over there? Feel up to it?" I pointed at group of ten wolves with white fur and two pairs of black horns.

"I will finish them quickly," Skaly shot a cold glare at the wolves, which provoked them into action. Up until now they were wary of me, but seeing that only Skaly was going at them, they got back their courage.

"Icicle lance!" Skaly shot out ice magic spell that pierced through first three wolves and the remaining seven were took on with her sword.

"I thought that she would need help, but she's decapitating them with one hit… she's getting really strong."

'Hm? Is that an insect?'

I noticed that another humanoid being was looking at us. First were two elves, but this one person was more interesting. It was a beetle looking insectoid with four arms and scorpion-like tail.

'Why is he glaring at me? Does he want to fight with me?'

«Identify» told me that he was a melee fighter with specialization in weapon destruction.

'Yep, it's going agains me.' I smiled to myself as I saw it charge at me.

"Damn you demon scum! I shall prove that Demon queen Arana is only demon lord this continent!"

'He's Ari's servant? Better not kill him then,' I decided to incapitate him by cutting of his limbs.

For that I used thread control to cut of it's legs, hands and tail.

"Wah! You lowly demon scum! I will show you!"

"What you useless shit? I could kill you right now if I wanted. But Ari wouldn't like that so I will keep you alive for now. Skaly! How are you doing?"

"I have just finished the last wolf sir!"

"Good work, let's collect the corpses and return to the dungeon."

"Understood, sir!"

I quickly collected the rabits and some of the wolves and returned to the dungeon with Skaly.

"Master? What is that larva?" Renzir asked seeing the insect being thrown on the ground.

"An annoying bug that attacked us outside. Apparently he works for demon lord Arana. I want to know why he came here, what he wants and if there is someone with him."

"Understood sir. Wraiths, take him to cell fifteen."

"Uwaaaaaah!" two bluish white ghosts with ugly faces grimacing in pain flew out of the wall and took the screaming insect.

"Let's return to the kitchen, I guess it would be good to give our hunt to Yuki and have her place it to the freezer."

"Understood sir," Skaly bowed.

"I'm a little tired so I will crush for today," I decided after letting all the rabbits and wolves in Yuki's hands, who was teaching the five kids (and ten skeletons send by Renzir) how to dissect the bodies and store them properly.

Skaly turned a little red at my words and and nodded in understanding.

I went to the room I woke up in, which was litte to the left behind the throne room. I fell to my bed and closed my eyes. I went over the events of the day. Stabbed, almost died, turn into demon lord, created a dungeon... there was so much...

Suddenly, I heard as if the doors cracked when someone opened them.

I opened my eyes and noticed that it was Skaly. The biggest giveaway was her large chest in the dark room.

"Master... I came..."

"I see," I sit up and Skaly came before me. Even though it was dark, I kept the magic lights on low volume so I noticed that she was naked. "Why are you naked again?"

"In my memory, only satisfied man is happy man. I came for that reason," she turned a little red as she placed her hands on my pants.

"You should do this only with someone you like. I'm good at holding back, so you don't have to force yourself."

"That won't do," she shook her head and took out my dick, planting a light kiss on the tip. "I shall serve my master in any way I possibly can."

'I know what my brother did to the women he brought here... not like I can tell that to master,' Skaly thought as she put Zaru's dick in her mouth, coiling her tongue arount it.

"Uh..." As her tongue moved around, I understood one thing. 'She's way too good!'

Skaly started to gobble my dick like if it was a candy.

It didn't even took long until I came, right into her mouth.

"Cough, cough... You are still hard master... I shall continue then," Skaly climed up on top of me and lowered her hips. "Umm... Ah!"

I grabbed her plump ass and forced her down. Noticing, something wet drop on my legs, she either came, or this was her first time.

I gently rised her up and droped her on the bed. "Okay, I will be on the top now."

I pushed my dick inside her and started moving. Slowly at first, but I pick up the speed as I did.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! AAAH! Master!" Skaly held me around my neck as if she never intended to let go.

While I expected the [Frost] to be cold, I was proved terribly wrong. She was warm and very lively. When I groped her chest, she made such an unbecoming squeek that it made me release unintentionally. We continued for good two hours stright until she passed out from cuming too much.

I fell to the bed next to her and used [All clean] spell to elliminate all stains, smells and wetness.

"Fuu... that was good," I smiled to myself and let Skaly sleep in my arms.