
From assassin to Demon lord

Zaru is adventurer in Astenna kingdom. One day on a mission he is betrayed by his team and left to die. But, the goddess of demons have another plans for him. How will their chance meeting change the world?

Tony_Raven · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Ch.1 Yuraki of the elvish village

My name is Yuraki, but I'm mostly called Yuki. I'm a snow elf, which as it was explained to me a subspecies of Forest elves.

Our village is located in Snowy mountain to the west of the Astenna kingdom. Said kingdom have strong prejustice against non-humans.

Our village is, at least for me, a hell. The village chief, who is also a founder of the village, was born with rare Heroic skill, but he lacked the blessing, needed to use 100% of the skill. Without it, only three percent were usable.

When chief found out about it, he got an idea. 'Since I got this skill hereditarly from my mother, then there is chance that my children will also get the skill. And some of them may even get the blessing. I can have my own personal hero!'

And with that in mind, the chief started to kidnap woman from High elvish empire, which is to north west from the village and forced them to have children with him. As the population grew, the village got separated into two groups.

Those with a skill and those without it. Basicaly, those born without the skill, were treated as nothing more then a bugs. If you got lucky, you became servant of one of the first generations sons. But if you don't and was a woman on top of it, like me, your fate as child spawner was practically guaranteed.

Maybe it's thanks to my snow white hairs and blue as ice eyes, but no one wanted me to serve them. Back then, I thought that I got lucky, but how wrong I was.

When woman got too old to give birth to child, she always disappeared. Until recently, I didn't know what was happening to them. Now I do.

The village chief sacrificed them to Frost giants. And now, becouse I don't have a partners, am going to become a sacrifice to them too.

Before I even realized it, the village chief and his cohorts tied me up and chained me to a wooden pole before their cave.

Soon, the Frost giants came. Each of them was at least three meter stall and had a vicious grins on their blue faces.


As I screamed out, one of the giants took the chain and snaped it with two of his fingers. Other one took the rest of the chain and pulled me inside the cave, while I was screaming for my life.

We entered the cave and I realized that there were skulls all over the walls. My fear got so strong that I couldn't even scream anymore, only my tears were still flowing out.

The giants throwed me in the middle of them in a big room lightly illuminated with magic stones. Not a single giant here wore any kind of clothes so I realized that this place was full of male giants. I saw only one female and that one was holding a child that didn't look completly giant. That was when it occured to me. What have happened to the woman that came here before me. The life they had in the village and their death was same. They were fucked to death.

One of the giants, the biggest and fattiest, stood before me. Over his gigantic belly, I couldn't even see his face.

"Someone… please… save me…"

The giant took me in it's hand and I expected to feel terrible pain so I shot my eyes closed.

But nothing happened. Instead, something wet splashed over my body and air was filled with smell of iron.

I weakly opened my eyes.

The sight before me awestruck me. There was giant hole in chest of the fatty giant. The grip loosen as the body fell to the ground. The giants went into uproar, but the moment they tried to move, their heads flew off as if they were cut of by invisible sword. In less then ten seconds all the giants were dead.

I crawled out from under the giants hand and sit up. I looked around and saw that everything in this room was covered in blood. The female giant was kneeling in front of a man clad in black clothes. He had bat-like wings and pair of thumb sized silverish horns. Without a doubt in my mind that man was a demon lord.

I heard stories from the adults that visited the outside world. Demon lords are pinnacle of the world and only heroes can compeat with them. 'Demon lords are born to destroy and kill, is what they said, so why am I feeling like I'm being protected? Why am I feeling safe?'


It didn't take really long time until I reached the cave of the Frost giants. The goddess of Demons was hovering above ground and watching every step I took.

"Hey, a quick question. Why don't you try flying? It would be easier."

"I can't do it right away."

"Just send some magic to your wings and bam! You're flying!" The goddess said and spin in the air with hands and legs spread.

Trying to ignore her crazy actions, I entered the cave.

"Urgh. Skulls? Really?"

"Seems like some elvish woman get to their hands."

"Someone… please… save me…" I picked up someone's voice.

Instantly I spread my wings and flew inside the cave.

There I saw a young elvish girl with snow white hairs geting picked up by fatty giant.

I took out my bow from the Magic bag and shot a hole inside the giants heart.

Seeing their boss die, the remaining giants went into rampage, but it was too late for them. I moved my hands and released my mana-infused metal slime strings which wraped itself around the giants necks, decapitating them instantly. I searched the room and found a adjucent hall that had one more giant in it.

"Guess I will clear the quest anyway," I laughed to myself as I headed to the last remaining giant.

As I did, the giant walked out of the room. It was a female giant, only two and a half meters tall. The giant spread it's hands as if trying to forbid me from entering. I looked behind her and saw five kids around five to six years old. All of them hand blue skin like the giants, but their ears were pointed.

"I will give you two options. Either die here with the rest," I pointed to the room, "Or serve me and I will let the kids live." I let my demonic aura run wild.

'Like hell I would kill kids! I may be an assassin, but I have standards! Move them away and wipe their memories! Works every time!'

The giant hesitated a little. I could hear the kids rumbling behind her which probably swayed her becouse she took the knee right after that.

"Good choice. As a reward I shall give you a name, you will be known as Skaly."

As I declared so, the female giant shone with dim bluish white light as it evolved into higher species. The giant shrunk into human size and it's features became more human-like too. It still had blue skin, brown hairs and D-cups, but the entire feel got refined.

"I, Skaly, shall serve under you for the rest of my life. Anything you wish for, I will do. If you wish for me to join you in bed, I shall do that too."

"Why would I… never mind. Take the kids to the entery, I will rebuild this place into a dungeon."

"I understand my lord," Skaly bowed and quickly collected those kids and leave.

"I need to give her some clothes…"

"Do you really? The little guy seems eager to push her down. And she's willing too."

"Shut up goddess!" I turned away and went to check on the Snow elf.

She was pale, but not becouse of fear or bloodloss, but becouse that is a normal constitution of Snow elves. Snow elves have usualy white or gray hairs, blue eyes and curvier body then forest elves, who they are rarely born from. This girl who could be around five years younger then me, already had solid C-cups. Well, she shoud look like that, but all I could see was a blob of blood with blue eyes.

"You got a name?" I asked her in friendly manner.

"Ah! Yes! I'm Yukari… you can just call me Yuki if you want," the girl bowed.

"I'm going to use this cave as my dungeon from today onwards. I guess you don't have any place you could return to right?"

"Y-yes… I don't have such a place. I was wondering if you would let me serve you, I can do all house chores! I can even…" Yuki turned bright red and clasped her burning cheeks for a moment before regaining her composure, "I wanted to say that I can use little magic too."

"I see. Well, I don't really mind, and it will be helpful if I will not have to do all the cooking."

"Hey, if you hug her now, I'm sure she will let you fuck her," the goddess of demons whispered into my ear.

"Shut it! Rather then giving me such ideas, you could tell me how to create the dungeon!"

"You just need to chant [Create Dungeon MAX] and it's done. It will create as much floors as your magic allows you in addition to creating your own Dungeon core. The dungeon core can be used as a medium to usage of Demon points. You can use it to summon monsters and devils to serve you. Just remember that if the dungeon core is destroyed, you will be weakened for certain period of time and all monsters summoned with the help of Dungeon core will be destroyed."

"Okay, that seems reasonable. Here goes! [Create dungeon MAX]!" As soon as the chant finished, all of my MP got drained and theroom I was standing in changed it's shape. Sadly, I fell unconcious at that very moment.

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