
33. Chapter Thirty-Three

A hand gripped her calf as fear twisted her heart in a vise like grip. She clawed at the ground, nails digging into cold, wet dirt as a fearful scream ripped through her throat, trying to ignore the pain shooting through her right wrist every time she moved it. She kicked at David with her free leg, hoping to shake his grip loose so she could crawl farther away. She just had to get to her gun, she just had to hold out until rescue came. Eric would come soon, she hoped.

As David was distracted with telling her the things he was going to do to her, she fought back, fought through her fear, unwilling to lay on the ground and be a helpless victim. She managed to put some distance between them as she searched for her gun but David didn’t let her get far. Every time she got close to her pistol, he’d pull her back. He was toying with her and taking great pleasure in it.

David gripped her calf again, his sharp nails digging into her pants leg and leaving scratch marks on her pale skin that she was sure was bleeding.

Nicole kicked at him again. This time managing to connect her heavy, steel toe work boots with the side of his face, loosening his grip long enough to surge forward towards her gun.

Her fingers wrapped around the cold metal of her pistol and she held it firmly in her uninjured hand as she rolled onto her back, pointing the gun at his chest.

“Stand down,” she said, trying to sound strong, authoritative but it ended up coming out shaky and terrified. Blood from the cut on her forehead, dripped into her line of sight mixing with rain as David took a step closer, smirking.

“You don’t have the balls to shoot me.”

“I said don’t move.” Nicole hastily wiped the blood from her face, trying to keep her gun trained on David’s heart as her hand shook almost violently. “I will shoot you.”

“Please Officer Haught ,” he spat at her, taking another step closer as Nicole pushed herself away from him with her legs. “We both know that if you kill me it’ll destroy you, you’re not strong enough to handle taking a life.”

He took another step towards her and instead of backing away this time, Nicole fire her pistol, aiming at the ground by his feet, hoping that the warning shot would keep him from coming any closer.

Of course, luck was not on Nicole’s side tonight.

David continued his slow stroll towards her, a sinister smirk crossing his features.

“You know, once I’m done with you and after I kill my wife, I’m going to pay Waverly Earp a visit, let her know that her dear Officer Haught won’t be coming home tonight.” His smirk widened, his eyes turning red again as a part of his forehead cracked and lit up once more. “Maybe I’ll even have some fun with her before I kill her.” White-hot rage shot through Nicole at the mention of Waverly, the mention of him laying one finger on her, hurting her in any way.

She had to protect Waverly from David. Had to keep David far, far away from her, keep her safe.

“You’re not gonna lay a hand on her,” Nicole growled, pushing herself up onto shaky legs, gritting her teeth against the stab of pain in her wrist.

“Oh, are you gonna stop me?” He laughed, scooping up her taser that had been knocked off her belt in their scuffle. “Think you’re fast enough to shoot me before I shoot you? I’ve got a helluva lot more experience than you.”  

David raised the taser up, pointing straight at Nicole’s heart and she responded in kind, the iron sights of her pistol lining up perfectly with his heart.

The volts from the taser wouldn’t kill her but it would immobilize her along enough for him to get her gun from her, long enough for him to kill her and then go after Nancy and Waverly.

“Don’t do this,” Nicole said, trying her hardest to keep her hands from shaking, to keep the fear twisting inside her from showing. “No one has to die here.”

“You’re naive if you thought this was going to end any other way.” His finger on the trigger of the taser twitched and Nicole fired two bullets in rapid succes.

She watched him fall to the ground in what felt like slow motion as the smell of gunpowder assaulted her nostrils and mouth. Her ears echoed with the sound of the shots. Her hands shook uncontrollable as bile rose in her throat. 

She jammed her pistol in her holster and emptied whatever was left in her stomach onto the ground at her feet. She wiped her mouth with her sleeve and stumbled away from her vomit and towards her car.

Nicole slumped against the hood of her car, trying to get her breathing and shaky limbs under control as David’s words echoed in her mind.

“You’re not strong enough to handle taking a life.”

Followed by words her father said to her years ago.

“You’ll never make it as a cop Nicole, you don’t have what it takes to handle the horrors of the job, no woman does.”

Nicole was starting to believe that they were right. She drew a ragged breath in as tears pricked behind her eyes and blurred her vision. She felt hollow, in fact she couldn’t feel anything other than an almost unbearable pressure pushing down on her chest, making it hard to breath.

She killed someone and no matter how terrible of a person David was, she’ll live with the weight of taking his life for the rest of her life. It’ll haunt her till they day she died.

When she was about sixteen she asked her grandpa if he had ever taken a life on the job. She remembered watching him pour himself a drink, downing it in one go before he sat down next to her, eyes far away and vacant.

He had told her the truth, never one to shield the horrors of the job from her. He wanted her to know what she was getting into, what things she might face, might see.

He told her it wasn’t like it was in the movies or TV shows. He told her that the burden of taking someone’s life never got easier to carry, never truly went away. He told her some days the weight could crush a person and other days it was bearable but it was always there underneath the surface.

She thought she prepared herself for the day she God forbid would have to take a life. She was wrong. Nothing, not her grandpa’s insight, not all the training in the world could have prepared her for this.

Nicole stared down at her hands without really seeing them as the sound of sirens got louder and she heard car doors slam shut, followed by the sound of foot steps and someone saying her name. She could hear it all but it sounded distant, muffled.

Fingers under her chin, tilting it up sent her scrambling back on the hood of her car, hand flying to her gun as she stared up with wide, watery brown eyes at Eric.

“It’s okay Haught, it’s just me,” Eric said softly in a tone he usually reserved for his daughter. “You’re safe, it’s over.”

“Nancy, I think she’s still inside, I didn’t make it that far.”

Nicole sounded emotionless even to her own ear and she knew Eric could hear it as well when the relief in his eyes turned to concern.

“You’ll be okay while I check?” He asked, shrugging off his jacket and draping it over her shoulders.

Her whole body was shaking but it had little to do with her cold, wet clothes.

“I have her Eric,” Waverly said from behind him.

At the sound of her voice, more tears welled in Nicole’s eyes and slid down her cheeks. She had so sure that she’d never hear Waverly’s voice ever again, so sure that she’d never see her again, never get the chance to tell her she loved her.

Eric nodded and stepped back. As much as he wanted to make sure his partner was okay, he had to follow protocol and clear the scene.

“Tread carefully, she’s in shock,” Eric told Waverly as he stopped next to her, his eyes moving to where Deputy Marshal Dolls and Wynonna stood next to David’s body. “She needs to talk to someone about this or it’ll eat away at her.

Waverly nodded and waited for him to move further away from them before she stepped up to Nicole, slowly as not to spook her.

Nicole was looking at her but Waverly was sure that Nicole wasn’t actually seeing her. Nicole’s usual vibrant eyes were dull and almost lifeless. Her shoulders were slumped, her whole body trembled and one of her hands clenching and unclenching into a fist at her side, the other bruised and swollen, lying limp across her lap.  

The woman sagged against the squad car in front of her was a far cry from the woman Waverly had come to know, come to love. It broke her heart to see Nicole’s soul shattered but part of her was beyond relieved that Nicole was alive.

“Oh Nicky,” Waverly whispered, brushing wet, red hair from Nicole’s forehead, eyes lingering on the still bleeding cut at her hairline.

“I didn’t want to shoot him,” Nicole said, the usual confidence she spoke with gone and replaced with a desperation Waverly had never heard from her before. “I didn’t want to kill him Waverly, but h-he was going to kill me then he was going to kill you and Nancy and I, I couldn’t let him hurt either of you.”

“Oh baby, I know that.” Waverly caressed Nicole’s cheek, wiping away the tears steadily slipping down her face.

She wanted to tell Nicole that she hadn’t actually killed David, that technically he was still alive until Wynonna shot him with Peacemaker . She wanted to tell Nicole all about the Earp curse and Revenants. She wanted to ease her suffering and she was going to, consequences be damned but, arguing behind her caught both her and Nicole’s attention.

“Earp,” Dolls growled, gripping Wynonna’s forearm effectively keeping her from pointing Peacemaker at David. “Not in front of civilians.”

“I’m not going to give him a chance to get away, I’m not going to let him hurt anyone else, you may be able to live with that Dolls but, I can’t.” Wynonna ripped her arm away from Dolls’ grip, ignoring his protest and pressing Peacemaker against David’s forehead.

Nicole gasped beside her as the barrel of Peacemaker lit up before Wynonna pulled the trigger.

Waverly chanced a glance at her after Wynonna pulled the trigger and the ground beneath David opened up and flames licked at his body before engulfing him.

“What the fuck,” Nicole breathed out, eyes wide as saucers and unblinking as she looked at the scorched ground where David had just been. “What the fuck.”

“Open the car door!” Eric yelled, busting out the house with Nancy in his arms. “She needs to get to a hospital, you too Haught.”

“I promise I’ll explain everything later but first we need to get you and Nancy to the hospital.”

“Trent, take me to Trent.”

Waverly nodded and helped Nicole into the backseat of Dolls’ SUV before sliding in beside her while Dolls and Wynonna helped Eric get Nancy into the back of his squad car.  

Nicole laid her head on Waverly’s lap, staring up at the tan lining as Waverly ran her fingers through Nicole’s hair, hoping to soothe her even if just a bit.

Wynonna slid into the driver seat, starting the SUV up. “Dolls is going to drive your car back to the station.”

“Okay,” Nicole mumbled, tears spilling from the corners of her eyes once more as she closed her eyes, turning her head away from Waverly.

“It’s gonna be okay,” Waverly whispered, the hand not running through Nicole’s hand, reaching for Nicole’s uninjured hand.

“I took someone’s life Waverly, no matter how horrible he was, no matter how much he deserved it, it’s not okay and it’s not going to be okay.” Nicole curled on her side into a small ball.

Waverly could practically feel the walls coming up and closing in around Nicole, keep her and anyone else out.

Waverly bit down on her bottom lip, heart tearing in two for Nicole. She didn’t know what to say, what to do to ease any of Nicole’s suffering. She felt helpless and responsible. It was her family’s curse that put David in Nicole’s life.

She met Wynonna’s eyes in the rearview mirror, sure that the sadness and concern in Wynonna’s blue eyes was reflected in her own.  


When they arrived at the hospital, Trent was waiting with a small army of nurses behind him and two stretchers. Eric had called ahead to let both Trent and his wife Linda know that they were coming.

Waverly helped Nicole to sit up, whispering apologizes every time Nicole made a noise of discomfort or inhaled sharply.

Trent opened the car door and helped Waverly then Nicole out of the SUV. He looked his sister up and down, brushing the hair off her forehead to get a look at the cut there before pulling her into an almost crushing hug.

“Don’t ever scare me like that again,” he said pulling away and helping her onto a stretcher that Linda was keeping in place. She moved as if on autopilot, as if every part of her had shut down and she was just going through the motions.  

Nicole didn’t say anything in response, her normal sassy comment never left her lips. She just stared down at her hands, unseeing and unmoving.

Trent met Waverly’s eyes across the stretcher as they wheeled Nicole into the hospital, an emotion swirling in those brown eyes, so much like his sister’s that she couldn’t decipher.

“We’ll do a quick work up, patch her up then I’ll come get you,” Trent told her, stopping the stretcher before the double doors keeping unauthorized personnel out. “Just stay in the waiting room, I’ll find you.”

Waverly nodded turning her attention to Nicole. She kissed Nicole on the top of the head, ignoring the way Trent eyebrows rose in surprise at the action.

She could care less about what he or anyone else thought about it. Her only concern was Nicole.

“I’ll be waiting here for you Nicky,” she whispered in Nicole’s ear, pressing another kiss to her temple. “We’ll get through this together, me and you.”

Waverly paced back and forth in front of the chairs Wynonna and Eric had claimed. The sound her cowboy boots made each time the hit the clean, almost too white floor kept her grounded.

“Baby girl, please sit down,” Wynonna said, following Waverly’s movement with her eyes. “You’re gonna wear a hole in the floor and you’re making me nauseous.”  

Wynonna reached up to taking Waverly’s hand, to stop her but Eric shook his head at her.

“Let her be,” he whispered. “They have this connection, she’s not going to be okay until she sees Nicole.”  

Wynonna huffed, folded her arms across her chest and sank back against her chair.

Waverly couldn’t sit still, couldn’t stop moving. Her worry and fear threatening to consume her as she waited for Trent, waited for news on Nicole.

Physically, other than the cut on her forehead and her bruised and swollen wrist, Nicole seemed okay but, Waverly wasn’t so much worried about how Nicole was physically rather than how Nicole was mentally.

She couldn’t begin to wrap her mind around what it was like to kill someone, Revenant or not. She couldn’t begin to image what Nicole was thinking, going through. She just knew that she wanted to make it all go away, to take the burden Nicole was carrying from her and shoulder it herself.

Guilt had her stomach in knots. Guilt that she had dragged Nicole into her family's curse head first without so much as a warning. Guilt that if she had just identified David as a Revenant sooner than Nicole wouldn't have had to shoot him. Guilt that the Earp curse had stole another person’s innocence, stole a part of Nicole’s soul that she’d never get back.  

Fear clawed it’s way up her throat, making it hard to pull much needed air into her lungs. Fear that this was only the beginning. Fear that this would happen again but next time Nicole wouldn’t be so lucky. Fear that Revenants would start coming for Nicole over the simple fact that Nicole meant something to Waverly.

No, not something. Nicole meant everything to Waverly, absolutely everything.

Was it her love for Nicole that put Nicole in danger? Or was it just Nicole’s job? And if this incident was nothing more than the dangers of Nicole’s job, would the next time be the same? Or would it be Revenants targeting Nicole because of her love?

Was her love going to destroy everything that Nicole was?

“Waverly?” Trent’s voice pulled her from her thoughts, her doubts, her fear and guilt. “We’re done, you can come see her now.”

Waverly stopped her pacing and just stared at Trent, unsure if her being anywhere near Nicole was a good idea.

Trent stepped fully into the waiting room, his dark blue scrubs making his pale skin look even paler under the harsh hospital lights. He held his hand out to her, his eyes flicking over to Wynonna and Eric before he turned his attention back to her.

“She needs you,” he said softly, seeing the hesitation on Waverly’s face, the doubt swimming in her eyes. “I know you care for her and I know that you know she cares for you too, she needs you to get through this, don’t let her go through this alone, don’t leave her, please I’m begging you.”

Part of him felt bad for letting the whole waiting room know how the two felt about each other but, he was more concerned about Nicole’s mental and physical health.

“Never,” Waverly promised, taking his outstretched hand. “I’d never leave her.”

“We’ll be here baby girl,” Wynonna called after them as they left the waiting room.

“Other than listing her injuries and asking for a pad of paper to write a report, she hasn’t said much,” Trent sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. He sounded as exhausted as he looked, his eyes held a lifelessness that she had seen in Wynonna’s eyes a lot growing up.  

He lead her down a series of hallways, full of the usual hustle and bustle of a hospital ER but Waverly wasn’t really seeing any of it. Instead she was focused on the slump of Trent’s shoulders, the way he tried to walk with the usual Haught swagger that came so easily to both him and Nicole but ended up dragging his feet.

She focused on how his usual bright, strong voice, shook with every word he spoke. She focused on how his hands trembled.

She reached out and grasped his forearm, pulling him to a stop in the middle of the hallway. She dropped her hand from his arm then opened her arms for him.

He stared at her for a few seconds, trying to keep his composure before his bottom lip started to quiver and his eyes watered. He buried his face in Waverly’s neck, bending at an awkward angle as Waverly’s arms wrapped around him.

A few hot tears hit her skin as Trent silently cried into her neck, fisting her shirt tightly in both of his hands.

“I th-thought I lost her,” he whimpered. “When Linda got the call, all I heard was Nicole’s name and something about a body, I was so scared Waverly, I thought it was her, I thought she died.”

Waverly rubbed his back with one hand and smoothed his hair with the other, whispering reassurances to him.

“She’s strong Trent, she’ll get through this and we’ll be there every step of the way, we’ll get her through this.”

He nodded into her neck before taking a deep breath and standing up, wiping the eyes from his cheeks and straightening his scrubs. His confident demeanor was back but his eyes, they showed what he was really feeling.

“Thanks,” he mumbled sheepishly, giving her a halfhearted crooked grin. “I really needed that.”

“I’m here for you too Trent, not just Nicole.”

“I know.” He nodded then cleared his throat suddenly all business as he lead her down the hall once more, nodding in greeting to the people they passed by. “We stitched up the cut on her forehead, we gave her a splint for her wrist that she’ll need to wear for a few day before coming back to make sure the sprain is healing properly and we cleaned up the scratches on her leg, they’re pretty deep but didn’t require stitches.”

“Is there anything I need to do?” She asked when they stopped in front of a closed door she presumed Nicole was behind.

“Don’t let her get her stitches wet when she showers, actually make sure she takes a bath, she’ll protest at first but after a few minutes she’ll give in.” Trent opened the door, stepping inside. “And don’t let her have any alcohol while she’s on her painkillers.”

Waverly stepped into the doorway but didn’t make a move to enter the hospital room further. Her eyes locked on Nicole, who sat at the edge of the bed, looking up at her with sad eyes.

Waverly’s eyes roamed over every inch of Nicole. Her red hair was brushed off her forehead and put in a messy bun with hairs falling out all over the place. Her stitches stuck out against her pale skin. Her eyes were sunken in and ringed with red. Her uniform had been replaced with too large, dark blue scrubs that made Nicole’s 5’9” frame look tiny.

Neither said anything as they stared at one another. Waverly hoping Nicole could see how damn sorry she was that this happened to her. Nicole was hoping that Waverly wouldn’t think differently of her, wouldn’t think she was a monster for taking someone’s life.

Nicole reached out to Waverly with her good hand, searching Waverly’s eyes for any hint of disgust, of hate but found nothing but love shining there.

As much as the guilt, the weight of taking a life weighed on her, suffocated her, the thought that Waverly may no longer want her now that she had blood on her hands, it was the final straw to crush her soul.

She let out a shaky breath when Waverly stepped into the room and took her hand. Nearly cried in relief when Waverly cupped her jaw, brushing her thumb along the scar on her cheek, like she’s done a hundred times.

She found a small amount of comfort in Waverly’s touch, in the fact that Waverly was still here, standing in front of her and looking at her no different than she did this morning other than a hint of sadness in her eyes.

“I’ll get your discharge papers,” Trent said, even though neither women were paying him any attention. He didn’t mind as long as Nicky was taken care of.

“Are you ready to go home?” Waverly asked, brushing her lips over Nicole’s stitches gently.


Nicole’s voice cracked with the single word and Waverly’s heart continued to break for the woman in front of her.

“Come on baby,” Waverly cooed, helping Nicole to her feet. “I’m gonna take care of you.”

Waverly moved between her bedroom and the bathroom, getting a bath ready for Nicole, who sat on a closed toilet seat, watching Waverly go back a forth.

She hadn’t said much since they left the hospital. She didn’t know what to say. There were so many things floating around in her head and she didn’t have a clue where to start.

There was the fact that she killed someone and every time she let her mind linger on it for too long, she felt tears well in her eyes and stomach churn as bile rose in the back of her throat.

There was whatever the hell she saw when Wynonna shot David’s body. David’s red eyes and fire burning through the cracks in his temple. Flames swallowing him whole and leaving scorch marks where he once laid. She was sure she had gone crazy, that killing David had destroyed her sanity.

Then there was fear gripping at her heart as tightly as David had gripped her leg. Fear that she did something that she could never be forgiven for. Fear that at any moment Waverly would see her as a monster, as nothing more than a killer.

“Nicky,” Waverly called softly to her.

When Nicole met her eyes, Waverly gave her a small, sad smile that she tried to return but knew it fell flat.

“Do you need help?”

Nicole’s eyes moved to the now fully filled bathtub and the two lavender candles Waverly had lit sitting on the edge of said bathtub, filling the bathroom with the scent that reminded Nicole of Waverly’s skin.

She didn’t necessarily need help and normally her pride would have her refuse any type of help but, right now she didn’t want to be alone with her thoughts, she didn’t want Waverly to leave her side.

It was needy and clingy, Nicole had always prided herself on being independent, on handling her problems herself but all that went out the window when she pulled that trigger.

The thought of being alone, of dealing with this alone, terrified Nicole. She had always seen herself as strong, as being able to handle whatever life threw at her with ease but she knew she couldn’t handle this, shoulder this alone and if she tried, she knew she’d drown.

“Join me?” Nicole asked, reaching out and catching Waverly’s hand with her own, awkwardly intertwining their fingers with her splint in the way. “If you’re not ready for that I understand, I just don’t wanna be alone.”

Waverly’s eyes got impossibly softer as she looked down at Nicole. “Of course.”

She was a little nervous to be completely naked in front of Nicole, to see every inch of Nicole’s bare skin but, she wanted to do this for Nicole, wanted to help Nicole in any way she could. She also wanted to feel Nicole flush against her, without anything between them.

“Are you sure?” Nicole asked, brushing hair behind Waverly’s ear. “I don’t want you to feel pressured, you can say no, I won’t be upset.”

Waverly kissed her slowly, softly. “Shut up and take your clothes off Nicole.”

Any other time those words coming from Waverly’s mouth would have sent a shock wave to her center, would have left her dripping but now, it only pulled a small smile from Nicole.

Waverly helped Nicole remove her scrub top, unable to stop a gasp when she saw the large bruise along Nicole’s left ribcage. She trailed her fingers along the purple and blue skin, a frown tugging it’s way onto her mouth.

“He got a good kick in while we were scuffling on the ground,” Nicole whispered, hand coming up to cover Waverly’s. “I’ll heal.”

Waverly knew Nicole would heal, physically at least. Mentally? Emotionally? Waverly wasn’t so sure about that but she hoped. God, she hoped.

Waverly removed her own shirt, followed by her bra, allowing both to hit the floor before reaching around and removing Nicole’s.

“You’re beautiful,” Nicole breathed out, eyes roaming Waverly’s bare torso. Part of her wanted to reach out and cup Waverly’s perfect breasts, run her thumb across dusky pink nipples until they hardened. And the other part of her just wanted to hold Waverly and cry.

Waverly kissed the skin over Nicole's heart. “So are you.”

“Even when I'm beaten and bruised?” Nicole asked, removing her splint then the rest of her clothes and slipping into the bathtub.

She sighed and closed her eyes as the hot water eased the ache in her muscles that she didn't even know was there.

“Especially when you're beaten and bruised.”

Waverly got into the bathtub a few moments later, settling against Nicole's front and let out a soft moan when Nicole wrapped her arms around her middle and pulled her closer.

“Thank you.” Nicole kissed her shoulder, once then twice.

They basked in the moment for awhile, the feel of the other’s bare skin pressed against them before Waverly broke the silence.

“I thought I would lose you, when I heard you call for backup, when I realized what David was.” She sighed and gripped Nicole's uninjured hand tightly. “I thought my biggest fear had come true.”

“I'm not going anywhere Waverly, I'd walk through hell and back to come home to you.”

She felt like she had walked through hell and back tonight. And the thing that scares her the most was that, she'd do it again to keep Waverly safe.

Was that what love was? Being willing to kill to protect the person you loved?

Or did she just have some fucked up definition of love?


“Hmmm?” Nicole hummed, resting her chin on top of Waverly's head, fingers tracing random patterns on Waverly's stomach.

Waverly took a deep breath, tried to steady the rapid, almost painful beating of her heart.

Chrissy was right. Nicole should know that she's loved, especially at a time like this. Waverly needed her to know before something else happened to her. Something that terrified Waverly more than losing Nicole, was Nicole never knowing that she was loved, never knowing how much Waverly loved her, never knowing how much she meant to Waverly.

Waverly turned in Nicole's arms, ignoring the water that sloshed out of the tub and onto the bathroom floor.

She stroked Nicole's jaw with one hand, coaxing her into a slow kiss.

“I'm terrified that something is going to happen to you because everyone I love dies or leaves or ends up almost dying and Nicole, losing you would destroy me.”

Nicole's mind was stuck on the word love . Did Waverly love her? Or was her mind playing tricks on her?

“Waverly Earp,” Nicole whispered, her lips barely brushing Waverly's before she pulled back to gaze into those eyes she loved so much. “Are you saying you love me?”

Waverly bit her bottom lip and nodded her head yes. “I love you Nicole, I'm in love with you.”

Waverly suddenly felt lighter, freer than she ever had. Saying those three words felt right . Saying those three words had a happiness bubbling in her chest.

Nicole kissed her hard, grasping the back of her neck with one hand and brushing fingers along her jaw with other.

When she pulled away Nicole was smiling, a real smile, one with dimples and light shining in her eyes.

“I love you too, I think I fell in love with you the moment I laid eyes on you.” Nicole whispered, resting her forehead against Waverly's.

Nicole may not know who she is anymore, she may be breaking at the seams, her soul may be tearing in two but, what she did know is that, she's so damn in love with Waverly Earp and that would be enough to keep her going.

They had a lot to talk about, the Earp curse, Waverly’s fear, what Nicole went through today and how she, they were going to deal with the aftermath but for now they were just going to soak up this moment, enjoy it as much as they could.

They’d deal with everything else, the rest of the world later.