
From a Nobody to Somebody: Having a Redo in Life

D_king · Fantasy
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Dreams of the Past

I composed my self from the shock of finding myself in the form of a baby.

'It's not all too bad. Maybe this is the chance for me to start a better life again'.

It's easier said than done, I mean who can start all over again after going through the endless suffering I went through.

My new father Phillip Francis, got married to the princess of the Milliad kingdom so as to improve the relationship between the two families.

A few days went by and living as a baby is not all that bad if not enjoyable. I get to sleep when I want, eat when I want and suck on the tits of a Goddess anytime I want.

A time came when my parents were worried as to how I hardly cried and thought of me being possessed. I could hear their suggestions as to what would be done about me. They even called a priest from the church to appraise me.

As time went on I began to understand what situation the world is.

It turns out that I was really reincarnated. I was reincarnated into a world called Vinland and all manners of races and monsters can be found in this world.

From elves to dwarves, mermaids to dryads. All these creatures are able to coexist in this world. that is before the war of the gods.

I don't know much about it, but from what my parents told me as bed time stories, there was once a great demon king Orsted. He sought to conquer and rule the world. He wreaked havoc and chaos any where he went and the world was on the brink of destruction. That is until the four gods came together and form an alliance, together with all races. They managed to repel Orsted and brought peace back to the land.

I knew that that's not how the story went but what can I say, I'm still a baby.

Whenever someone has their fifteenth birthday, a test will be conducted to know which god lineage he or she might belong to and their mana capacity.

Beast god, Moon god, Sun god and Sword King god.

If one has acquired a lineage of the god, he or she will have the attributes of that God.

Beast god: the Beast god, having control over the earth holds attributes relating to creation and earth magic.

Moon god: the Moon god, having control over the sea has attributes relating to healing and water magic.

Sun god: the Sun god, having the gift of fire, holds attributes relating to destruction and fire magic

Sword King god: the Sword King god is a god that holds all offensive power. It's only attribute is to use mana to strengthen its physical body to up to tenfold.

All forms of magic is originated from these four gods.

Currently, about half of the world's population are able to use magic and the other half are mundane people.

My father, from what I heard is a mundane person. He has no affinity to magic. Whereas my mother is a water mage of the dormant rank.

(A/N: So that's all what u need to know for now about this world for now )

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*3rd POV*

Today is a good day. A new day has just began. The sun was up and giving out rays of sunshine, the beast of the air were lively and the sweet chirps of birds could be heard bringing about a soothing sound.

In a large room of magnificent space which was filled with all manner of designs and jewelries with a chandelier hanging above a bed large enough to hold five fully grown men, a young boy with black hair was currently sleeping. His face was covered with rows of sweat, and tears streaming down his cheeks telling you about the nightmare he was going through.

With a scream he opened his eyes, bringing the figure before him in view.

A girl just a few years older than him greeted him with a worried expression.

After confirming his surroundings, Dante closed his eyes while taking deep breath to slowly regain his composure.

"was it that bad?" he asked the girl with out opening his eyes.

"yes my lord." Her voice was full of concern.

He opened his eyes, turned over to the girl and forced a smile. "thank you"

The girl slowly nods her heads while moving back to her previous spot.

'what was the dream about. umm.... I can't remember' with those thoughts Dante rose from the bed and walked over to the window.

The girl kept looking on with concern for the boy. she was a beautiful half elven girl with light blue hair that fell down to her shoulder.

She was a sight to behold.

Dante stood by the window taking in the view, hoping it might relieve him from the torment he had just suffered.

Though he could not remember the dream, he still felt that he was still in the nightmare.

Whilst looking on he noticed an envoy with flags carrying Milliad kingdom sigil approaching the castle.

He tried to think of any event that has been planned for today.

"is there any occasion that has been planned for today?"

"y-yes my lord."

"what's it about?"

the girl was confused as to whether her master might have forgotten such an important event.

"why it's your fifteenth birthday my lord."