
From a Nobody to Somebody: Having a Redo in Life

D_king · Fantasy
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Coming Back from the Dead

'How long has passed' those were all what I kept on thinking as I continue drifting into the abyss.

I could see nothing, hear nothing, smell nothing, and feel nothing. It felt like I was cut off from existing.


'so I'm dead, uhh'

I was not too bothered with the news that I was dead as death was always waiting for me ever since I had cancer. What bothered me the most was the peacefulness that I found in this darkness.

I was free from the endless troubles and pains, no more regret.

I could feel my self reliving all the memories of my life. The fights I got into, the beatings I endured, the pain I experienced, all of it flooded into my head and at the same time went away.

I could feel all different emotions hit me like a tidal wave but in the next, it felt calm and serene again.

I felt liberated from it all.

This peacefulness was something I've never had in all the years of my life.

As memories in my head started becoming hazy, I started losing myself in the darkness.

I closed my eyes and felt myself floating in the darkness as I enjoyed the peace.

'ah, being dead feels so good'

But like every good thing in my life, this tranquility was short-lived.

I could hear voices in a language that I couldn't understand.

I could hear sounds of laughter and sounds of joy

I could feel my heart beating again. The tranquility that I found in the darkness was breaking apart.

[ Look, he's waking up ]

[ Awww.... he's so adorable ]

[ Well what do you expect. He had it from his old man ]

[ My lord, you haven't given him a name yet ]

[ That's true honey. What name do you think we should give him ]

A blond voluptuous woman with a lustful face looked down at the child in her arms wrapped in a blanket. The child holding on to the woman's finger had the same colour of hair as the woman.

" Dante. Let's call him Dante"

In a lavish room full of exotic painting and the finest of arts, there were five people looking on with excitement and joy written all over their faces as they watched a baby boy wrapped in a cloth in the arms of a beautiful blonde woman.

She was Juliette Francis. A woman who can even be compared to a Goddess for her beautiful face and sexy figure. Her piercing blue eyes was only focused on the baby with tender affection

Standing besides her with a hand on her shoulder was a man who was dressed in royalty. His royal bearing can make one fall on their knees just by looking at him. He was a tall man with a muscular build having dark hair and dark eyes that reflected the sun passing through the window. He was the Duke of Eden, Phillip Francis

The three other people were midwives who helped in the delivery of the child.

The source of all this joy was Dante, the child that just opened his eyes and drew his first breath in this world. Most of the boy's features can be traced from the mother. The only traits that the boy obtained from his father was the dark eyes and dark hair.

'holy shit, where the fuck am I'

The strangest thing just happened to me. While I was in the darkness, thinking I was dead, a rift appeared and suck me in. Next thing I knew, I'm in the arms of a voluptuous woman who had a confused look.

"umm..... Aina, I thought after giving birth to a child, what they do first is to cry, right?" Juliette addressed one of the midwives standing at the furthest part of the room with a melodic voice that can make one compelled to her.

I turned my head and noticed that there were other people in the room.

'wait a sec, what does this woman mean by crying. Does she expect me to cry?'

"Y-Yes my lady. I do not understand why he boy doesn't cry, but it is not abnormal for such cases."

"oh, is that so" Juliette then turned to the man behind her, they both released a sigh showing how relieved they were.

I wanted to say something like uhmm, what's going on, but the sound that came out of my lips was what I least expected.


Did I just come back from the dead.

hey, d_long here.

I really need some suggestions and reviews in this story.

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