
Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man

Mc reincarnates into Peter parker from the MCU before iron man 1 and decides to be the best spiderman there ever will be, but the path he chose led him to be an internet celebrity. This is my 3rd first fic so please be gentle The first 6-8 chapters might be awful but i promise it gets better. You can read 5 chapters ahead for $3 on my P@TREN/kambrofam and 12 chapters ahead for $8

KamBroFam123ERT · Movies
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93 Chs

Resolution and a friend in the force.

P@treon shoutouts -Henry hammond(♾️), Person(♾️) Devor 👑👑(Thank you for being the first member king)

Chris chalich, Danny york


As soon as we finished filming George yelled "CUT" before he checked the footage and yelled at us "It's a wrap" Me, V and Buttergod woop in Joy as George took so many shots that the Vader suit started to get pooled in my sweat.

I high fived V and hugged Buttergod from the side before we left for our hotel, I take a shower and then sit on the sofa with V as the news is played on the TV. I frown as I ask her "How come whenever we hang out in the living room, the news is playing and something happens that shocks us both?"

She shrugs and says "It's just showing some politcians fighting in the parliament" I nod but say "and it would change into something about us, just wait and see" she sighs as she says "I would change the channel and it wouldn't even happen" she changes the channel to some random News channel which shows the war efforts in gulmira.

I watch as they show the dead leader of the Ten rings which the reporter says is done by some vigilante but looking at the nerves popping on his head I am sure it was done by Obadiah Stane just like in the Iron man movie.

This world is much more fucked up than I thought it was, all the story lines are happening in an accelerated pace but I am sure Iron monger wouldn't happen Because making a suit like that takes much more time than all these other things.

You can't make all the engineering that goes into it in a day is all I am saying. Tony already has the information on who wanted him dead so he can focus on getting him out of the company and in a jail preferably.

V must have noticed my silence as she asks me "Don't tell me you will go save them?" I frown as I ask her exasperatedly "What makes you think I will?" She gestures to my face as she says "it's written on your face whenever you look at something and think that it will effect you" I grimace as she seems to be capable of getting a good measure of me without even trying to.

If I meet someone like black widow or Nick Fury without my costume I will not last long....that came out wrong.

Anyway I have any things to do now that I have a little bit of free time, like dealing with my love life. I look at the 8 missed calls from Billy and ponder if I should call her for a while before I pick up the phone, dial the number, I wait because I don't want to be rejected but If I am too late some other asshole will try to take my place.

Aarrgggh fuck this shit, I am calling her, she picked up the call and I stayed silent and all I could hear was someone breathing into the phone, I wait for a while before I ask her "How are you?" I hear a sniff and I ask her "Is that an 'I am crying for you sniff' or an 'I am crying because of you sniff"

I hear a wet chuckle and I say "I missed that laugh" she sniffs again as she says "Stop it" my eyes get a little teary as I tell her "I missed that voice" she starts to cry into the phone and I continue "I miss seeing you, I miss hugging you, I miss feeling you, I miss kissing you, I...." My breath hitches and I wait till my voice gets back to me before I continue "...I miss you".

I still didn't hear anything except for her crying so I ask her doubtfully "Did you miss me?" I hear her cry more so I ask her "Please, Billie say something did you miss me?" And finally I hear her speak "Ofcourse I did dummy" My eyes start to tear up again and I laugh as I say "For a second I thought you were about to cut the call" she chuckled too as she told me "I would have if you apologized to me"

I smile and ask her "Why?" She chuckled as she told me "Because it wasn't your fault" I frown as I tell her "I know i wasn't completely at fault but why don't you want me to apologize" and she agrees with me "because i hurt you that is why I wanted to apologize first" I fall back into my bed as I ask her "then why didn't you call" because that is what bothered me the most these past few days and if not for the distractions with shuri, V, Buttergod and George Lucas I would have torn my hair out with frustation.

She grunts as she says "I had to deal with my gaurdians" I frown and ask her "What did they do?" But she just sets it aside "It was nothing just the regular stuff like them being a prude" I inform her with a promise of hurt in my voice "If they ever do something that is too much, tell me and I'll make sure you will never see them again in your life" she tries to defend them "They aren't as bad as my previous homes".

I try my best to convey my thoughts of 'Are you crazy?' without actually saying it. So I ask her "Even after what they make you do sometimes?" the line goes silent for a while before she tells me "Yes, it doesn't hurt me, it's just weird to do" I sigh as I ask her "Ignore it for now, tell me, what made you want to apologise?"

She breathes in as she prepares herself to tell me "I realised that I was wrong" I frown and ask her "How?" She asks me in a confused tone "Didn't you see the news?" I frown and tell her "No I have been busy"

-Jefferson Davis POV-

"So let me get this straight, you need me to provide you pictures of an incident that happened 15 days ago, to get a corrupt cop prosecuted" Eddie Brock sat infront of me as he summarised our discussion till now.

"Yes" That simple answer made him nod and take a sip of the coffee we ordered, "I can do it but I have some conditions" if it has anything to do with money the case will be officially dead. I gesture for him to go on and he lists "1. I will be the reporter that gets the story one day before everyone else, 2. I want a picture of you and Spiderman together exclusively and 3...." Is this it, is he going to ask me an exorbitant amount of money.

"....a signed picture of spiderman himself" or not that is pretty easy if I can talk to Spidey once and the first one is ok too but there is a problem here "It's all possible but are you sure you can do anything with the story by getting it early because as far as I know daily bugle isn't rushing to support Vigilantes" JJ jamesons infamous hatred for all things vigilante is known to everyone in this city.

Eddie grinned as he corrected me "That was before the rhino's rampage officer, ever since that happened he has changed his tune" I frown as I tell him "I don't remember him defending spiderman anywhere recently" Eddie widens his eyes as he explains "Woah, calm down there officer, he didn't become a fan of spiderman, he just tolerates him".

I raise my eyebrows in question and he smiles awkwardly as he continues "...barely but you get my point, he will support anything that is run by law and talks about how corrupt the system is will get JJ on your side" I nod at that impressed that JJ atleast has some ethics and morals.

"So when do I get the photos" he throws something on the table as he says nonchalantly "here" I look down at the small micro sd card and ask him "What is this?" Eddie smirks as he says "The photos you asked for" I raise my eyebrows in surprise and a little bit of suspicion as I ask him "You had pictures taken 13 days ago that didn't really have any commercial viability just ready in your pocket?".

He grins as he sips some more coffee "I am not a photographer Officer Davis, I am in investigative journalist. Ofcourse I'll have pictures of everything ready on me" His proud smirk was kind of punchable but he is helping me so I have to rain in the temptations.

I look through the pictures which are holy mother of Jesus he took this many in minute "Did you take burst shots" his smile turned into a grimace as he nods so I shake my head and look through the photos as quickly as I can on the laptop and find the moment that spiderman was shot.

My eyes widened as I watched the pictures closely, they all had some type of distortion or had Spiderman slightly out of focus or frame but one thing was common in all of them, Spiderman firing a web and a spark like a bullet hitting a metal object on his left chest.

I smile as I ask him "you got your story kid, Friendly Fire on The saviour of new york" Eddie smirked and I wanted to wipe it off so I asked him "By the way, you said you have every picture you ever took always ready on you right, does that cut into uour salary" he starts to grimace again and I laugh in his face because no matter who he is up against, I want Spidey to know that I'll have his back.