
Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man

Mc reincarnates into Peter parker from the MCU before iron man 1 and decides to be the best spiderman there ever will be, but the path he chose led him to be an internet celebrity. This is my 3rd first fic so please be gentle The first 6-8 chapters might be awful but i promise it gets better. You can read 5 chapters ahead for $3 on my P@TREN/kambrofam and 12 chapters ahead for $8

KamBroFam123ERT · Movies
Not enough ratings
92 Chs

Consequences of action.

P@treon shoutouts -Henry hammond(♾️), Person(♾️) Devor 👑👑(Thank you for being the first member king)

Chris chalich



I try my best to dodge the surprisingly fast mechs punches and it's also firing bullets from little hatches across its body, I jump, duck, weave and try every movement I can to get close to any of his joints but he keeps on moving too much for me to do anything to him.

I yell back "Are you going to help stark?" I hear him yell back "I'll see If I can" ofcourse he can't, he doesn't even have his suit at full capacity is what I think before a tree hits the Mech sending it flying backwards, I look back to find Tony shooing the squirell who lost its house with a giant branch from the tree.

I wonder if he is more OP in this universe or if he was always this OP. I watch as the tree flies up a few feet before falling to the side and the Onslaught Armor heads straight for Tony, I rush to make sure Tony doesn't get hurt. Tony fires every weapon in his arsenal at the charging Onslaugh but his shoulder blades shield him or the weapons miss completely.

I wait for the right moment to jump on Onslaughts back and the oppurtunity presents itself, so I was about to jump when The mech chages course and grabs a giant tree which he pulls out and hits me before hitting Tony with the same tree. We both roll to a stop on the ground and I tell him "Can we destroy the arc reactor now?" He looks up at me while still lying on the ground as he says "I can't do it" I frown as I ask him "What?" He looks around before telling me "The suit is locked because I can't provide anymore power to it without stopping my heart"

I kick the dirt as I yell "Goddamn it", the Mech finally looks at me and swings his left hand at me, I stop it with a single hand like I did with rhino but somehow this Onslaught is making my hand shake, so I use both my hands to fight back against him.

But the hand keeps on pushing and I slowly loose ground until I am back against a wall when Obadiah Stane tells me "This was made to kill something much bigger and meaner than you, you will die now" I look down and vomit some blood before I tell him "Do you know that the enemy gets really close once he believes that he won" his voice comes out confused "What?" I wait a few seconds for him to process that before I Uppercut him, making him fall on his back for the first time in Probably a year.

I get closer to him and aim my webshooters at a crevice on his chestplate, I empty an entire cartridge worth of web into that crevice. I dodge a few punches and continue to give him more and more web in the crevices of his Mech making his movementan more and more tough by time.

I fill up his armpit gap, elbow gap, knee gap and every gap there could possibly be a web to fire into it. His movements slowly come to rest and I smile at my finished work, I turn back to tell Tony about my achievements.

"See Tony, it's not hard to do, just be fast enough to dodge and weave" Tony nods before his eyes widen as he tells me "I am sorry kid you are on your own, this thing won't move with the energy I have" I wince a nod at him before he asks me What is happening to him?" I turn back and watch as The Onslaught mech releases a thin layer of gas, clouding up the surrounding area. I wonder if his suit was about to blow up when I remember something and I rushed to shield my face and eyes as the gas that the Mech was releasing was lit on fire using a

Small spark.

It blows me away from the small sized explosion and the web I used to immobilize him was burned off, I fall into despair as I know no other way to stop this man. We can either hack the system or we can blast the arc reactor on his chest to kingdom come. I choose plan B, I immediately rush away from Tony and the Mech follows me.

I run as fast as I can but the Onslaught swipes my legs under me, I fall and roll to avoid any brain damage and find that we are in the middle of the desert with no one around, he looks at me and I look at him before we both charge towards each other and race to meet the other the quickest to fuck him up. As soon as we are nearby I jump and kick his chest as I hard as I can to back flip into superhero landing.

He seems to have fallen down from my strength so I stand on top of him and I look down at him in the eyes as I start to punch away his mask, but all I got to show for this was a faceplate looking at me with only a slight dent on it. I instead choose a better way to end this by simply hitting the arc reactor once, twice, thrice effectively breaking the entire thing and making it explode in a blue light that hit the sky while also going backwards and into the ground, the shockwave pushed me 60ft away I blonk my eyes twice before the ringing in my head forces me to sleep.

When i come out of my sleep I find my family sitting around me on a hospital bed, I simply grin as I ask them "What's up with all of you guys here?",they look around at each other before Uncle ben asks me "How are you feeling son?" I look around again and find my neck, left leg, right arm are all in various stages of breakage.

I look at the names already written on my hand and find billies name on it so I ask her excitedly "Did Billy come?" V rolls her eyes as she tells me "No she didn't, I did the sign for her." I chuckle which hurts every part of my body somehow. I wonder if all these injuries would heal in a day with my powers.

I ask them as I look around "Where are we?" I didn't notice before but my voice is very raspy, but why is everyone looking at me sadly? Uncle ben is about to say when Tony Stark comes in and my mind wonders if my family already knows that I am Spiderman.

I will act like they don't know for a while as Tony gets closer with his arm in a sling "Don't worry kid, all of this happened because of my company, so it would all be paid for by me" I nod as a doctor comes in and asks everyone "I'll have to do a personal checkup, could everyone please leave the room" my family slowly walks out but Uncle ben stops at the door as he asks "Mr Stark, why aren't you coming outside" in a threatning tone.

Tony looks up at him with a bit of fear in his eyes as he explains "oh I just want to ask him something before I come out?" Uncle Ben nods and Tony wipes the sweat off his face. As soon as we are alone Tony tells me "Didn't figure a teenage singer would be interested in playing Superhero?" My eyes widen as I look at the doctor.

He follows my sight and assures me "Don't worry, he already knows" I sigh before I ask him "Does my family.." he frowns as he tells me "I didn't tell them Peter but they have the right to know" I look away from him as I think if I should tell them or not and settle on not telling them, there are bigger foes out there that need to be eradicated before my identity can be revealed.

I shook my head as I tell him "No, don't tell them" and I start to cough again, the doctor gives me a glass of water which I drink greedily, using the one hand I still have working. I mutter a quiet 'thanks doc' as they both look at me with something akin to pity so I explain to them with the rasp slightly abated.

"Don't worry about me, I have a healing factor, I'll be right as rain in a week" they look at each other before the doctor coughs as he tells me "Your healing factor works based on some unknown energy, that is why you don't have to eat ungodly amounts of food to manage your stamina" I nod and he continues "Right now they are overworking to keep you alive" I look at the both of them in confusion with a frown marring my face.

The doctor tells me with a heavy heart "You have Cancer son"