
Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man

Mc reincarnates into Peter parker from the MCU before iron man 1 and decides to be the best spiderman there ever will be, but the path he chose led him to be an internet celebrity. This is my 3rd first fic so please be gentle The first 6-8 chapters might be awful but i promise it gets better. You can read 5 chapters ahead for $3 on my P@TREN/kambrofam and 12 chapters ahead for $8

KamBroFam123ERT · Movies
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93 Chs

Another attempt and a meeting with a Director

P@treon shoutouts -Henry hammond(♾️), Person(♾️) Devor 👑👑(Thank you for being the first member king)

Chris chalich, Danny york

I looked at his face which has turned to stone like those JoJo characters he watches on TV. I slap his head and whisper "and you are going to do all this just for that?" He winces as he said "Yes?" In a doubtful way.

I sigh and let the doctors take off the rocks from his back, I came out of the tent and laughed as he started to scream, begging me to make them stop doing this to him but I ignored all of that as I smile at his screams knowing he deserves it.

Once the process was over he came out with a serious expression "The next time I am about to do something stupid" he pauses before he turns to me "Stop me" I immediately hug making him hiss as I tell him "and stop me from doing stupid things like riding dirt bikes" he sighs as he hugs me back as he says "I don't think it was stupid, it was just a nice setup for someone to kill us" I nod into his chest.

He taps my shoulder as he asks "I am fine with a hug and all but why are you holding my butt" I look up at him giving me a suspicious look so I get back and explain rushedly "You hissed when I hugged you so I moved my hands below" he still looked at me with suspicion and a little bit of disgust.

He walked away as he muttered "If she wanted to cop a feel, she could have asked, jeez" I follow him as I yell "NOO I WASN'T" But he ignored me as he walked on and I gasped as I started to hit him "That was not funny you asshole" but he just grins as he holds my arms awayfrom his face as he drags me along laughing.

I smile at seeing Peter acting like himself again and hoped moments like before don't happen again.

-Peter POV-

Now that V stopped worrying about me, I'll have to start worrying about the alarming increase of attempts on my life and each one is getting closer and closer to me with the methods being more and more elaborate and planned.

The price on my head seems have grown up and it's not the head of spiderman that they are after, it's actually just the normal Peter Parker. The more popular I am in the Underworld the closer they will get to figuring out my identity.

The moment that the Iron man plot is over I will get back to this in New york and after that I can deal with my parents or maybe I should deal with my parents first and then focus on the hit on my head.

I look to my side where V is hanging onto my arm as she happily tells the chat about how we were fine after the accident and that nothing happened.

I wish she doesn't have to face a situation like that again so I'll do my best to get to the end of this situation before I deal with my....personal problems.

I walk along with V to her car which takes us to the Universal studio where Buttergod approaches us in a Storm trooper suit with an angry look "Come on V, I said 11:30 not 1:30. What took you so long?" I got out first with a sheepish look as I apologise "We are sorry for the delay butter, but we had a little accident" Buttergod looked at me with stars in his eyes as he changed his tone "Oh no problem Peter, Its just that Mark Hamill is a little pissed off and I think I can handle that anyway".

I nod weirdly as he walks away, I walk behind him with V. I lean into her as I ask in a whisper "What was that about?" She holds back a smile as she explains "He is a fanboy of yours" I get confused as I ask him "aren't you and him bigger than me?" V just shakes her head as she asks "You don't become a fan of someone because of how big they are, it's about how inspiring they are in your life"

I grin and she hits my head "Stop thinking about dirty stuff" (If you didn't understand it, read what V said again) I just laugh before I ask her "But really, he thinks I'm inspiring?" She just shook her head and stepped infront of me as she told me "You are much more inspiring to young inventors than Tony stark can ever be" I was touched at her words.

I really was because in a world like Marvel where you can find an inventor on every corner, being compared to Tony Stark is a pretty big complement for a small time inventor like me. No matter how much I do as Spiderman it would never reach me when my face is out of the mask but whatever I do without the mask will be mine to take credit for.

What I do as Peter Parker might appear small infront of Spiderman but I am doing good in my own way.

But I shouldn't let her see me be emotional so I put on my glasses as I tell her "Ofcourse I am a better inspiration, I don't make weapons" she grunts as I move away from her and I hear her yell "You are more narcissistic than him now you idiot" I smile and move into a giant warehouse and find the sets of the new Star Wars move Revenge of the sith.

The last debatably good movie in the whole star wars saga and I get to meet its creator if I am allowed to that is, as I hear Buttergod trying to explain to Mark Hamilton "Look uncle mark he was just a little late because of an accident" but Mark seems to have had enough as he said "Even I don't get to meet George when he is this busy and I got your friend a chance to meet him and he didn't come on time because he stubbed his toe or something"

I approach and he asks me "Are you the guy?" I nod because I am terrified I won't get to make the video I want but he asks me "Now tell me what this accident was again because as far as I can see you are completely fine kid" I frown about how to explain so I instead take off my shirt and he yells at me "WHAT THE HELL--" But his words stalled as I turned around and he saw my back, I have only seen it once after the onsite doctors removed the rocks from my back and it looks gnarly.

He takes a deep breathe and asks me "Get that away kid, I have seen enough" I put on my shirt and turn towards him and he asks me with genuine concern "why didn't you get it checked with the doctors? can't afford it?" I shook my head as I tell him "I would have been much more late than this" he looked at me astonished before he looked at Buttergod and asked him "Where did you find this guy?".

Buttergod just shrugged as he too had an astonished expression before Mark asked me "Show me the Lightsaber" I grin and take out the Lightsaber that was hanging onto my waist with a belt and hand it to him carefully as I inform him "Do not point it at anyone and Do not turn it on until I say so" he nods and takes it from me.

He palms the lightsaber just like in the movies and hefts it up and downs before he says outloud "I thought it would be heavier" I grin and tell him "It would be a lot more heavy with the gas tank attached. So, I made a smaller version, this one can go off for about 80 seconds"

He gives it back to me as he says "You know what, I'll try to get George to see this once he gets down from his director's chair" I nod and say "Thank you" before he heads off to watch the scene being played out along with George Lucas sitting on the directors chair.

I watch as they film some random space scenes on a green screen which wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be except for a few scenes here and there of stuff blowing up.

I thought it was all CG but it seems like some explosions are better if done in real life I guess. I watch along with Buttergod and he asks me "I hope one day you'll go to space for a video" I look at him with wide eyes as I tell him "My brother in Christ NASA needs Millions of funding to do it" he looks sheepish as he tells me "I'll do my part how about that" I look at him with the most 'stop fucking with me' look.

Fortunately he didn't insist on it any longer and V came inside and stood alongside me "Where were you?" I inquired and she gestured to her face as she explained "Makeup" I nod and ask her "Get back to the car and bring the backpack with the gas please!" She just looks at me with raised eyebrows as she asks me "And why should I be the one to do it?" I show her a sorrowful expression and tell her "My back is hurt from saving my little sister"

She grunts as she walks away muttering "He is going to work me to the bone with that forever" I smirk and wait for her to bring it back while watching the various explosions of small Star Wars models.