
Friendless World: The Pure Hearted Soul

[DISCLAIMER: None of the events and actions in this novel relates to the ACTUAL history] "Karina," Kosha urgently spoke to his beloved wife amid the chaos of the enemy attack, "save our daughter and don't come behind us. It's for your safety. Love you, dear." These words echoed in the air as Karina grappled with the conflicting emotions of love and concern for her husband's safety. In that critical moment, Karina's primary instinct was to aid her husband against their assailants. With determination, she swiftly stepped out of the royal buggy, clutching her sword tightly. "This ancient forest will abode the victory or defeat of Moonlight Kingdom" she said being determined. Her daughter remained in the safety of the vehicle. As Karina emerged, a tense atmosphere enveloped her, and she immediately sensed the presence of five figures behind her. Turning, she discovered her friends—Elina, Ana, Ogara, Elor, and Osam—each armed and rushing towards the impending battleground. However, a disconcerting realization hit Karina when she noticed that Elina and Ogara had brought their children along. Concern etched on her face, she questioned them, "Why did both of you bring your kids here?" Ogara responded, "We couldn't leave them alone. The condition is worst in the kingdom" Ana quickly approached, offering a reassuring solution, "I'll take care of all three of them!" United in their resolve for the Moonlight Kingdom, Karina, Elina, Ogara, Elor, and Osam exchanged determined glances. In unison, they declared, "For our beloved Moonlight Kingdom, we'll never bend in front of them!" The scene was set for a fierce battle, a testament to their unwavering commitment to defend their kingdom and loved ones. ----- "Kiana, everyone relies on you," Lady Irha stated, her eyes filled with hope as she looked at me. Simultaneously, I felt a surge of anger upon discovering the truth. My only desire at that moment was to execute swift justice, revealing to the world the consequence of heartlessness. Lady Irha addressed us, expressing her expectation, "Hope so, you all wouldn't disappoint us. My role is completed, and now it's Master Ziyaad's turn. I'll bid you farewell," she said before disappearing, leaving all of us with a clear understanding of our next steps. ATTENTION: Readers tighten your seat belts, it's going to be a WILD ride *smirks*

duo_sisters · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Night's Surreal Symphony

Approaching Orhan and Estella, my steps carried a mix of determination and caution. The anticipation in the air was palpable as I delved into my bag, retrieving a karambit knife with deliberate intent. The metal sang softly as I began the rhythmic process of sharpening, the sound resonating in harmony with the growing tension around us.

Suddenly, a peculiar sensation swept through the atmosphere, akin to a whisper from the otherworld. It was a subtle disturbance, a cue that something supernatural might be afoot. Initially, I chose to dismiss it, attributing the unease to mere imagination or the rustling of leaves in the wind.

Yet, the strange feeling persisted, insistent and undeterred. Like an elusive specter, it seemed to weave through the dense forest, its unseen eyes fixed upon us. The seconds ticked by, each one laden with an increasing sense of foreboding. I couldn't shake the notion that we were being observed, perhaps by a force beyond the natural realm.

In response to the heightened unease, I instinctively reached for my sword, the cool touch of the hilt reassuring against the uncertainty that now enveloped us. As I held the weapon, a cascade of emotions flooded my senses – a mixture of apprehension, curiosity, and a simmering courage.

A meticulous scan of the surroundings unveiled the source of the disturbance. There he stood, a figure of darkness with eyes ablaze in an ominous shade of red. The air thickened, each second stretching as the encounter unfolded. His form, shrouded in shadows, radiated an aura of malevolence that sent shivers down my spine.

Time seemed to slow, elongating the seconds into eternities, each one etching a deeper impression of the surreal encounter. The emotion within me swirled – a kaleidoscope of fear, fascination, and a determination to confront the enigma before us. The dance between the ordinary and the supernatural played out in the stillness of the forest, each second carrying the weight of an impending confrontation with the unknown.

Estella noticed him approaching suddenly, and in that moment, she fainted. Seeing her collapse, I swiftly intervened, using my sword to block his advance and shield her from harm. Time seemed to slow as I reacted to the unfolding scene, my heart racing with concern for Estella's well-being. The air was charged with tension, each passing second feeling like an eternity as I stood between them, determined to keep her safe. Emotions fluctuated between fear and determination, creating a palpable atmosphere of suspense.

As the battle commenced between us, it became evident that he was ten times stronger than me. The clash of our forces intensified, and in the midst of the struggle, he delivered a powerful blow directly to my already wounded body. The impact was excruciating, marking the second occasion someone had targeted that vulnerable spot. A sharp, searing pain radiated through me as I instinctively touched my wound. The sensation of a wet substance on my face caught my attention, and with a dawning realization, I understood it to be blood. My wound, once again, had been reopened, and the crimson liquid flowed down my face. Overwhelmed by both physical agony and the sight of my own blood, I crumpled to the ground, my head throbbing with extreme pain. Each passing second felt like an eternity as I grappled with the intense emotions of agony and vulnerability.

He approached Orhan, who sat a little way off from us. Orhan didn't have a moment to gather his thoughts as the creature swiftly closed in, wrapping its hands around his throat. The grip tightened, making it difficult for Orhan to breathe, and I lay there, helpless, witnessing this distressing scene unfold. The seconds ticked by slowly as the dire situation played out before my eyes, and the heart-wrenching sight of someone struggling for their breath weighed heavily on me.

Unable to bear the agony of watching someone face imminent danger, I summoned all my courage and strength. With determination fueling my actions, I rose to my feet and sprinted towards the menacing figure attacking Orhan. As I closed in, ready to intervene, the creature's attention shifted to me. In that instant, its eyes widened in surprise, and without a moment's hesitation, it swiftly retreated from the scene.

The sudden change in the creature's demeanor left me bewildered. I couldn't fathom what had caused it to flee so abruptly. The mystery of its reaction lingered in the air, leaving me with unanswered questions as I stood there, grappling with the intense mix of emotions triggered by the harrowing incident.

I approached Orhan, who was lying unconscious. Checking his pulse, I felt relief when I realized he was alive. It seemed he had fainted due to breathlessness.

Eventually, as the threat was averted, relief washed over me, and I carefully attended to Estella, ensuring she was okay after the harrowing moment. I carefully moved both of them closer to the fire to provide warmth, and I sat beside them.

In the heart of the jungle, surrounded by nature's embrace, I crafted a humble soup using leaves as a makeshift pot and ignited a fire with gathered twigs. Foraging the wilderness, I carefully selected edible plants, chopping and preparing them for our impromptu meal.

The crackling fire beneath the improvised cooking vessel echoed the jungle's lively symphony, and as the soup simmered, a savory aroma filled the air. Limited in seasoning, a stroke of luck revealed wild herbs nearby, adding a nuanced flavor to the concoction.

Under the lush canopy, the soup reached a hearty boil, ensuring its safety for consumption. In the midst of the vibrant jungle ambiance, I savored the simplicity of our creation – a spoon of nourishing soup born from resourcefulness in the wild.

In the passing seconds, Estella slowly regained consciousness, exclaiming, "Oh! Did we come to heaven? Are we dead?" Orhan chimed in, "I think so." As their awareness increased, Orhan spotted me and asked, "Did Kelly also die?" The emotions in that moment ranged from relief to confusion, with a hint of humor as they processed their surroundings.

As I made my way toward them, balancing two steaming bowls of soup in my hands, the savory aroma wafting through the air, I carefully distributed the comforting warmth, one bowl for each of them. Taking a deliberate seat next to Estella, the clink of the spoons against the bowls echoed in the brief silence that followed.

Orhan, with a furrowed brow, questioned me, "Why did you behave rudely with Fe-Del? She's a good girl. How could you treat her in such a way?" The weight of his words hung in the air, adding a layer of tension to the atmosphere. I hesitated for a moment, absorbing the gravity of his inquiry.

Summoning a deep breath, I replied, my tone carrying a mix of frustration and defensiveness, "Oh! She spun her fabricated tale and my reaction into something it's not. Just, please, stay away from me." The words lingered in the air, leaving behind a palpable sense of discord.

In that moment, emotions danced across the place—concern etched on Orhan's face, Estella's gaze shifting between us, and a touch of defiance in my response. The clatter of cutlery against the bowls seemed to punctuate the unease that settled among us, each second elongating as we grappled with the complexities of human interaction.

With a sense of responsibility, I grabbed my bag and decided to share some of my belongings with Estella and Orhan. I handed them two of my weapons, a Kusarigama and a Tomahawk, emphasizing the need for them to protect themselves from potential dangers. Their expressions revealed surprise as they took in the unexpected revelation that I had been carrying such weapons.

Seeing their stunned reactions, I shook them out of their astonishment. Estella took hold of the Kusarigama, and Orhan grasped the Tomahawk. It was evident that they were processing the weight of the responsibility and the trust I was placing in them.

Realizing that the night might get colder, I decided to share my warmth. I had two blankets, and without a second thought, I handed one to each of them. It was a simple gesture, but in that exchange, there was a silent understanding that we were in this together.

Each passing second was marked by a mix of emotions – surprise turning into determination as they held the weapons, gratitude as they accepted the blankets, and a growing sense of camaraderie. In the dim light of the desert night, the act of sharing became a symbol of solidarity, reinforcing the bond among us as we prepared for the uncertainties that lay ahead.

As Estella gazed at Orhan, a sense of curiosity sparkled in her eyes, and she inquired, "Did you happen to know about that mysterious creature?" Orhan, with a puzzled expression, shook his head, replying, "No, not at all! Perhaps Kelly has some knowledge about it. She seemed to have seen it, unlike both of us."

The conversation lingered in the air, leaving a trail of intrigue as Estella, realizing the late hour, suggested, "Anyways, let's put a lid on this topic and just call it a night; it's getting quite late now."

As Estella settled down, preparing to ease into the tranquility of sleep, an unexpected sensation disrupted her peace. A mysterious liquid on her hand prompted her to investigate. Intrigued and slightly cautious, she held her hand closer to the warmth of the crackling fire, attempting to decipher the nature of this unexpected encounter.

In the midst of this nocturnal exploration, an entirely unrelated event added a layer of bewilderment to the unfolding night. A sudden, inexplicable pain surged through my eyes. (It coincides with a startling transformation in Kelly's appearance – her eyes, once ordinary, now glowed with a vivid shade of orange.)

In the dimly lit jungle, as Estella's concern for Orhan spilled out in rapid questions – "Did you get hurt? Are you okay?" – Orhan, maintaining a calm demeanor, replied, "Hey, I'm fine. What's the matter?" Their conversation took a swift turn as Estella, her worry escalating, pointed out, "I found blood here," eliciting a simultaneous exclamation of "Kelly!" from both of them. Urgency painted their actions as they swiftly closed the distance to where I lay, on the verge of succumbing to the embrace of sleep.

In a gesture of comfort, Estella seized my hand, her fingers intertwining with mine as if seeking reassurance in the midst of the jungle's mysteries. As the trio gathered, Estella's voice once again filled the night air, her words carrying a gentle inquiry, "Did you get hurt?" Moving her hands to my shoulder, she encountered an unexpected wetness – blood. Despite my attempt to downplay it with a dismissive remark – "It's not your concern. Just leave" – Estella persisted with a quiet determination.

Guiding me away from the edge of slumber, Estella gently seated me on a sturdy rock. Orhan, demonstrating a commendable resourcefulness, hurriedly retrieved bandages, ready to address the unforeseen wound. Estella, with a tender touch, tended to my injury, her concern palpable in the soft glow of the jungle's ambient light. It marked a moment of vulnerability and care, a departure from the solitary nature of survival in the wild.

Internally, I felt a warmth that transcended the physical touch – a sense of being cared for that I had seldom experienced. However, I concealed this emotion beneath a stoic exterior, allowing only a faint smile to play on the edges of my lips.

Orhan, cognizant of my needs, offered a container of water. Grateful, I sipped from it, feeling the cool liquid soothing my parched throat. As I yielded to the call of sleep, my companions too sought rest, though Estella, despite the physical weariness, seemed to carry a burden of thoughts.

Under the canopy of the jungle, Estella's mind echoed with questions that the night couldn't answer. "Why does her blood react near the fire? Why does it start burning?" In the shadows and mysteries of the jungle, the trio found themselves entwined in a tapestry of concern, curiosity, and the enigma of an unexpected reaction in the heart of the wilderness.

As I lay down to rest without a blanket, the initial warmth of the night suggested a heat reminiscent of the Sahara desert. The air held a dry embrace, mirroring the arid conditions of the vast desert landscape.

As time passed, a shift occurred in the atmosphere, and the once-warm night transitioned into a chilling coldness. At midnight, a bone-deep cold settled over me, akin to the frigid temperatures experienced in Antarctica. Shivering, I found myself unable to open my eyes fully. In the dim light, a subtle sparkle caught my attention, gradually revealing the presence of a man and a lady standing at a distance.

Dressed in immaculate, expensive white clothing, the mysterious figures seemed to materialize from the night itself. The lady, her eyes reflecting a pool of tears, took tentative steps towards me. Approaching with a quiet grace, she gently seated herself by my forehead. Her touch, soft and comforting, traced soothing patterns on my skin, followed by a tender kiss.

The man, emerging with a blanket in hand, came forward and draped it over my chilled form. Seating himself beside the lady, he attempted to offer solace and stem the tide of her tears. Despite his efforts, her grief persisted, casting a poignant atmosphere over the quiet night.

The lady, with a touch filled with empathy, caressed a wound on my body, uttering words that carried a weight of anticipation, "We have been waiting for you for a long time." Each moment unfolded with a blend of warmth, cold, tenderness, and an underlying mystery. The desert night, a canvas of contrasting temperatures and emotions, bore witness to a connection that transcended the ordinary boundaries of time and space.

As the man's apologetic words hung in the air, a palpable sense of regret lingered. "Sorry that we can't spend time with you. Sorry, Sweetheart. Please forgive us for making your life miserable."

In that poignant moment, something wet touched my face, and I realized it was their tears. The pain in my heart intensified as I witnessed their sorrowful tears, and a deep sense of sympathy welled within me.

The lady, overwhelmed by emotion, tenderly lay beside me, her soft kiss on my forehead accompanied by a solemn promise, "I will always be with you." Helpless, I lay there, watching them gradually retreat.

As they distanced themselves, casting backward glances with fading smiles that transformed into expressions of profound pain, an unexpected heaviness settled within me. I felt a great pain and sorrow, sensing that moment unfold, as the mysterious figures in black emerged.

The black-clad man positioned himself behind the one in white, wielding a sword that he thrust towards the white-clad man, who, still looking towards me, succumbed to the torment. The cruel rotation of the sword added a tragic twist to the unfolding scene as the man in white collapsed to the ground.

The lady in black, relentless in her actions, seized the fallen woman's hair, dragging her across the ground. After covering a short distance, the sword descended swiftly, severing the connection. The lady in white fell to the ground, and in my helpless state, I instinctively extended my hand towards them.

Simultaneously, the black-clad figures reached out, mirroring my futile gesture. Yet, before any resolution could be found, a dazzling sparkle enveloped them. The last words that reached my ears echoed with love, "We love you, Sweetheart. Please come fast; we are waiting for you."

The surreal sequence of events left me engulfed in a whirlwind of emotions – sorrow, confusion, and an overwhelming sense of love and connection. The desert night, silent witness to this otherworldly encounter, held within it a tale that intertwined pain, love, and an inexplicable longing, leaving an indelible mark on my consciousness.

Hey sweet readers! Take notice:

Mon-Fri : 1 chapter at 07:00 p.m.

Saturday: 2 chapters at 07:00 p.m.

Sunday: Bonus chapter at 07:00 p.m.

Stay tuned! Love you all

That's your QuraxNoor_Mazhar

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