
Friendless World: The Pure Hearted Soul

[DISCLAIMER: None of the events and actions in this novel relates to the ACTUAL history] "Karina," Kosha urgently spoke to his beloved wife amid the chaos of the enemy attack, "save our daughter and don't come behind us. It's for your safety. Love you, dear." These words echoed in the air as Karina grappled with the conflicting emotions of love and concern for her husband's safety. In that critical moment, Karina's primary instinct was to aid her husband against their assailants. With determination, she swiftly stepped out of the royal buggy, clutching her sword tightly. "This ancient forest will abode the victory or defeat of Moonlight Kingdom" she said being determined. Her daughter remained in the safety of the vehicle. As Karina emerged, a tense atmosphere enveloped her, and she immediately sensed the presence of five figures behind her. Turning, she discovered her friends—Elina, Ana, Ogara, Elor, and Osam—each armed and rushing towards the impending battleground. However, a disconcerting realization hit Karina when she noticed that Elina and Ogara had brought their children along. Concern etched on her face, she questioned them, "Why did both of you bring your kids here?" Ogara responded, "We couldn't leave them alone. The condition is worst in the kingdom" Ana quickly approached, offering a reassuring solution, "I'll take care of all three of them!" United in their resolve for the Moonlight Kingdom, Karina, Elina, Ogara, Elor, and Osam exchanged determined glances. In unison, they declared, "For our beloved Moonlight Kingdom, we'll never bend in front of them!" The scene was set for a fierce battle, a testament to their unwavering commitment to defend their kingdom and loved ones. ----- "Kiana, everyone relies on you," Lady Irha stated, her eyes filled with hope as she looked at me. Simultaneously, I felt a surge of anger upon discovering the truth. My only desire at that moment was to execute swift justice, revealing to the world the consequence of heartlessness. Lady Irha addressed us, expressing her expectation, "Hope so, you all wouldn't disappoint us. My role is completed, and now it's Master Ziyaad's turn. I'll bid you farewell," she said before disappearing, leaving all of us with a clear understanding of our next steps. ATTENTION: Readers tighten your seat belts, it's going to be a WILD ride *smirks*

duo_sisters · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Protection, Truth and Revenge

My awakening was sudden, a swift departure from the realm of dreams. Initially, I clung to the notion that the happenings of the previous night were mere illusions of the mind. A dull ache permeated my head, prompting me to shut my eyes, seeking solace from the discomfort.

In that moment of darkness, a vivid tableau unfolded—an image of a carefree toddler traversing a sunlit garden, her parents trailing behind, their voices a blend of affection and caution: "Stop there! Don't get any hurt, sweetheart." It was a scene eerily reminiscent of a recurring dream that had frequented my nights.

As I blinked away the remnants of that vision, reality reasserted itself. The persistent throb in my head served as a tangible reminder that this was not a figment of imagination. I sat up, disoriented yet compelled to make sense of the unfolding mystery.

The blanket draped over me added another layer of intrigue. It wasn't just any blanket; it bore a striking resemblance to the one the couple had bestowed upon me the night before. The realization struck me—a bridge between dreams and reality. The blanket, with its peculiar connection to the surreal, possessed an otherworldly quality.

Upon closer inspection, the intricacy of the design unfolded. The moon, in all its phases, was meticulously portrayed. Crescent arcs gracefully intermingled with full moons, forming a celestial pattern that whispered of mystery and wonder. Each lunar phase seemed to be a stroke in the enigmatic canvas of that moment, leaving me pondering the significance of the moon's presence in this peculiar tapestry of reality.

Suddenly, there he was—Bam Bam, disappearing into the depths of the forest. His walk had this peculiar rhythm, like he was tailing someone or something. Concern crept in, and without a second thought, I called out to him, "Bam Bam! Bam Bam!"

No response. It was as if my words got lost in the shuffle of leaves and distant sounds. Frowning, I swiftly stowed the blanket in my bag, my mind racing with questions. What was he up to? Why was he wandering into the forest?

With a mixture of curiosity and a growing sense of urgency, I rose from my spot. The forest, once inviting, now held an air of mystery and uncertainty. Determined to uncover the mystery, I decided to tail Bam Bam, stepping cautiously on the soft earth beneath the towering trees. The surroundings took on a different vibe, a mix of shadows and filtered sunlight, as if nature itself held its breath in anticipation.

Seconds turned into moments, and with each step, my concern deepened. Why wasn't he acknowledging my calls? What was pulling him into the heart of the forest? The blanket in my bag felt like a secret companion, a silent witness to the unfolding events.

As I ventured deeper, the sounds of the forest enveloped me—rustling leaves, distant bird calls, and the crunch of twigs underfoot. The air held a hint of dampness, and a gentle breeze whispered through the branches. My emotions swung between determination and a subtle unease, driven by the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

Yet, the allure of discovery propelled me forward. Bam Bam's figure remained just ahead, a silent guide into the unknown. With each passing second, the forest unfolded its secrets, and my pursuit took on a rhythm of its own, like the dance of shadows beneath the canopy.

As I navigated the depths of the forest, trying to discern my whereabouts post-Bam Bam, an unsettling realization dawned – he had mysteriously disappeared, leaving me in a state of perplexity. The forest, once a haven of solitude, was now cloaked in an air of ambiguity. Amidst the towering trees, the distant murmur of voices reached my ears, prompting a clandestine investigation.

Peering from behind a thicket of bushes, I discerned the unexpected sight of Fe-Del accompanied by a man. Their conversation became a captivating eavesdrop session. The words "DAD, I saw that soul with her" tumbled from Fe-Del's lips, shattering the previous narrative of her father's demise. A cascade of questions surged through my mind, yet I managed to restrain the whirlwind of emotions brewing within me.

As the dialogue unfolded, the plot thickened with Fe-Del's cryptic statement, "I confirmed it, but I think she doesn't got her p-." Before I could delve deeper into the unfolding mystery, Fe-Del, as if sensing my presence, declared, "I think someone is behind the bushes." In a heartbeat, I seized the opportunity to retreat before her investigative instincts could bring her closer, my footsteps echoing the erratic rhythm of my pounding heart.

"OH SHIT! I AGAIN GET LOST IN THIS HUGE FOREST. BUT WHY IT'S ALWAYS ME?" I scolded myself, frustration and self-reproach intertwining. With a gaze directed downward, I continued my journey, a complex tapestry of emotions accompanying each step. A sudden awareness of being observed prompted me to lift my gaze, only to find myself locking eyes with two enigmatic figures, armed with foreboding weapons. Their distant command, "FOLLOW US," compelled me to reluctantly comply, the obscured features of these individuals intensifying the unsettling atmosphere.

Maintaining a cautious distance, I joined the peculiar procession, my mind racing with questions about their destination in this vast and dense forest. The once-familiar surroundings now carried an eerie ambiance, as if the very trees harbored secrets waiting to be unraveled.

After covering some distance, the group converged around a figure I recognized – Ana. Desperate for clarity, I queried, "Do you know who they are?" Silence hung in response. Undeterred, I pressed further, "Who are they, Ana? Do they live with you in this forest?" Again, only silence emanated from Ana, deepening the enigma of the unfolding scenario.

In an uncanny harmony, they collectively uttered, "PLEASE TAKE CARE OF ORHAN AND ESTELLA." The plea lingered in the air, intensifying my confusion. The forest, initially a serene backdrop, now unfolded as a stage for an intricate drama, leaving me grappling with the complexity of the connections between these individuals and the mysterious names invoked. Each step I took seemed to lead me deeper into the forest's secrets, a labyrinth of uncertainty where every moment held the potential for further revelations.

In the ethereal haze of mystery, their words and actions swirled like phantoms in the air, leaving a tapestry of uncertainty. Suddenly, a rustling emanated from behind the bushes, diverting my focus. Turning back, Bam Bam stood there—a familiar anchor in the sea of enigma. Perplexed, I glanced once more at the spot where the mysterious group had stood, finding nothing but the echoes of silence among the towering trees.

"WHERE THEY ALL WENT? Did they vanish into thin air?" I mused aloud, grappling with the disconcerting absence of the elusive group. Bam Bam, seemingly attuned to my confusion, embarked on a path, a silent promise of answers, and with a hopeful heart, I trailed behind him, yearning for a reunion with the cryptic assembly.

A sudden bark resonated through the forest, a canine symphony blending with the rustling leaves. It was a reassurance, a connection formed in the language of unspoken understanding. Bam Bam led the way back, but as the voices of Orhan and Estella permeated the forest, a wave of panic surged within me. Negative thoughts, like restless spirits, whispered tales of impending doom, weaving a turbulent tapestry of worry.

Armed with nothing, I envisioned the looming specter of the creature, its shadow cast over the forest once more. Approaching the source of voices with caution, I discovered it wasn't a creature but Fe-Del. Positioned at a safe distance, I listened to her account of the supposed creature's assault, the narrative weaving through the fabric of the forest.

To my surprise, gratitude flowed from Orhan and Estella, genuine smiles painting their faces. "OH! We are lucky that we have Kelly with us. She saved our lives. Thanks Kelly." The acknowledgment was a glimmer of warmth in the cold wilderness. Yet, the atmosphere darkened as Fe-Del, apple in hand, approached.

Her actions took a malevolent turn as she feigned a hug, whispering words that dripped with mockery in my ear. Shocked, I felt the sting of her nails on my shoulder. Reacting on instinct, I pushed her away, an act of defiance against the encroaching negativity. An apple, a symbol of discord, sailed back towards her, a challenge to the narrative being woven.

Orhan and Estella rushed to Fe-Del's aid, their accusatory eyes piercing through the forest shadows. Their questioning words stung, and tears welled up in my eyes. The weight of their judgment felt like an anchor, pulling me down into a sea of uncertainty.

Fe-Del seized the opportunity, crafting a narrative of past wrongs and victimhood. The accusations compounded, leaving me on the defensive against the looming storm. Estella's words cut deep, labeling me as heartless. Orhan echoed the sentiment, amplifying the pain. The emotional onslaught pushed me backward until I stumbled over a rock, the forest floor embracing my descent.

Suddenly, Fe-Del enacted a fainting spell, orchestrating a diversion and eliciting sympathy. Orhan and Estella redirected their anger, shouting, "You see, it'sjuat becauseif you Kelly." The accusations echoed through the trees, each word carving its mark into the fabric of the forest.


With those words lingering in the air, I ran into the depths of the forest, leaving Orhan and Estella grappling with the weight of my revelation. As they attempted to untangle the threads of my words, their gaze fixated on a mysterious lady in black, her lips visible, holding a sword. A devilish smirk played on her face as she uttered chilling words, "KIDS, IT'S TIME TO LEAVE THIS WORLD." The ominous threat hinted at a narrative far more complex than the surface of this mysterious forest suggested, a story that unfolded in every shadow, every whisper of the leaves, and every beat of my heart.

Estella and Orhan's eyes widened in fear as the mysterious lady spoke, "Kids, hope she will not help you this time." Tension hung in the air like a heavy cloud. The lady launched an attack on Orhan, who struggled to defend himself against the Tomahawk, a weapon I had provided earlier. Unfortunately, he lacked the skills to fight back or gauge how long he could hold his own.

Meanwhile, Estella assessed her options, her eyes locking onto a Kusarigama nearby. Despite her decision to fight, she faced the same dilemma as Orhan—no knowledge of combat. The creatures advanced toward Estella, mirroring Orhan's plight. As moments passed, the two found it increasingly difficult to fend off the impending threat.

In the midst of this chaos, feeling a surge of urgency, I sprinted into the depths of the forest. Breathless and unsure of the distance I had covered, I eventually came to a stop. The forest surrounded me, and the silence was punctuated only by the sounds of my labored breathing. In that moment, a sudden recollection struck me: the words of Ana and those unknown figures, "TAKE CARE OF ORHAN AND ESTELLA."

As I caught my breath, the weight of responsibility settled on my shoulders. The forest, with its towering trees and tranquil ambiance, became both a refuge and a witness to the unfolding events. Emotions swirled within me—a mix of fear, urgency, and a growing sense of duty to fulfill the entrusted role.

Then, a memory surfaced: the accusation that I was a "heartless girl." The question echoed in my mind, "Why should I return to them when they think I'm heartless?" A moment of internal reflection ensued. However, a determination emerged—I couldn't let any perceived negativity overshadow the goodness within me.

The forest, with its mystique and shadows, seemed to embrace my internal struggle. Each second ticked by as I grappled with conflicting emotions. The echoes of the lady's ominous declaration reverberated through the tranquil surroundings, adding an element of suspense to the unfolding narrative.

Amidst the towering trees and rustling leaves, a decision crystallized. Despite the accusations and doubts, the goodness within me would not be overshadowed by negativity. The forest, with its vast expanse, stood witness to a journey of self-discovery and resilience.

As I ran in the midst of the forest's embrace, the emotions of the moment enveloped me—fear, uncertainty, and a determination to navigate the complexities that lay ahead. The challenge was not only to protect Estella and Orhan but also to unravel the mysteries that had woven this intricate tapestry of events. The forest, with its secrets and shadows, became both ally and adversary, a witness to the unfolding saga that stretched into the unknown.

I hurried back to them, their desperate calls resounding through the forest. "KELLY! KELLY! HELP US, PLEASE!" Their voices pierced the air with urgency. The lady's assault on Orhan sent him sprawling to the ground, and Estella found herself in a similar plight. Closing the distance, the malevolent lady wore a wicked smile, reveling in the chaos she had unleashed. Estella, in a final plea, cried out, "Kelly, help us. We regret shouting at you. Please, save us." The lady raised her sword menacingly, and with eyes squeezed shut, Estella and Orhan braced themselves for the impending strike. My feet carried me faster and faster, muttering under my breath, "Hope they will be fine."

Suddenly, a desperate plea reached my ears, "Save us." Swiftly, I maneuvered through the dense underbrush, parting the foliage to witness a scene that made my eyes widen in horror. A poised lady, ready to deliver a fatal blow. Without a second thought, I sprinted towards them, the uncertainty of my combat abilities lingering in my mind. The possibility of facing my own demise loomed, yet the singular focus was on saving them. She raised her sword, poised to strike, and I, driven by an instinctive need to protect, interposed my sword, halting her attack. Her eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected intervention.

Thus commenced our skirmish. Orhan and Estella, now unharmed, observed the unfolding battle, their eyes reflecting happiness at my arrival. They whispered to each other, "We should help her," and armed themselves against the mysterious creatures. The lady, in a cryptic remark, noted, "You are just like her." This statement paused my movements as I contemplated its implications. Abruptly, I found myself on the forest floor, a searing pain on my face, realizing she had struck me, and my sword lay frustratingly out of reach.

Closing my eyes, memories of Aunt Zoey flooded my mind. "Thanks, Aunt," I whispered in gratitude. With an acceptance of my fate, I opened my eyes, prepared for the inevitable. The lady chuckled, "Now it's your time to go." However, my gaze shifted to a surprising sight—a wolf, the very creature whose life I had saved, standing behind her. A smile played on my lips at this unexpected twist. When she questioned my lack of fear, I responded with a defiant, "Are you confident?" Confusion crossed her face as she turned, discovering the fiery-eyed wolf ready to pounce. The wolves, silent witnesses to the unfolding drama, surrounded us, their leader—the one I had saved—taking a step forward. The lady, with a devilish smile, stood two meters away, prompting me to wonder about the hidden motives behind her expression.

Understanding dawned when I noticed the mysterious creature behind her, holding a knife to Orhan and Estella's throats. My eyes widened in realization, and a sense of helplessness overcame me. Suddenly, they both pleaded, "Please forgive us. We don't want to scold you. Please forgive us, Kelly, as our last wishes." Amidst the chaos, a nagging thought struck me: "Where was Fe-Del?" I turned to find her smirking, casting doubts on her role in this unfolding drama. The lady, still chuckling, declared, "Kids, say your last goodbyes to her."

"Kelly, please forgive us," they both implored, closing their eyes, readying themselves for a fate they felt was inevitable—an endless sleep. Anger surged within me, and with all the power in my being, I shouted, "Enough is enough. Let them go." The surroundings quivered, as if caught in the throes of an earthquake, the wolves howling in response. The lady, panic-stricken, sought a means of escape. (Kelly's eyes changed to an intense shade of green.)

All that registered in my consciousness was pain—not only in my eyes but throughout my entire body. A profound weakness enveloped me, and slowly, I began to lose consciousness. The last image etched in my mind was the lady casting a dead glare at Fe-Del before fleeing with the mysterious creatures. Estella and Orhan rushed towards me, concern etched on their faces, and soon, everything faded to black, enveloping me in the shroud of unconsciousness, some words escaped my mouth while I was going to faint, "Hifazat, Haqeeqat, aur Intiqam (Protection, Truth and Revenge)."

Hey sweet readers! Take notice:

Mon-Fri : 1 chapter at 07:00 p.m.

Saturday: 2 chapters at 07:00 p.m.

Sunday: Bonus chapter at 07:00 p.m.

Stay tuned! Love you all

That's your QuraxNoor_Mazhar

duo_sisterscreators' thoughts