
Under my nose

Ah!! Oh My God !! I can't wait to break the news to everyone, after all our years of waiting we can finally welcome a little one to the family, my joy knew no bounds that morning as I walked out of the doctor's office.

Before I went home I stopped by the grocery to pick a champagne for husband and some fresh smoothie for myself(a pregnant woman shouldn't drink champagne), As I drove home I could finally know what it feels to be a mom, I was so happy I could finally be free from Grace and her criticism.

I mean she really made my life hell because I couldn't conceive immediately after marriage just like the other African women, can you even imagine just because I refuse to go with her to her church she accused me of being a Satanist and that's why the Lord would never give a child. She also accused me of being too independent and that I go out with other men all in the name of work meanwhile I just go for business meetings and seminars, honestly I don't know what I ever did to her to deserve such disgusting attitude.

Anyways I put all those behind me finally I can breathe some fresh air after everyone knows I'm pregnant, so when I got home something just felt different normally I get home before Nate but he got home before me and surprisingly as I walked into the living room I saw a lady's shoe that looked like one of my shoes that went missing.

At that point I began to hear strange sounds coming from upstairs, so I proceeded upstairs and the sound was louder and it seem to be from our bedroom, 'But who could it be' I said to myself as I approached the bedroom and when I opened the door low and behold I was caught but surprise.

'Jess! Nate! What's going on?' I said in utmost shock, at that point I felt blood rushing to my brain as I began to boil in anger, 'Athy it's not what you think I can explain' she said in a astonished tone, 'Nate why aren't you saying anything don't you think I deserve an explanation', Nate just stayed silent and showed no remorse for what he did and since he wasn't trying to explain why he was cheating on me with my younger sister I hit Jess in the face out of anger and it was at that point Nate the statue finally unfroze.

'What is wrong with you, HAVE YOU LOST IT!' he screamed at me pushing me away from Jess, that was when I realized didn't know whom I married, of all me years of marriage Nate never behaved this way what went wrong I loved him with every corner of my heart but did he even love me? and I never even tried cheating on him so what went wrong, I never disrespected him all I did was to work, earn to support ourselves and this is what I get in return!?.

'Nate why!, Nate what have I done to deserve this, why are you doing this?!'I said with tears rolling down my cheeks, then I looked at Jess and wondered what I had done to deserve such betrayal from the ones I loved so much, all of a sudden Nate began to pack his things out of the house without telling me why , then

he told me to stay away from him and Jess, then I asked him if he ever loved me and suddenly he burst into a very sarcastic laughter and then said I should ask his mom as he walked to the car holding Jess.

I could clearly see the guilt written all over her but she remained quiet and followed him to the car.

As they drove away I broke down in tears as I didn't even get to tell him I was pregnant, I wept while I tried to dial Grace's number to tell her what Nate did and her reaction .....tore me apart....

'What were you thinking when you were childless all these years'? …