
Chapter 2: The impossible

I stood on the spot pondering upon my life and where everything went wrong, I just couldn't  believe Grace would say such a thing " But I'm pregnant, Grace" I said with a heavy heart thinking that would change everything but it just didn't help at all "So I'm I expected to throw a party or something? ,Well It's quite late so I don't really care anymore" she said in a heartless tone, "Before I hang up the phone, Grace please I would like to ask you one last question….. Did you know about Nathaniel and Jessica?" I asked in suspicion.  "Of course I did "she answered happily as she hung up the phone.

"Aaahh!!"  I screamed in anger as I cried my guts out, "This isn't happening", I said to myself in denial thinking about my next cause of action, I sat by my bed thinking of all the memories we've had together and I just couldn't help but cry out loud,   Suddenly my phone rang.

"Al...Alex, hey what's up" I asked in a trembling tone, "Athy are you okay?" Alex asked in curiosity, "I'm fine Alex" I replied with an obviously distressed tone,"Athy give me a moment I would be right there okay?" he said as he hung up the phone. 

Some minutes later, Alex arrived and was surprised to see me all broken and shattered, "Athy what's going on?, Where's Nate? And Good Lord what happened to you?" Alex asked and all I could was stare at him not knowing what to say.

' I  may not know what happened but calm down and explain everything to me' Alex said as he tried to cuddle and console me, Just when I was about to start the explanation my phone rang.

"Oh It's Ben" Alex said handing  me the phone , "Hey Ben" I said in a gloomy tone, "Athy are you alright?" Ben asked wondering what had happened,"Where's Nate? ,Athy why aren't you answering my questions? What's going on?" Ben  asked demanding an answer and all I could was listen without a single word coming out of my mouth, "Ben you might have to come over" ,Alex said taking the phone from me "Ok be right there" Ben replied.

Alex wiped the tears off my cheeks and for the first time in my Thirty-five years of living  I felt loved as Alex continued to console me, he sat on the couch in my room while I explained everything to him, at some point I couldn't even speak all I could do was just stare at Alex as trying to calm me down.

Few minutes later Ben walked in and he was really saddened by the situation he saw me in, I lifted my head  to look at Ben and I could see was him burning in fury.

"Where's Nate?" he asked as he walked around the house "Athy where's Nate and my money?" he asked again and at that point I became confused.

"What money?" I asked, "Yeah ,Ben what money" Alex also asked, "You both didn't know anything about the $75,000 did you?,  I lent to Nate cuz he told me he needed some money to start up a business and funny enough ,he never told me what kind of business he was venturing into" Ben said in amazement.

"So why are you asking for the money now, is the payment due or something" I asked.

"Of course, he was meant to pay back the amount in full last month but he kept  avoiding my calls and when he picks he kept providing one excuse or the other" Ben said as he tried to dial Nate's number.

"Why isn't it reachable?" Ben said not knowing what to do, "Well with that aside, what exactly happened here" Ben asked.

I laid on the bed as I watched Alex explain everything to Ben, then I began to wonder, I wasn't done explaining everything to Alex so how did he know everything even some information I knew nothing of.

"Hold on, you said you saw them (Nate and Jess) at Star bucks?" ,I said as I got up and walked towards the couch where they were sitted, "Yeah I did , Grace and Chris(Nathaniel's parents) were also there and when I saw them it didn't seem like anything was wrong", Alex said.

"But it was quite strange seeing Jess with Nate when it was meant to be you sitting with Nate as his wife and also before I forget I've  seen them together several times even before what happened today" Alex said in confusion.

"So you knew and didn't even bother to telling me !" I said as I began to lose my mind, 'Calm down Athy I wasn't sure of what I saw and I didn't think I was in the position to say anything even if I suspected it, so please calm down" Alex said pleading with me.

I let out a bitter laugh and said to myself, "It only means one thing… We were in the dark….."

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