

It’s been two weeks after that little confrontation between Fajrah and I. I came home late in night and I secretly go out every Saturday just to attend our practices. My two weeks is such a thrill because of that. Dad can sense it already, he’s suspicious because this is the first time that I’m late to go home and also with the bag I carried every day. I’m carrying a big bag since I do have clothes for the after practice.

I doubled my effort in terms of academic so it stays on top, Dad can move mountains just to know if my grades were high or low. Maybe if he finds out he will drag me from the school and make me stop my studies. If they found out what I did I’m sure it will make them furious, they didn’t like when I disobey them.

They created a cage for me thinking that the cage is my safety-zone, but it's not. The cage is not for me. A ship is always safe at shore, but that is not what it's built for. Even if you are safe there, you have to stay. You still have to explore maybe something in you will be awaked if you will explore the horizon.

My next two class is vacant there is no Professor so even if it’s only two o’clock in the afternoon my classmates already left the classroom. I decided to go to the club’s quarter, it looks like a dance room.

When I open it, I saw Felix sleeping on the floor with many papers beside him. I think he’s doing some reviews, maybe he’ll be having a quiz later?

My eyes remain on Felix’s face, his thick eyebrows, he has a long eyelashes. I wonder how expressive those eyes can be. I saw some ballpoint ink in his cheek I get the wet wipes and get one piece.

I get move my face and hand closer to his face so I can see it clearly. But my heart pounded crazily when his hands hold my hand I saw his chocolate color eyes.

I stopped breathing his eyes were hypnotizing me. He smirked at me,

“What are you doing, baby?”

I immediately grab my hand so he can let go of it.

“Uh… there’s-”


“There is… some dirt in your cheeks. I think its ink.”

I sit properly and hide my nervousness and avoided his eyes while saying that. I point to his cheeks so he gropes his cheeks resulting to ink to spread. So I moved closer to him and wipe it with the wet wipe.

He look at me intently but I tried my best to not to look at him.

“Why? Does my face have dirt?”

He shakes his head saying NO while he smiles, I stood up and go to the trash bin and put the wipes there.

“You don’t have any class?”

He is now writing something in his notebook while scanning the paper beside him.

“We were informed earlier that there is no Professor for the last two subjects so I decided to go here. How about you?”

“Hmm, same. I’m just reviewing for the long quiz for the Friday.”

I nodded to him. I grab my bag and get some clothes I will use for today’s practice.

“Your situation right now is so difficult, right?” Felix said while on my way to change my clothes

“You’re doubling your efforts so your parents won’t notice you joining the club.”

I sigh before I look at him. I smiled at him.

“It’s so difficult, but I don’t have a choice, this is my dream.”

I scan the whole practice room after I said the last four words.

“And that is their dream”

I pointed the books beside my bag

“I have to double my efforts so I can do the two things.”

“I feel guilty.” He said

“You shouldn’t, I’m thankful for you because you made me realized that I have to do this. That, I can do this.”

When I came back after changing my clothes, I saw he changes his clothes too. He turns the speaker on and started the dance routine that we practiced last week. We’re going to upload this in my YouTube Channel. I do some dance covers in my YouTube but I didn’t reveal my face yet. I started this channel three years ago subscribers go up month by month and the YouTube started to pay me last year.

After he finishes the routine, I change the music to KPOP. It’s BOY of TREASURE, I watched it last night and I memorized the choreography last night too. The choreo is easy but the formation they did is difficult,

I dance it again and I saw how Felix doing well with it even if he didn’t memorize the whole choreography, this is just his first time to see it. He can easily catch up any dance step so it’s not difficult for us every practice. In our fourth time Felix is in sync with me.

I’m truly happy right now. I’m feeling my freedom through dancing. I don’t know what I will do if this will slips away in my hands.

After another two rounds of dancing we decided to take a break. The door opens suddenly after a few minutes because of the arrival of Dwight with the other members.

“What’s with the sweat? What did you two do??” Ara teasingly said at us. I looked at Dwight but he avoided my eyes.

“We just danced.” Felix coldly said that to Ara.

The members quickly changed their clothes after that we start the practice. After five rounds of practice, we took a break. I volunteered to buy a snack. I was about to go out when Fajrah presents her hands with a money, I’m about to say No but her left eyebrow goes up.

“I’ll go with you.” Dwight and Felix said that in unison they look at each other.

“I’ll go with her, Felix” Dwight said to Felix while walking towards me. He holds my hand and we left the dance room.

Silence enveloped our atmosphere while we are walking towards the convenience store. It’s so awkward or I’m just the only one thinking it’s awkward?

“I can do it alone.” I breathe deeply before I said that to him.

“Yeah.” He answered me coldly.

“Uh.. You can now go back to the dance room.” he stopped walking and looks at me with his angry eyes.

“You don’t want me here?”

“No.” his forehead creased and his brows met in the middle of his forehead.

“What I mean is… it’s okay if you don’t want to come with me.”

“You want Felix to come with you instead of me?”

It’s now my turn to creased my forehead with his statement.

“It’s okay, I want to come with you.” He said after he smiled at me.

My eyes went to his lips, his smile is so beautiful.


“This is the first time you smiled at me.” His face become serious and his smile faded.

“You’re more handsome if you smile.”

“You should have taken a picture of it, I don’t smile every day.”

When we arrived at the store, I get the energy drinks I bought last time while Dwight get the chips and bread.

“I think you should have bought water instead.”

“What? No, this is better.” I pouted after I said that, he seriously look at my lips and then look at my eyes while he bit his lip.

“Did they give you some money?”

“Fajrah gave me some.”

“They might get used to it.”

“It’s not a problem though.” It’s okay for me, they are my friends. And also it’s for food so I don’t see any problem about that. But he sighed out of disappointment.

“It’s not okay. You’re not a human wallet.”

We returned to the practice room after that. Dwight paid for the chips and bread while I paid for the drinks. When we arrived, we did the routine three times more and after that we ate the snacks before we decided to go home.

I changed my clothes before going to the parking lot. Our driver, Mang Raul is already there. It’s already seven in the evening and since Mommy and Daddy went to Hong Kong because of some seminar so it’s okay for me to go home late. I’m pretty sure Manang will cover me up if my parents will call the house.

When I got home, I went up to my bedroom took a bath first after I went to the kitchen to have a dinner.

“Can you still do it?” Manang ask me while putting some foods in my plate.

I smiled at her and nodded.

“I can and I should.”

“You grew up too fast. You’re chasing freedom now.” She said while combing my hair at the back.

“Take it slow, okay? Not because you are happy with them they are the right person. But you have to still be thankful because they join you in your first step.” She left me eat after she said that.

I glanced at the wall clock inside my practice room, it’s almost eight in the evening. I set a nine PM alarm so that I can review my lessons.

I want to practice some ballad music now. I scroll the tracks in my phone and select I love you 3000.

Baby, take my hand

I want you to be my husband

I slowly moved my hands feeling the smoothness of music.

'Cause you're my Iron Man

And I love you 3000

Baby, take a chance

'Cause I want this to be something

Straight out of a Hollywood movie

I did the brisé movement then the cabriole movement.

And all my friends they tell me they see

You're planning to get on one knee

But I want it to be out of the blue

So make sure I have no clue

When you as

Baby, take my hand

I want you to be my husband

'Cause you're my Iron Man

And I love you 3000

Baby, take a chance

'Cause I want this to be something

Straight out of a Hollywood movie

I sway as I closed my eyes thinking someone is hugging me from the back, I bend forward while my hands are also at front then I bend upward and sway again. Until the music stops playing.

I pressed the button to keep the song on the loop. This song really suits my ears right now. I don’t know why I want to listen some smooth music now.

I lay down in the floor and looked at the ceiling. I adjusted the light inside and turned it to the combination of blue and violet using a remote. It calms my entire being, even just for once I can breathe at ease as if I don’t have any secrets that if my family knows, I’m pretty sure I will be disregarded.

I closed my eyes. I did not notice how many hours I slept. I woke up when I felt the coldness enveloped my whole body, I’m still at the practice room maybe I’m too tired so I slept immediately. I turned off the speaker and the lights. I glanced at my cellphone while I’m walking towards my bedroom.

It’s already 11:58 in the evening and I forgot to review. I didn’t hear my alarm. I yawned and changed my clothes into pajamas when my phone suddenly beeps, Dwight’s name is on the screen. Oh? He’s still up huh?

Dwight: Yow, still up?

I pouted, thinking if I would reply or not but I found myself typing a reply to him.

Jamie: hmm… yes. Why?

I turned off the light and touch my moon lamp beside my bed. I grab my blanket and my phone beeps after that.

Dwight: Can we review together tomorrow?

Jamie: why?

Dwight: Since we will be having our long quiz this Friday and tomorrow is Thursday, I think it will be better if we study together? Study buddy?

Jamie: Study buddy only?

What the hell Jamie?

I laughed after I hit the send button. When my phone suddenly rings- it’s Dwight. I swiped to accept the call

Dwight: “What do you mean by that?”

He said with his low baritone voice. I closed my eyes while laughing at him.

Dwight: “What’s funny, Jamie Leigh?”

Jamie: “Oh? What did I do?” I said while laughing. I hear him sighed from the line.

Dwight: “Nothing, go to bed now. See you tomorrow. There will be no practice tomorrow because all of us got a long quiz on Friday. Good night Jamie Leigh.”

And he hung up the phone, wow. Did he really hang up first? I didn’t get a chance to talk huh? You will see my revenge tomorrow, Dwightie.

Thursday morning came, after I prepare myself I went to the diner to eat my breakfast. I’m up early than usual I had a nice sleep too.

“Good Morning, Manang!” I said as I reached her hand and put it on my forehead sign of a respect for elderly. She smiled at me and kissed my cheeks.

“Good morning Jamie Leigh, start eating your breakfast.” I sat down and get some rice I smiled widely when I saw my favorite food. It’s a stewed eggplant with an egg. I watch the clock and I saw I still have an hour before my class starts.

I arrived at the classroom, I scan my review notes waiting for my Professor and classmates.

I look at the chair beside me when someone occupied it. I give him a death glare, his forehead creased because of that.

“What’s your problem, woman?”

“You hung the phone up at me.”


“Wow, girls should hang the phone first.”

“You’re the first girl who complaint about that. So I conclude not all girls don’t like it.”

I pursed my lips and raised my brows while I’m giving him a death glare.

“Okay, alright. Next time I won’t hang the phone up again. I will wait until you hang the up the phone first.”

“Next time? There will be no next time, I won’t answ-” he cut me off while putting his finger on my lips.

“You’re too loud Jamie, you’re not that loud if you’re with Felix.”

I stop and think. He’s right though, between the two of them I’m silent and preserved when I’m with Felix but when I’m with Dwight I am loud and talkative. And I don’t know why that is.

He flicks my forehead when he saw me smiled after a while.

I continue scanning my notes and after a long while our Professor arrives. I put my things on my bag after the whole day class.

“Let’s go” I didn’t glanced at Dwight when he said that.

“Oh come on, faster study buddy.” He walked towards me then grabs my arm while laughing.

I thought he’s not fond of smiling? He laughs last night, he laughs earlier and now he laughs… does he… think I look like a clown?

I stop walking and look at him, “I taught you don’t smile every day? You laughed last night, earlier and now.” He stops smiling and his face became stoic.

“Do I look like a clown to you?” I raised my brows while both of my hands are on my waist. He laughs so hard after I ask him my question, some of the students looked at him.

My body went to his chest when someone pushed me

“What are they doing? Did they know they are on the middle of the hallway? And give respect to the single like me too. Aargh, PDA.” The girl walked away after she said that to us.

I pushed Dwight and walked away. He catches up fast and walked beside me while smirking. Does he sense the stares other students gave us? Because of the loudness the girl has earlier she gets the attention of most of the student.

We arrived at the café, it’s a few meters from the school. I immediately sit and put my books and notebooks in the table.

“What do you want?” Dwight asked me while arranging his stuff.

“Chocolate cake and iced coffee.” I smiled at him and I give him money but he refuses so I pursed my lips. He just smiled at me.

When he came back we started writing notes immediately, while we are waiting for our order. We starts in Biology- Bacteriology to be exact, after we writing we exchange our notes and we also exchanges questions to each other.

Dwight is the one, who asked me first,

“What is peptidoglycan's chemical composition?”

“Peptidoglycan is a sugar backbone with peptide side chains crosslinked by peptidase.”


“Peptidoglycan gives rigid support and protects against osmotic pressure.”

He nodded while listening to my answer.

“Okay, Dwightie. What is the chemical composition of the outer membrane of GNB?”

He rolled his eyes before answering me. This is easy for him huh?

“GNB has Lipid A, which induces TNF and IL-1 and GNB has O polysaccharide as the antigen.”


“The outer membrane of GNB is the site of endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide - LPS) major surface antigen.”

I raised my brows after he answered me, well… he’s right though.

We exchange more questions and most of our answers were right. There are some parts I don’t understand it well so Dwight explain it to me, there are some parts where Dwight don’t understand it so I explained it to him as well.

“Two chocolate cake, iced coffee and black coffee for Study Buddy.”

I gave Dwight a death glare after I heard what the staff said.

“Study Buddy huh?” I said when he came back while holding the tray with our order. He just smirked at me while putting my cake and iced coffee in front of me. I already set aside our things so our table is not messy.

I laughed when I saw his teeth with some chocolate in it. He did make-face to me while presenting his teeth to me. I get my phone and captured him, after that I eat some and smile at him I didn’t notice when did he get his phone. He captured me when I smiled.

“Dwight! Give me your phone!” I was about to grab his hand but he stood up and put his hand up. He’s taller than me so I can’t reach his phone. He laughs so hard when he noticed my struggle reaching for his hand.

“You’re too small Jamie Leigh. You have to delete my picture first so I will delete yours too. ”

“I don’t want to.” I said while putting my hands on my waist.

“Okay, I won’t delete your picture too.” he did a make-face making me pout my lips more.

We both looked at the door when it opened causing the door chime make a noise. Felix seriously looked at us while Ara is smiling while clinging to Felix’s arm.