

Ara’s warm smile greeted me when I enter the four corner room filled with of the laughter and shouting of the students. There are four people that Ara’s with, maybe they will be the judge for the audition.

I close my eyes because the nervousness filled my body, this is my first time to dance in front of many people and what if I’ll make a mistake? I don’t have a courage to fight the confidence other contestants have here, but this is what I want. This is your dream right Jamie? So you have to give your best.

I saw the waiting area so I decided to sit down there. Their eyes were all on me, I feel so small with their attention. “I’m the best dancer here, so back the fvck off” that’s what their aura is saying to me now.

I look at my arms when I feel someone hold it

“Hey, are you nervous?”

“Of course, who wouldn’t?” I bit my lip after that, but he just laugh at me

“Wow, the Jamie Leigh is nervous? You didn’t feel any nervous when it comes to oral recitation, though.”

I sighed deeply before I give my full attention to him

“Of course it’s different. I done oral recitation in front of many people dozen of times, while this dancing? It’s my first time. I don’t know if I can do it.”

“Look at them, they are so good at dancing” I continued while I’m watching some of them practicing in the corner. I look at him when he stands up.

“Don’t worry you’re greater than them” he then messed my hair. I look at him badly because of what he did to my hair.

“It’s time to fly baby. I know you can do it.” He said before turning his back at me and go where Ara is now.

Ara waved her hands at me but I only give her a forced smile.

“Is that Jamie?”

“What is she doing here?”

“I thought she doesn’t do club and organization?”

“I didn’t expect to see her here. Is she good at dancing?”

Of course I do. I’m not always with books. Sometimes, I’m with my stereo too in my dance room.

I want to confront them but I am more concerned to my performance later. I am the last one to perform so the pressure is all on me.

My whole attention is on the person who is dancing in front of Ara and I think the other member of the club, they are all great in dancing. I think I can’t make it to the group. The group only needs six people and we are all twenty plus here. The process of the audition is on the hands of Ara, they will be the one who’ll choose the music for you and we will improvise our moves on the stop. I thought it will be only one song but I’m wrong different dancer, different song.

“Jamie Leigh Cullen?” I quickly stand up when I heard my name, my attention is on the dancer so I have not noticed the time passed by and it’s my turn now to dance. The time seems like a wind.

I bow my head a little because I’m nervous also I’m shy. I don’t have any confidence to dance at all. Both of my hands is on my back I look like a lost child now, the people’s eyes are saying that I’m crazy because I audition here.

“Okay, let us see what you got on your sleeves Jamie.” The tall guy with a mysterious face and hooded eyes and delicate nose said to me. The music starts but my world stops, I can’t feel my legs no my whole body because of nervousness.

I heard laughter in every corner of the room. My tears are on edge of my eyes because of embarrassment. Fvck Jamie.

Together when the music stops one hand touches my shoulders. I look at him and it was Felix’s face who welcomed my teary eyes.

“Hey, It’s okay. This is the time… I will fly with you, okay?”

My tears dripped after he told me those words. He’s right, from the start he told me that he will be with me. Felix won’t leave me. He will fly with me, he will join me fulfill my dreams.

I nodded at him and close my eyes and wiped my tears off and look at Ara.

I nodded at Ara and she smiles at me, she gestured to the boy who operates the music. I breathe deeply and closed my eyes again, I let the music touches my soul, the music they give to me is mellow. This is different from the hip hop they gave to others. I smiled when I started my moves, I don’t expect I can move like this. This is so different from the hip hop I used to dance, I think because of my emotion why I can move with the rhythm of the music.

I was shocked when suddenly I was lifted from the ground and spin me around. Our forehead and nose touches when he put me down. I saw how delicate his face is with his Grecian nose and almond eyes.

“I didn’t leave you.” He whispers to my ears while his hand is on my waist.

I don’t understand what I feel right now, or I don’t know how to react right now. I can hear my own heartbeat now while I’m looking at his eyes. His eyes went to my lips before he closes his eyes. He spins me once again and we ended the dance with arabesque position.

With my loud heartbeat the room is silent. Shock was evident in their faces, they didn’t expect me to dance huh? And one member of the club joins me, is it allowed? Disappointed is what I feel, what if they didn’t like the dance? I’m not used to dance like that, it’s my first time to dance contemporary maybe it is worse. I’m on my third step walking away from them when the auditorium suddenly bombarded with their loud noise and because of that I turn back to them.

“Wohoooo, it’s the best!!!”

“The two is so great!!!”

“Jamiiieeee, idooool!”

People’s shouting with applause filled the room, I cannot believe what my ears heard and my eyes seen right now. Praises because of our dance welcomed me when I walk towards my sit earlier.

I don’t know how to react, I’m so surprise right now. I can’t download what’s happening. I got overwhelmed with their kind words too. Ever since, my Dad and Mon didn’t praise my dancing. They always told me that dancing can’t give me a success in life. But this gives me happiness, and with that I think I am successful now.

“Okay dancers, that ends our audition for today. Thank you very much for coming here, it’s our honor to see your talents. But the club only need six persons, but don’t be discourage okay? I know this is not the only opportunity that God will give. So, keep on dancing guys. We will just post the results tomorrow in the bulletin boards. Congratulations to all of you!” we claps our hands after one of the member of the club said that, she so small but she has a loud voice, she’s too cute to handle.

Student slowly walked away from the auditorium, there is no class in the morning because it’s clubs time. Other student went to the members to get their pictures. When I realized I’m the only one left here I decided to go.

“Jamie, wait.” I look at Ara when she calls me.

She’s with Felix and another four persons who walked towards me.

“Yes?” Ara clings to my arms and I was shock by that.

“You are so great earlier! I thought you don’t know how to dance? Oh my god, you are a performer!”

“No, I’m not that great. It was Felix who carry the whole performance.” I told them avoiding their gazes because of embarrassment.

“Hmm. I disagree with that. And you have a strong chemistry huh?” she said as if there are butterflies in her stomach.

I look at Felix asking for help to stop Ara’s mouth but he just smiled at me cockily.

“By the way, I want to introduce you to the members of this club Jamie.”

Isn’t it too early for that? The result is not yet made and Ara looks like she’s welcoming me at the club already.

“This is Bryll Andrada, an Architecture student” she points her hands towards the little girl with a loud voice earlier. I think her height is 5’5 she has a snub nose and monolid eyes with an eyeglass, her hair is curl from mid to end. Those features complemented her.

“She’s small but she’s talkative, so just understand her sometime.” Bryll wave her hand and smiled at me, I did the same to her.

Ara’s hand went to the tall guy earlier, he’s too tall maybe 6’2? With his earring, his delicate nose and hooded eyes made him so handsome yet mysterious.

“This is Dwight Buenaverde, he is a Psychology student.” Psychology? I’m not familiar with him... I mean I don’t know anyone in my class. I smiled at him but he just nodded at me, well maybe he’s not that friendly.

"And this is Fajrah Diaz, she's a tourism student" with her stoic face she just look at me. We have the same height, 5’11. She looks good with her black mid-length hair. Her upturned eyes and snub nose makes her more gorgeous. I smiled sweetly at her but like Dwight she just nodded at me.

“And this is Jacob Gomez, he and Bryll are classmates” I look at the boy who have an upturned eyes and aquiline nose, his height is same with Dwight.

“Hi Jamie” wow, he’s the only one who calls me by my name in their group, he walks towards me and he widen his arms to ask for a hug but Felix stop him. He scratches his head.

“Hmm, I see you’re guarding her? Is she yours?” he then laughs but he stops when Felix gave him a death glare.

"Guys, this is Jamie Leigh Cullen."

I watched and observed all of them, Felix is the taller than the boys here. They are all handsome and pretty, Ara is pretty too with her wide-set eyes, turned up nose and wavy hair.

“You still don’t have class Jamie, right?” it was Bryll who ask me and I nodded.

“Yes, because of clubs.”

“You can join us in lunch” I was shock with her offer, I shake my hands saying no to them

“Ha? I don’t think that’s a good idea. And I want by 12:30 I already in the classroom so that I still can review my notes. I’m sorry.”

“You’re too studious, we can do lunch fast.” Bryll said, I really don’t think it was a right thing to do, I’m still shy towards them.

“Bryll is right, Jamie.” Ara said.

“Come on Jamie, come with us.” Jacob said while he put his hands around Bryll’s shoulder.

“Join us. We can go to the classroom together, we’re classmates by the way.” Dwight said with a deep and cold voice. Oh we’re classmates?

I’m comfortable with them but I’m really shy towards them it’s my first time to have people on my side during lunch.

Students’ eyes went to us when we arrived at the canteen. With the shyness I felt, I almost fell in the canteen’s pavement. Luckily, Dwight quickly grabs me.

“Careful, Leigh” his voice gives shivers in my spine when he whispers those words to me. I swallowed hardly, his lips is almost touching my ears.

He quickly let go of my hand and walked away.

“Are you okay Jamie?” Felix asked me while we are ordering our food, I nodded to him.

When we are eating, I noticed how quiet Dwight and Fajrah are. While Ara and Bryll kept on talking and laughing, their noises are the only thing you can hear on our table.

I already know what the courses of the other members are, but with Ara and Felix, I don’t know.

“Uh… Felix, what’s Ara’s course?”

“Hmmm, my baby is curious eh? Both of us are Engineering students” he smiled cockily to me, teasing me for asking that question.

“I said, stop calling me that.” I glared at him but he just laughed at me.

Dwight furiously stood up and his eyes went to me.

“It’s nearly 12:30 Leigh, let’s go?”

My eyes went to my watch, and Dwight is right so I stood up too.

“Thanks for the lunch guys, we’ll go ahead.”

“Keep safe, Jamie” they said in unison, except for Fajrah.

“Take care of her Dwight.” Felix said before we left.

“Tsk” he scoffs with a furrowed forehead.

While we are walking in the hallway, he’s so quiet and I don’t know why my mouth started to itch and want to strike a conversation.

“I don’t know we are classmate” I tried to laugh a bit to keep away the awkwardness.

“Yeah, as if you know the names of your classmates” he said sarcastically.

I don’t know how to react about what he told me. He’s right though, I don’t know anyone. I’m not the talkative type of a classmate, I think they only can hear my voice if I answer the teacher’s question in every oral recitation.

“Do you like Felix?” I look at him

“No, but he help me how to pursue and follow what I want” he smirk after that

“What’s funny?”

His hooded eyes went cold when it comes to meet my eyes.

“Don’t be complacent that he’s always by your side. And don’t trust too much, I know you’re smart enough.” He said before he walked away.

He left me dumbfounded, what does he mean by that? It’s not good to trust Felix? Why? Felix is the one who help me realized that I should keep myself a priority. If it’s not because of Felix, I can’t feel happiness right now. Because of Felix I know how to use my wings and fly towards my dream.

I’m now running towards my classroom, I sleep late last night thinking of what Dwight told me yesterday so the result is now I’m late. I take a break when I am already at the door of my classroom.

Relax Jamie, you just have to open the door.

I hold the doorknob and twist it, the door opened and all of my classmates’ attention went to me.

“I’m sorry Sir, I’m late.” I apologizing look at my Professor.

"Have a seat, Miss Cullen. Okay, did you get what I'm saying?" he continues his lecture I look at the board and read the topic.

Social Roots of Prejudice.

"Miss Cullen, Stand-up and please tell me why does prejudice arise?"

Sir, are you aware that I just got here right? I close my eyes and think what I’ve read last night, I open my eyes when I remember it.

"I believe that Social Inequalities, Social Division and Emotional Scapegoating are the reasons why prejudice arises, Sir."

"Tell me why Social Inequalities is involved?" he asked me again

"Prejudice develops when people have money, power, and prestige, and others do not. So, social inequality increases prejudice." He nods agreeing with me and gestured his hand to make me sit down.

It’s a relief that he ask about inequalities I forgot the others. My eyes went to the man beside me, I’m surprise when I saw Dwight beside me.

“What are you doing here?” I whispered to him

“You don’t want me here?” he acted to stand up but I hold his arms to stop him. I don’t want him to move to others chair. He scoffs and sits down again beside me. I let go of his arms and close my eyes because of embarrassment.

Time goes by and we ended our four subjects for that morning, he didn’t left my side. I smiled when I realized I already have someone I know in my class. I kept on talking even though his answers are too short or he’s too cold to answer me.

“You know what? With your angelic face, you’re too talkative.” I pursed my lips after he told me that, he looked at my lips but he stood up quickly.

“Let’s go. We are eating lunch together” huh? Just the two of us?

“The team is waiting for us.” Yeah right, the members were there. I pouted my lips and gathered my things to put it in my bag. He smiled when he saw my reaction.

Ara and Bryll hugged me when I arrived.

“Congratulations, Jamie!” they both said to me.

I wonder why they said that, “huh? What’s up with you guys?”

“You didn’t go to the bulletin board?” oh right, I forgot that today is the posting of the result, shock and excitement is visible on my face.

“I am late earlier, so I didn’t get the chance to go the bulletin board.”

“Let’s go to the bulletin board then.” Felix holds my hands after he said that. I awkwardly look at the five of them- the three of them are smiling, Fajrah face is still stoic and Dwight eyebrows met in the middle when his eyes went to Felix’s hand on my wrist.

Felix arms are on my shoulder when we arrived at the bulletin board. I look at the result, in a piece of paper there are six names written but my attention only goes to my name. I check my ID and I check if every letter in the paper and in my ID coincides. And it coincides!

I can’t believe what I saw, I didn’t expect I passed the audition so with so much happiness I suddenly went to Felix and hugged him.

“Whoah, easy baby.” He laughed at my reaction

“Thank you Felix, Thank you so much. I thought I couldn’t make it, I thought it is forbidden for you to join me.” He smiled to me after I said that

“What? No, you passed the audition because you’re great.” But my smiles fade when I remember something.

“Is there a problem?”

“I’m afraid.”


“Because… finally I got what I want. I’m afraid what if it slips from me?”

I sighed deeply after I said that.

“Your love in dancing will never be disappear, Jamie. It will stay there, even though your hair turns to gray. It will never leave there.” He pointed where my heart is located.

“And for me, I will do everything to dance. And I know the consequence will be painful” he avoided my eyes

I don’t understand what he meant by that. Consequence? He will do everything? What if he’ll hurt someone he’s still gonna do it?

I don’t understand but I’m afraid after he said that.