

Usual day in my life, I'm walking along the pathway when the groups of students in front of the bulletin board grab my attention. In the ocean of information that pinned in the bulletin board, a piece of paper grabs my eyes.

The four sides of the paper compose the information about the club, it was a club with people who loves to dance.


Looking for potential dancers.

I wanna be with them. I whisper to myself.

My world stops and my eyes remained in the paper. I can’t read the other words my attention was fix on those four words. That time, there is something in my heart that is telling me. Even just for today… I want to do what I want.

I think of myself dancing with a group accompanied by the swing of the music is the screams of the people. They are enjoying themselves happiness is evident in their faces.

My imagination hits reality when I saw Mommy and Daddy’s face in the middle of my daydream.

I opened my eyes when someone pokes my arms from behind,

“Hi Jamie. Did you already decide what club you’re joining?”

“Do you know me?”

I looked at her with doubtful eyes. I don’t know her. It’s my first time to see her. She ignored my uncomfortable face instead she smile at me and nod.

“Of course, who wouldn’t know you. You’re the famous Jamie Leigh Cullen- the daughter of the best doctors in the country.” She gets the other people’s attention quickly, so I bow my head a little bit. Afraid with the attention they gave me.

“Straight A student but doesn’t have any club.” She continues while looking at the people around us, I hear a little laugh from the crowd.

“You want a club? You should join ours. The Biology club will be honored if you’ll join us, so you can use your intellect as well.” Her left brows were up when I look at her. She looks sophisticated in my front now as well as her chaperone at her back.

I don’t like her, that’s a fact. Who is she? Why does she know me? She’s a bitch to me, how did she manage to get a spot in the Biology club? She should join Fashion club instead. And she’s not even sincere when she’s inviting me. Tss.

“Uhm, let me think about that.” I turned my back after I said that.

But she grabs my hands, I looked at her longs nails in my hands. She then let go of it and offer me some paper.

“After you think about it, you can write your information here. Please write my name Sheen Cordoval, in the recommended part. Thanks Jamie ”

I get the form from her hands and walk away. I’m on my third year in college, and ever since my first year I didn’t get myself a club. I was forced this year because our Dean said that all students were required and they will give plus points. But I don’t have any want club, or I have one but I can’t join them. And for the plus points, maybe I can adjust it by getting a perfect score in the test and oral recitation?

I almost got late for my major subject, our professor came before me.

"Review for 5 minutes about the Chapter 6 of your Developmental Psychology book we will be having an oral recitation for this day."

“Argh, what the-. Recitation again?” I heard the agony in the voice of one of my classmate.

I start reading immediately, five minutes is too short for the Chapter 6. The topic for this chapter is all about the Physical development: The Brain, Body, Motor Skills, and sexual Development. I already read it last night, and I also made a reviewer so instead of reading the books I can read my notebook. I’m not so fond of reviewing by the book, it is so thick, I got lazy when the book is so thick so I always make reviewers. It can also sharpen memory if you’ll write something you don’t want to forget easily. And it’s true though I can remember things easily if I write it.

“Okay, time is up. Let’s start.” My classmates were upset.

“Mr. Garcia.”

“Oh, shit.”

“Don’t shit me, Mr. Garcia!” my prof growled, so he just bowed his head.

“If you all did a review last night, you can answer my questions easily!”

“But Ma’am, you didn’t say last meeting that you’ll have an oral recitation today.”

“I agree Ma’am. You’re deceitful Ma’am.” I sighed when I heard my classmates’ complain.

Our Professor raises her left eyebrow and flunk the books to the table, she’s angry right now I can see that. “What you do you mean I didn’t? in our first day of class I remember I reminded all of you that you should all expect a lot of SURPRISE ORAL RECITATION here in my class!” she shout out of anger, “WHAT KIND OF ORAL YOU GUYS ONLY KNOW, HUH???” she then look at my girl classmates who complain earlier. The girls didn’t look at our teacher instead the bow their head a little due to embarrassment.

"Okay Mr. Garcia, what is happening when Synaptogenesis takes place?"

"There will be a formation of synapses between neurons in the nervous system ma’am."


"uhm... ahhh.." he curiously watch the ceiling as if he’s looking for something.

“There will be no lizard that can give you answers Mr. Garcia sit down! Miss Cullen”


"Explain further what Synaptogenesis is." She asked me cockily after she laid her eyes on me.

I scoffed and stand up straight as if it I will be more confident answering her.

"Synaptogenesis is the formation of synaptic connections among neurons proceeds rapidly during the brain growth spurt. This brings us to an intriguing fact about the developing nervous system: the average infant has far more neurons and neutral connections than adults do. The reason is that neurons that successfully interconnect with other neurons crowd out those that don't, so that about half the neurons produced early in life also die early. Meanwhile, surviving neurons form hundreds of synapses, many of which will disappear if the neuron is not properly stimulated. If we likened the developing brain--."

"Okay, that’s enough." I just nodded when my Prof stops me.

“Gosh, she’s too much”

“I think she memorized all the content in the books”

“Of course, how can she can’t do it if she’s eating all of her books. Pfft.”

I didn’t get the idea of they try to whisper things but I ended up hearing all of them, I sit down properly when I her our Prof’s scoff when she looked at the girls who’s backstabbing me.

When the class ended, I immediately go to the canteen to buy my lunch and went to the field where I last saw Mr. Boastful. I don’t like eating at canteen, they look at me like a terrorist as if they questioning my existence in that place. Am I not allowed there? Hello? I’m also a student here. But I don’t care, I like the field more, with this bench below the large tree, the air is fresh and it’s peaceful.

I stop eating when I saw two figures walking towards me.

Oh, it’s Mr. Boastful with some beautiful girl. His girlfriend I think? I feel uncomfortable when the girl smiles at me. So I inverted my eyes and look at the empty field.

“Hi” the girl greeted me while waving a hand in front of me and smiles.

“Uhm, Hi?” astonishment is visible in my face, I’m sure of that.

"uhm, My name is Arabelle Mundez. But you can call me Ara." She offers her hand to me with a perfect smile on her face. I accepted it and I force a smile too.

She let go of my hand and it went to the arms of Mr. Boastful, “And this is Felix dela Cruz”

Their name doesn’t ring any alarm, even if I’m not comfortable I presented my name. I’m not rude though.

“My name is-”

“Jamie Leigh Cullen” shock is on my face right now after I heard them both say my name.

“Do you… know me?”

The girl named Ara laughed at me, she put her hand on my arms and she then put us sit down.

“Of course, who wouldn’t know the famous Jamie Leigh Cullen? Straight A student, we all know that it’s so difficult to get that mark in the college. And you’re always the topic of the entire professor in the school because of your intellect. You memorize all of your book they are afraid if you are more smart than them”

“No, I’m not.” I give her a raw smile.

“Maybe that’s the reason why boys are intimidated to make a move towards you, baby. And that’s good.” Mr. Boastful inserted… oh it’s Felix now.

“It’s just that I'm handsome so I'm not ashamed to approach you.” He continued with a big smile while looking at me.

“I think the reason why the wind is so strong right now is because of you. Did you brought a typhoon with you?” I said while I’m giving him a sarcastic face.

“Ouch, you hurt my feelings with your words, baby.” He then massaged his chest as if it’s hurting. I heard Ara’s laugh so I laugh too.

I give him a death glare, “Can you please stop calling me that?”

“What?” oh Lord, this kind of person is testing my patience.

“That one”

“What one?” I pursed and closed my lips, he is on the edge of my patience. Seriously?

“BABY!” I shouted at him

“Yes, Baby?” he smiled while he sits in front of me.

Argh, he can boil my blood. I hate him he is so full of himself.

“By the way, Jamie. Felix and I are here to invite you in our club” Ara gets my attention after she said that. Is this kind of science club too? Oh please no, I don’t want to be part of that club.

“Huh? What Club?”

“The Ignited Spirits Club” they said in unison

“The Dancers’ Club?” I ask them with my left brow rises. They nod in unison.

“Why me? I’m not great at dancing.”

“What do you mean not? Felix recommended you, he said he saw you dance. Felix is not easy to amaze in terms of dancing, so I know you’re great because Felix said so.” I looked at Felix then Ara. I can’t do this, I mean I shouldn’t.

“I’m no great, I just know basics step. And I’ll think about it, I don’t do clubs.” I avoided their eyes after I said it.

“Well… let’s see about that. You audition and if you’re not that great we will not bother you, but if you’re great… it’s the perfect time to join a club.”

“It’s time to free yourself in that cage, Jamie” I lift my head when he said that while he stands up and watch the empty field. Then he look at me, I look at him in the eyes but I’m afraid how his eyes looked at me as if he knows all of my secrets.

“It’s time to fly. Don’t let yourself be in that cage forever. You’ll not forever in the school, explore the world maybe there are things that you want to do rather than to be a straight a student.” He smiled at me.

Felix’s sentences earlier continue to play in my mind. Even though I’m already in the classroom the words left me wool-gathered and disturbed with his words. This is what I’m afraid of, his encouragement will fuel my mind to disobey my parents.

"It's time to free yourself in that cage Jamie."

I grab my head when I hear his voice again. I don’t want to disobey my parents I’m afraid I will regret this someday. I don’t want them to see me not victorious with my decision. I messed my hair up and get the piece of paper Arabelle handed me a while a ago.

The Ignited Spirits Club. I read the words in the top, it's their club's poster that contains their announcement about the audition.

We will do our best and our passion together.

It's the sentence at the bottom of their paper. Passion.

"It's better to take a risk now than to regret later." That’s what Ara said to me after she handed me the paper and walked away. I’m planning to walk away to when I saw Felix looked at my direction.

"I will be with you. I will fly with you." He then gave me a sincere smile.

My heart beats loudly because of that. I remember how I laughed with them earlier. I didn't know them at all, but they give me comfort. I laughed together with them even it’s just a small detail.

My spirit awoke when I heard some shouting, “Miss Cullen, are you listening to me?” my Prof shouted in front of me.

I stand up immediately, “Ma’am?”

“You’re really not listening, I said come to the office with me after I dismiss the class.”

“Yes Ma’am, I’m sorry about that.” It’s the first time my Prof scolded me.

“Miss Cullen, is there something wrong in the past few days, Hija?” my prof asked me when we arrived at the faculty. I scanned the room afraid if someone is there listening to us.

I shake my head left and right, “No Ma’am there is nothing wrong po.”

“Are you sure?” I nodded firmly and smiled at her.

“But if you’re really okay, then why you didn’t answer the question in your assignment?” she then handed me the yellow paper, it was our assignment I look at it, it only have my name, my course and the question itself.

Are you truly free?

Even now, I really don’t know how to answer that question. No? Yes? Maybe? I will try my best? It’s so funny when I realized I don’t have any answer to that one. The question is so simple for them it’s just yes or no question but for me it looks like it was the most difficult question I encountered all my life.

“Hija, If you have a problem you can said that to me I’m willing to listen. We, teachers are your second parents. The school is your new home.” she light massages my arms.

“I think you are pressured because of the names of your parents. Maybe you’re thinking you should not embarrass them. Take a deep breathe Jamie.” I don’t know why I can feel the tears in my eyes. I bow a little so that I can hide it from my Prof.

“It’s okay to make mistakes, Hija. It’s okay to make things you want to do. It’s your life, you don’t have to follow what they want every time.” She sits down but her sincere gaze remained at me

“Okay, I will give you more time. Tomorrow or day after tomorrow… anytime. You can pass that assignment if you can answer that.”

I’m surprise of what my prof says. I can’t believe she said that. I’m grateful of her. I smiled at her.

“Thank you so much, Ma’am Marquez” she then hugged me.

The things that happen today are too much to handle, but one thing is for sure I will try to ask Dad about something I would like to do. I want to do. I want to tell them about joining the club. I hope they will agree to it, I hope they will understand what I want. But my courage left me after I saw them at our dining table.

“D-Dad? Mom?”

“There’s this club… I want to join in the school” I nervously smile at them hoping they will support me.

“Club? What Club? Biology club hija? I heard Dr. Cordoval’s daughter is a member of that club? You can join that club that club can help to hone your mind in terms of biology.” I shrugged my shoulders and my smiles faded.

“N-No Dad, It’s a dance club.” I bit my lip after I said that.

“Dance club?” he stops chewing his food and looked at me.

“Dance club, anak? You don’t like dancing” Mom suddenly replied to me, my heart aches after I heard that.

Because, ever since you didn’t ask me what I want, Mom. You are the one who pushed me to turn my back to my passions. Every time you caught me dancing inside the dance room you will always turned off the stereo.

“What will you get from dancing? That can’t help you to become a great doctor. I forbid you to join that club.” Anger with his voice he said that to me

“But D-dad I want-” he cut me off when his phone rings

“No buts Jamie. I will tell Dr. Cordova that you will be joining his daughter’s club.” He then left the dining.

I looked at Mom asking for help hoping he can force Dad but she just shakes her head. I didn’t finish my dinner and go to dance room immediately. When one of my tear drops down I can’t control the next ones.

My eyes were swollen while I walk towards the faculty. She smiled at me when she saw me handed her my assignment. With the gallons of tears I pour out last night I was able to figure out what I’ll out to my assignment.

Nervousness wraps my entire being while I’m walking towards a certain room where the audition will be held. Even just for today I want to do what I want. Even just for this time I want to be happy, I want to break free from the cage they made for me.

"Freedom has a different meaning for every different person. For now, I'm at the cage that my parents build for me. They said it's for me, but I think the cage they built is for them. They tell me I can't, but they are just afraid because I can. So no, I am not truly free-yet, but I'm willing to take the risk to be free."

Those are the words I wrote last night, I remember the smile Ma’am Marquez gave to me after she read my assignment.

I close my eyes and I took a deep breathe, as I opened my eyes I saw Felix offering his hand in front of me with a sweet smile on his face.