
Free: A Mutiversal Adventure

After being crushed by his family's expectations, Jordan died of exhaustion. Follow him as he embarks on a journey of freedom. (Cover art does not belong to me the author, all credits go to the original artist)

GhoulKingJay · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Rise Up

In a bit of a daze, Jordan woke up confused about where he was as all he could see for miles and miles in every direction was a void. The inky blackness of the infinity expanse seemed to almost call out to him. The sheer grandness of the void was like a warm blanket covering him while also being an oppressive force pushing him down.

He sat up on the incredibly soft and plush bed he found himself on just watching the void wordlessly.


He was greeted by the face of a beautiful woman, she looked down at him with a look of both love and pity as though she could see the troubles he faced in life. He was hesitant when the gargantuan woman revealed her divine form to him.

He stuttered out a quick "w-w-who are you?" still shaken at the appearance of the truly massive goddess. She smiled at him and took him in her palm. She raised the palm to her face and gave him the kindest smile he had ever received.

The woman spoke to him as a mother speaks to her child as she said "I am the goddess of Fate and I have observed the trajectory of your troubled fate and have decided to give you another chance in a new world" when she finished Jordan still had a hesitant look on his face but he proceeded anyway "Can I even go to fictional worlds? and meet my favorite characters" as he finished that thought the goddess couldn't help but let out a soft giggle at the question posed by Jordan.

He looked crestfallen at the idea that he may not get the opportunity that he had read about in so many different novels and fanfictions. The goddess decided it would be best to alleviate Jordan's worry before he felt even worse. She smiled at him and said " Of course, you can go to the worlds of your favorite universes" and the moment the last word left her mouth Jordan felt like he was flying.


When she said that I could travel to fictional universes I celebrated in her palm as I may finally be able to experience the worlds that I have watched and dreamt about in secret all these years. Immediately I knew exactly where I wanted to go.

As confidently as I could I told the goddess " I would like to be transmigrated to the world of Akame Ga Kill". The goddess was genuinely confused as to why I would want to go to an anime that has such a high mortality rate among the main cast and she expressed as much "I'm sure you can go to a much safer world". I explained that I wanted to go to Akame Ga Kill first for 2 reasons " The first reason was that I wanted to help to overthrow the corrupt empire and make that pig bastard pay for all the pain he caused my favorite characters". "And what's the second reason," the goddess asked a little intrigued as to my other reason for going to such a dangerous verse.

I looked down a little ashamed at the other reason I wanted to go to that Verse. I muttered "Because I like Esdeath" under my breath, the goddess looked at me and let out a boisterous laugh


When she was done laughing she had a red blush all across her face as she made eye contact with me clearly embarrassed at the wild fit of laughter she had burst into. She clears her throat and says that " There's no problem with you going to Akame Ga Kill".

With that, she formed a glowing ball of energy in her other hand as she was preparing to send me to my new universe she paused...

Finally, the exposition is over which means that I can finally get into the fun stuff.

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