
Free: A Mutiversal Adventure

After being crushed by his family's expectations, Jordan died of exhaustion. Follow him as he embarks on a journey of freedom. (Cover art does not belong to me the author, all credits go to the original artist)

GhoulKingJay · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Longest Day Ever

She pulled her hand back as she said a bit shy "I forgot to give you your three wishes" I Looked at her a bit shocked that she had forgotten to give me my wishes. I wanted to be angry and yell at her for sending me into a dangerous verse without the wishes that I was entitled to. Yet I laughed at her mistake which immediately made the situation less tense as she too began to laugh



For the next five minutes or so the massive expanse of the void was filled with Our laughter

When the laughter died out we got back into serious mode as the goddess said:" Well that was a nice laugh but, I think it's time to get you to where you wanna be". Her brown eyes began to glow in an ethereal blue color as she asked me

"What Will your wishes be?"

I already had an idea of what I wanted to wish for so I told her:

"for my first wish, I want to have a system that I can buy things from and even create things I want, this system should also have a quest function and I should be able to reject any quest I don't want without any punishment and finally I would like and Ai in my system who is incredibly wise and kind, preferably I would like the system to be on my side at all times."

"For my second wish, I would like to have a body that has no limits and can accommodate different types of energy like Ki or chakra"

"For my final Wish, I would like to have a permanent 99 percent discount in my system shop"

The goddess processed my wishes and told me that "she could grant the first two of those wishes with no problem"

She had a hesitant look in her eyes before she said the next part " y-y-you can't have such a massive boon considering the power that that your system already holds I can however offer you a 25 percent discount to your system shop"

I sported a look of disappointment that quickly disappeared as I realized the sheer magnitude of my very first wish, it would be almost inhumanly selfish to ask for so much more.

"I accept" was the last thing that left my mouth before I was blinded by a bright light.


When his vision clears Jordan finds himself in a clearing in the middle of a large and foreign forest. He looks around at the vibrant and lush greenery the trees that seem to stretch to the apex of the sky, and the grass that seems so bright and soft that he could easily take a nice nap. The warm midsummer breeze that made its way through the trees and bathed Jordan's body was damn near therapeutic for Jordan who had not had a break or vacation in his many years of long and painful study.

Once he takes in his surroundings he turns his attention to summoning his system. He softly calls out "System" and despite his low voice he called out in the system ai responded in kind with a loud and boisterous

[Hello Master!!!!]

The greeting coming from his system threw him off since she sounded both feminine and incredibly excited. He could feel some of that energy rubbing off on him as he responded to the system with a little pep in his voice "Nice to meet you system I hope we can get along great !".

[Master I was wondering if you could give me a name] (>‿◠)✌

Further taken aback by the weird emoticon face that appeared next to the text Jordan simply said "Yea sure no problem"

After a few minutes of contemplation, he decided on her name

"Your name will be sky because you're as sunny as the bright blue sky"

[I love it so much thank you master] (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥


A bit annoyed by her addressing him as master Jordan decided to set the record straight "Anyway I do want you to change the way you address me also, you're my friend and friends don't call each other master, you can call me Jordan"

[No problem Jordan]

As Jordan goes to finally check through the system layout he hears loud rustling over in the bushes to the right of him. He takes a few cautious steps back from the bushes and closer to the lush thicket of trees behind him.

After a minute two people step out from the bushes, One man and one woman. The woman was very beautiful even though her face and body were covered in dust and blood, she was just barely covered by a baggy tattered cloth that could barely cover her mature and well-endowed body. Next to her was a man who appeared very sturdy as he had a large frame with large muscles packed onto his body. He had a rugged look to him that would endear many but he too was covered in dust and blood, he also looked to be in serious pain as he was missing his right hand and forearm.

After seeing the sorry state of the two people he rushed over to them, and without saying a thing he rushed toward the man. His female counterpart upon seeing an odd man running at them assumed a battle stance ready to defend her injured companion. However, the man completely ignore her as he ripped off the sleeve of his pristine white lab coat to use as an emergency tourniquet to stop the bleeding.


I looked at the man's unconscious face with confusion as I had no idea how to save his life with no real medical equipment. I tried to stay calm but dark and pessimistic thoughts rose to the forefront of my mind as I look at the man who is clearly reeling from all the blood he had already lost.

In a flash, an amber-colored screen showed up in front of me drawing my attention to it as it read.

~Emergency Quest~

{Save the life of Hirata Orochi}

Reward - Knife throwing (Intermediate), Low level Healing Potion 2x

Although my very first quest was in front of me I couldn't feel anything but the growing lump in the back of my throat as well as the blurring of my vision.

The biggest question in the back of my head is how am I supposed to save this guy without any supplies or points to use to buy anything from my system.

[Jordan don't panic, I have your beginner package]

When I heard the slightly panicked voice of my system I couldn't help but let out a smile.


The girl looked at the man examining Hirata, he looked like he had no idea what to do, and seemed to her that he was having some sort of mental breakdown. However, his face of despair was replaced with a really wide smile that threw the girl off and she had just seen him looking so lost and defeated.

"open the beginner package Sky"

When the package was opened 2 things displayed in his vision

{Previous Life skills abilities and talents being transformed into skills}

{Minimap acquired}

When he was done reading he asked sky "where are all of my skills?" sky explained that his skills will show up on his status page.

He decided to call out his status for the first time


Bloodline ~ None

Str {18}

Ag {25}

Dur {21}

Int {55}

Cha {15}

Sp: 0


Talents ~ N/A

Active ~ Dual processing (B), Track star (D) , Focus (F), Minimap (D)

After observing the list of his skills he realizes that his skills aren't of much use in this situation as they still can't be put to their best use without medical supplies.

However, seeing that this man is unconscious on the ground in front of him he has to help. So he decides to go into the forest to look for some herbs. As he stands up to leave he's grabbed by the quiet girl who says with powerful malic "If you think about leaving him I will murder you", Jordan had been cursed at, yell at, and even spit on by a patient's family but he has never had an actual death threat. Jordan just decides to shake his head, once she lets him go he sprints into the forest to find what he needs to save his patient.

In the lush greenery, Jordan sticks out as he attempts to carefully grab a curious-looking leaf that is mostly green with a purple end. Once he has that and a few other miscellaneous herbs, he returns to his patient and his sunny companion.

Once he gets back to Hirata Jordan takes the herbs he's gathered and carefully begins shredding them up on a large leaf that he had found in the forest. once the herbs are shredded Jordan stands up and begins to walk in the direction from where the duo came, the girl was curious as to what Jordan was trying to do but didn't dare make a comment about it. Rather she begins to sniff the herbs that Jordan had to test if they were poisonous or if they posed a danger to the weakened Hirata.

She sat back and relaxed after making sure the herbs were safe.

Jordan had walked 15 minutes away from the clearing when he finally heard the roar of the rushing water. The stream that he approached seemed very picturesque as the water was very clear and blue with a slight amount of cool air coming off the moving stream. Once he made it to the stream he took a few leaves and weaved them together to make a bowl. He dipped the bowl in the stream and collect some of the soft crystalline blue water in the bowl, he turned on his heels and started walking back to the clearing where he couldn't help but have a very bad feeling about what was gonna happen.

He pushed those pessimistic thoughts out of his head as he instead focused on the completion of his first quest. Once he made it back to the still unconscious Hirata he took the herbs and put them in the water he collected. He stirred in the herbs and lifted Hirata up so that he could brace against a tree, Jordan tried to make Hirata drink but his unconscious body just wouldn't cooperate.

Seeing the difficulty he had the girl asked him "do you need my help?" and Jordan nodded in response. She grabbed the bowl of medicine and drank the entire thing.

Jordan saw this and was about freak out on her when he stopped as he realized what she might be doing.

She pressed he soft and delicate lips on his lips as she used he mouth as a vessel to give Hirata his medicine.

The color returned to his face as Jordan heard a joyous beeping sound in the back of his head.

[Jordan, you did it!, you completed your first mission] ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ

[I'm so proud of you]

He smiled at his system's excitement and at the rewards of his completion of the mission.

The skill was added to his list of skills whilst the two potions were deposited in the pockets of his one-sleeved lab coat.

Time skip brought to you by this face (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

18 hours after being treated by Jordan Hirata opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was a strange-looking man in very nice-looking clothing examining his body. At first, he wanted to freak out but when he say that Hina the love of his life was sitting in next to him he felt a little more relaxed in the presence of the strange young man.

As Jordan was examining Hirata's body he could feel a slight tension in his stomach, which made Jordan immediately look at Hirata's face to determine whether that was just a twitch or if he had finally woken up.

He and Hirata made eye contact and stayed that way for an uncomfortable 30 seconds before Jordan looked away from the sheer awkwardness of the situation.

He finally asked in an extremely hoarse voice "are you the one that saved me?"

But before Jordan could respond to his patient all he saw was the quiet and unmoving figure of the girl vanishing as she jumps right into the embrace of Hirata. "W-woah careful Hina, you're squeezing a little too tight" despite the point rose by Hirata she still clung onto him as though if she let go he would fade away. After a solid minute of coaxing from Jordan, she eventually decided to release her vice grip on Hirata.

Jordan examines Hirata's body and finds something incredibly weird, on his stomach, there's a weird purple-colored mark. He touches the mark and Hirata reels back as if he a jolt of electricity flew throughout his entire body. Seeing his reaction Jordan immediately reaches into the pocket of his lab coat and takes out one of the low-grade heal potions.

He puts the vial of purple liquid in Hirata's mouth and makes him drink it. As the purple liquid slides down his throat the purple bruising on his stomach slowly grows fainter and fainter until it entirely disappears. Jordan presses lightly on the area where the bruising was and to his joy, Hirata didn't react the same way.

Hina and Hirata had the same thought 'What in all of the empire was that' and despite their awe at the potion it was Hina who spoke first "What-the-hell-was-that?" with every word her awe and amazement couldn't be masked.

Jordan cursed himself for his stupidity after all the world of Akame ga kill may have imperial arms but outside that their world is just an ancient medieval world. With no ideas coming to him that he could use to explain the magic drink that got rid of the bruising magically he decided to gaslight them.

In a wise and mysterious voice, he said " I'm afraid the origin of this medicine is a secret that I must keep between me and m elders" internally Jordan fought the urge to cringe at the nonsense he was spouting.

Their eyes were as wide as dinner plates as they hung onto every word like it was their last lifeline.

After 15 minutes of nothing but lies and stolen tropes from cultivation novels Jordan decided that it has been a very long and stressful first day in Akame Ga kill.

He grabbed a few dry leaves and put them in his lab coat which he tied off into a makeshift pillow. Once he did that Jordan drifted off into sleep Completely unaware of the conversation being had between the two.

With a cold look on his face, Hirata told Hina "every word out of Jordan's mouth was a lie", Hina's face contorted in an ugly scowl as she looked at the sleeping Jordan. She looked back at Hirata and asked him "So how do we get him to reveal the secret of that potion?" Hirata looked back at her with a wicked smirk.

[Hostility Detected, the host is recommended to remove himself from others present.]

'What are you talking about sky' Jordan as his system was very confused as to the reason behind his system's warning.

[Jordan Hirata and Hina plan to torture you to get their hands on the healing potion]

'WHAT! are you saying these crazy people are gonna torture me for the potions?'


The two hushed their plotting when they see Jordan groggily get up. At first, Hina thought he had heard them planning but when the was proven wrong when he walked slowly and carefully into the forest.

Hirata wasn't as convinced as Hina but he could do nothing to confirm his suspicion as he was still quite weak on account of the blood loss.

Once Jordan had faded into the darkness he could finally drop his sleepy facade and make a break for it. Jordan was almost certain that he could escape the duo considering Hirata was still recovering and Hina wouldn't leave Hirata in the middle of the forest to die. Jordan tried to control his breathing to prevent his hyperventilating at the thought of being caught but his panicked thoughts were cut out by-


[Jordan you have to calm down, the best course of action in this situation is to fight back especially considering your new skill]


Bloodline ~ None

Str {18}

Ag {25}

Dur {21}

Int {55}

Cha {15}

Sp: 0


Talent~ Knife throwing (Intermediate)

Active ~ Dual processing (B), Track star (D) , Focus (F), Minimap (D),

'Okay sky I may have knife throwing but in case you can't see I don't have any f****** knives!'

[Calm down host, your skill can be altered by your own actions]

'How would I do that'

[All host has to do is use the newly acquired talent in a different way than what was intended which would cause the skill to evolve]

'I know what I have to do Sky, thank you for all your help'

[No problem Jordan] (>‿◠)✌

The duo wonders what could possibly be taking Jordan so long in the forest. At first, they were worried a danger beast had gotten to him in the darkness. After a fifteen-minute absence, the two were certain that he had overheard their plans to get their hands and his potion and had probably made a run for it once he had gotten far enough away from them. Hina decided it would be best to investigate the forest to see if she could find Jordan before he got away.

Once Hina left Jordan decided it was time to start his plan. He takes one look at the quest screen and smirks at the rewards for the quest

~Emergency Quest~

Kill Hirata and Hina

These two ungrateful bastards dare to steal for the likes of you show them the difference between heaven and earth and prove that you belong in the cruel world of Akame Ga Kill

Rewards ~ 100% shop discount, 10,000 SP

Jordan strolls back into the clearing still pretending to be unaware of Hirata and Hina's plot. "Sorry I took so long I had to-"

"Cut the crap, I know you know about our plan" with that interruption all pretenses of camaraderie ceased and all that remained was hate.

Hirata shakily rose to his feet and enters a weak fighting stance. Jordan looks at Hirata and thanks god that the potion hadn't completely healed him. Hirata even weakened by injury was still dangerously formidable on account of his hulking frame and obvious experience in close combat.

Jordan adopted a boxing stance as he stands in front of Hirata, despite his best efforts his nervousness was showing in his shaky stance. Hirata takes his opportunity to take a wide swing at Jordan, despite the experience difference Jordan did manage to effortlessly dodge Hirata's slow swing.

[Host should know that the average stats for a grown man is usually 15]

When he heard that he unknowingly let out a heavy sigh of relief as his hands finally stopped shaking. Jordan decided to take advantage of the missed strike to land 3 blows in rapid succession to Hirata's upper body. Hirata block the first two hits but failed to block the third which hit him square in his stomach.

Jordan keep up pressuring Hirata with his greater speed until Hirata slipped up, he dropped his guard in favor of landing much more powerful strikes. Once he dropped his guard he slowly started to put the pressure on Jordan but on account of the low visibility of the night and the faint light from the nearby campfire left his vision with much to be desired.

Jordan took advantage of this to finally knock Hirata to the ground. Once on the ground, Jordan put him in a very careful chokehold. Hirata thrashed and tried to scream but couldn't as he eventually went limp in Jordan's arms.

The forest was filled with heavy breathing as Jordan desperately tried to quench the fire that had started in his lungs. Jordan sat there for five minutes just trying to catch his breath after his fight with Hirata.

Unbeknownst to him Hina had returned and had unfortunately witnessed Jordan murdering Hirata. Even in the dark, the tears that were uncontrollably flowing down her face were as visible as the most perfect diamonds. She grabbed the dual daggers attached to her hip and quietly snuck up to Jordan.

She dashed forward attempting to stab Jordan in the back of his head and end his life in one fail swoop. Unfortunately, Jordan had moved his head to the left completely dodging her attack. She quickly pulled back her blade as she jumped back creating distance between her and Jordan.

He looked at Hina with a mixture of caution, fear, and anger. "I was going to quickly dispose of you but now, I'm gonna make it hurt!" as she said this Jordan there was nothing but anger in her eyes.

She flew forward like a bullet directly at Jordan, he tried to dodge her charge to no avail as she was just too fast for him. She embedded her blade deep into his guts with a twisted and sadistic smile proudly adorned on her face. She watched Jordan pale at the sight of the handle of Hina's blade sticking out of his stomach. He tried and failed to rally any strength he had left to fight back, but his strength was fading extremely fast. In a panic, Jordan grabbed Hina by the arm and pushed her with all of his strength into the fire.

Hina wasn't expecting Jordan a man who had clearly never had any training to keep standing once he saw the handle of her blade sticking out of his stomach. But to her anger and shock, he managed to rally his remaining strength in one last-ditch attempt to get away. When he shoved her into the small flame that had illuminated the clearing she was completely numb to what was going on for a few seconds. However, when she smell her flesh burning in the blistering flame she reacted by pulling herself out of the campfire. The left side of her face was severely burned by the flames leaving the flesh on her left side charred and extremely burned. luckily or unluckily the burn was so severe that she didn't feel the sensation of her flesh melting.

When he pushed Hina into the fire he didn't even look back to see if he had successfully repelled her as his survival instinct kicked in and he just wanted to escape her. He ran and ran relentlessly for 5 minutes straight only stopping once he made it to a cliff that led to choppy waters down below. Realizing he had to go somewhere else he spun around in an attempt to run in another direction. He however was face to face with Hina and she was absolutely horrified. The right side of her face was the same beautifully crazy woman that he had encountered earlier that day while the left side of her face was a melted and charred mess of flesh that was just barely clinging to her face.

True to the monstrous appearance she let out a loud howling "ROAR!" she screamed at Jordan to "HAND OVER THAT POTION OR ELSE!" she was disgusted with her appearance and she was even more furious with Jordan for doing this to her.

Jordan didn't move a muscle as he was paralyzed in both fear and agony at the unbelievable pain he was in. Even though he was stabbed once he felt as though he was being pierced all over by blades every time he moved, spoke, or let out a breath. He tried to process the woman's demand but he was in too much pain to really focus on anything at that moment.

Hina, on the other hand, was absolutely livid that he was ignoring her grabs her blade and expertly flings it at Jordan with speed and power that would most certainly ensure a kill shot.

Jordan was finally able to focus on the knife that was being flung at him at breakneck speed. Even in all that pain, he grits his teeth and sloppily dodges the blade of his adversary. The blade lands behind him and embeds itself into the soft forest grass. Jordan grabs the blade from the grass and launches the blade back at Hina who couldn't dodge the blade and was hit in her thigh.

"ARRGH!" she lets out a pained cry as the blade sinks into her thigh, she reaches to pull out the blade only to be greeted by a second blade that lands right between her eyes.

Jordan clenches his stomach as his warm blood flows like water from the wound on his stomach. He reaches into his pocket and downs the last potion. Once he drinks the potion a cool feeling washes over his body as he passes out.

Thusly bringing an End to the longest day ever.

I hope you liked this chapter