
Fragments Lost

A world of both chaos and order. Many races dot the landscape but all fall under two civilizations. Humans or Creatures. An age old conflict without end, the two have been at each other's throats for all of known history.

theblocshop · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The First Thought

All I feel is hunger.

It's seemingly insatiable, a low and deep growl throughout my being; a feeling so pure that it's free of thought.

I need food.  

My eyes are closed. I'm unable to open them and all that surrounds me is a shroud of darkness.

There's a unique smell in the air. 

It's rich and only makes my hunger grow stronger. With a deep breath, I'm starting to feel more sensations now. The smell kickstarts my consciousness, and I'm able to think more clearly now - previously it was little more than sensations. Words form in my thoughts and questions form in my mind.

What am I? The hunger is ever present but what is it?

The thoughts only lasted a moment before the hunger pushed me again. With the realization that I can move, I began to wiggle and slowly crawl. Unable to see, I bump into everything around me on my way towards the scent. Sometimes what I hit is warm, but for some reason I know these warm things are like me and I don't try to eat them - though they aren't moving towards the scent like I am. 

The crawl toward the scent feels like an eternity and my mind wanders again.

For some unknown reason, I know I have arms and legs, I can't see but I know I have eyes. It's an interesting sensation, knowing things but not knowing why I know these things. On my never-ending journey to the scent I've brushed against, what I now know, are my brothers and sisters. I've become well aware that they aren't like me but at the same time they are. 

Between my musings of what makes my family different from myself, I reach the source of the scent. Finally arriving at my destination my instincts once again take over and my thoughts fade. 

My body takes over control of itself and my watering mouth opens as I eat. The most amazing sensation fills my body as I feed, each bite and mouthful spreading warmth throughout. All previous thoughts of what I am or where I am disappear and are replaced by one thought only - delicious.

Quickly the warm, rich meal in front of me disappears and I roll over. As I drift off to sleep without a worry for anything a thought enters my mind that clearly isn't my own -

~ Well Fed Status Gained. ~

With a start he woke again. A blinding light shone through the darkness, seemingly red, though he quickly found that was only because his eyes weren't open. 

Quickly blinking his eyes, he adjusted to this new sensation and the area around him came into view as he pushed himself up again on his hands and knees.

Directly in front of him were the remnants of his feast: a large wooden plate with small bits left of cooked-black meat, many of which were spilled across the ground. By the size of the plate and the remains around it, it should've been enough to fill the stomachs of quite a few.

Next to that a simple table with three legs that was knocked over. It undoubtedly held the feast.

Surrounded on all sides of him were the laying forms of his siblings, eight in all, their lower halves wrapped in a scratchy woven cloth and underneath each was a straw cushion.

Thankfully the knocked over table didn't hit any of his siblings. 

They appeared to be in a cave, the walls were roughly carved gray earth. The entrance, where the new light had shown, was a hole in the wall partially draped by more of the brown cloth and straw. It was now blocked by a large, shadowed form.

The shadowed figure made its way into the room and carefully picked him up, turning him over onto his back and cradling him. 

Startled at first by the large creature picking him up he began to cry. An involuntary action that he had no control of - the emotion overwhelming his thoughts. 

The creature, who he quickly realized was the caretaker of himself and his siblings, pulled him in a tight embrace. The warmth calmed his nerves and brought the previous clarity back to his mind. 

In the light of the doorway a realization came to him, like before he wasn't sure how he knew what he did, just understanding it as fact. 

His thoughts were filled with feelings and images more than words but they had shown understanding well beyond his years. He knew he wouldn't be able to communicate with his caregiver just yet, much less his siblings, but with time he will learn more of his world.

He was a child, an infant really, with skin a dark green in color that was several shades darker than his siblings and eyes the most curious shade of purple.