
Fragments Lost

A world of both chaos and order. Many races dot the landscape but all fall under two civilizations. Humans or Creatures. An age old conflict without end, the two have been at each other's throats for all of known history.

theblocshop · Fantasy
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2 Chs


It's a simple world we live in. 

Survival of the fittest. The strong rule and the weak do their best to survive. 

There's an established pecking order to our lives, a goblin can't defeat an ogre nor can an ogre hope to slay a dragon. 

However life is not so bleak. 




With these three, the weak prevail and they themselves can become the strong. 

An instrument of our world to upset the balance, 


A lowly gnoll may lack the intellect to dream passed it's meal for the day, but with the odds in its favor, it may work just hard enough to evolve. 

There are many paths we monsters may take. Whether born a goblin or minotaur, one may dream of becoming a god.

We monsters are truly blessed with the ability to evolve and through the centuries this has ensured the survival of our races. Other than ourselves however, we have other enemies.


Wretched creatures that have slaughtered our lower forms for ages, incorrigible and unable to be bargained with. They are not blessed as we are, they do not evolve.

They do still grow however. Their lives are short compared to our own, most living less than a century. In spite of this, they can grow strong incredibly fast. 

Humans are the only race in all of the world to possess a soul. It allows them to raise their strength at frightening paces and allows them to master mighty skills and magics that would take us a century of painstaking efforts to master. 

It is because of their soul that humans are able to match our strength and contend with us within this world. Thankfully, just like monsters, not all humans reach this pinnacle of strength.

We still have hope.

Archdemon Daeadus

Aeloma School of Gifted Creatures

Opening Speech