
Four Immortals

Millions of years ago, they were forced to leave their home planet and settle on another planet. Will they be able to co-exist with the people residing on the planet?

The_Ares · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 4 - Crash Landing

Both Shen and Ghrowl went out and started smashing rocks. They are General ranking officers. Their strength cannot be compared to that of ordinary people. Just punching these rocks can turn them into multiple small pieces. After around 10 minutes of continuous work, they were able to get out of the situation alive.

"Huh, we were lucky that General Shen saw outside in the space in time. Otherwise we would not be able to get out of this situation alive" as Sean said this, he arched his hand towards Shen to show his gratitude. "General Sean, now we are not in our country and only four of us are remaining. I think we should drop the honorifics now. We are not Generals anymore". Everyone agreed to this request of Shen. Although they worked hard to receive this title, but if the country is not there anymore, then there is no point in keeping this superficial title.

Just as they were talking, they heard a loud bang. Everyone rushed towards the sound and saw that the smoke was coming out of the engine. Pomp immediately went ahead and started opening the engine case and after few seconds of checking for fault, he realised that a short circuit appeared to be the cause of the noise they hear earlier and the smoke that they saw.

"A short circuit have caused the engine to stop working. Brace yourself, as the spaceship will have no power within few seconds, and i am afraid we will be stuck here forever until oxygen runs out." said Pomp helplessly. Firstly the escaped the disaster from their home planet, then they escaped the space debris and now this. It is like someone wants them dead. All four of them had same thought right now, if they had to die then at least they could have died with their fellow countrymen, in this way they will die in the country they are familiar with.

Just as the were thinking, a bright light appeared outside in the space. As it appeared, everyone instinctively closed their eyes. This light was so bright as if all the light present in the universe has been condensed in front of them. Then suddenly the felt a great push as if someone pushed the whole space ship so hard that their whole body will tear down. The spaceship started going forward in speed greater than at which it was going before.

In a distant Planet

There was lush green everywhere. There were trees and grass everywhere. Water in river was so clean that one can see the river bed through water. There were animals everywhere eating and playing. Some were humongous in size while some were as small as a puppy. Some animals were having neck as long as 50 feet long, while some were having wings with which they can fly. A peaceful environment was maintained.

Suddenly all the animals started looking towards the sky. Don't know why everyone had an instinct that something disastrous was coming through the sky. In the sky, there were multiple small orange dots could be seen covering the sky. When they got closer, it can be seen that they were actually space debris falling and due to their high speed and air resistance, they caught fire. Amidst of all this debris, the spaceship in which all 4 Generals were there, was also falling towards this planet.

When animals saw this, they started running in different directions. If they remain near the place of impact, there will be no possibility of living. The peaceful environment that was being cherished just a few minutes ago suddenly turned into mayhem. When it comes to life, not everyone is selfless. No one wants to sacrifice their own life to help others get out safely.

Inside the spaceship, everyone was being tossed around due to the momentum with which spaceship was moving forward. Some glimpses of outside could be seen from the spaceship. Shen saw all the debris that was being fallen onto the planet along with them and she could not help but think of her home planet, where something similar would be happening. She also caught a little glimpse of the planet and saw many animals running around in panic. This scene also made her think of her home planet, where people were also running like this in order to save their lives. But it all was for nothing. They all would wound up dead. She does not have any hope to survive now as she knows that survival rate is null in an impact of this magnitude. She is just waiting to crash onto the land so that this all could be over.

With a loud bang, the spaceship hit the land and at the same time it burst open and all four members were thrown in different directions. The force was so strong that they fell hundreds of kilo-meters away from each other. As Shen hit the ground for the last time, she started losing consciousness. She thought of her father for one last time as she took the last breath and completely fell unconscious.

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