
Forsaken Myself

Without pain you can-not understand peace. Without pain, you won’t protect the peace. Story of a young prince who's bound to face a cruel fate, but even through lies and deception he conquers Life. "I have forsaken myself as I am tired of this Fate. Now. whatever harm comes my way; I'll cut it with my sword." "Beloved by all?" He scoffs at his misery, spitting out blood, and clenching his sword once again, he whispers, "I never loved myself." He breathed out the cold air in the midst of a battlefield.

AbyssWriter · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Thoughts Falling Like Cascades

As Eidan carefully walked towards the back of the Nightfall Obsidian Castle, he smelled a salty wave of air, when the door opened his eyes met the endless river, he felt a sense of calmness washing over him, and the cool breeze soothed his aching body.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, feeling the serene atmosphere.

The waves were crashing against the shore in a melodic rhythm.

As Eidan neared the shoreline, he was greeted by the sight of a magnificent golden moon, suspended low on the horizon, casting its warm and radiant glow over the tranquil waters.

The reflection of the celestial orb shimmered like liquid gold, painting the dark night sky with a serene and enchanting atmosphere.

The moon's ethereal light seemed to stretch far beyond its physical boundaries, enveloping everything in its wake in a beautiful and serene aura.

The quiet murmur of the gentle waves added to the peaceful ambiance, creating a sense of calm that Eidan found himself surrendering to.

Yet, even as he took in the serene beauty of the moment, dark clouds began to gather on the horizon, their looming presence casting deep shadows on the shimmering sand.

Though they threatened to obscure the moon's warm and radiant glow, Eidan couldn't help but find their stark contrast against the luminous sky a fascinating sight to behold.

The atmosphere is uniquely serene, yet the night's solemnity seems to linger in the atmosphere. It's as if the universe is holding its breath, waiting for something momentous to happen.

The assistant demon watches from a distance, making sure Eidan is safe and comfortable.

Eidan now understood why it was called Nightfall Obsidian Castle, not because of the various gems and stone walls but because the river was especially breathtaking at night.

The river flowed smoothly as if it had been doing so for centuries, and its gentle burbling provided a soothing backdrop to the surrounding silence.

At the very beginning of the river, the water cascaded down in a small yet striking waterfall, adding a touch of whimsical beauty to the otherwise peaceful scenery.

The shimmering moonlight danced on the cascading water, creating an otherworldly glow that illuminated the surroundings.

The sound of the water falling was calming, and the cool breeze carried the gentle mist to the shore, providing a refreshing sensation to the skin.

As Eidan strolled leisurely along the shore, the shimmering sand beneath his feet gleamed like a million tiny diamonds, reflecting the moon's silvery light in a mesmerizing dance. The very air around him seemed to hum with otherworldly energy, as though the night itself was alive and pulsing with magic.

Drawn to the water's edge like a moth to a flame, Eidan waded in, feeling the cool, refreshing embrace of the water.

It was as though the gentle ripples that danced around his ankles were washing away all his worries and fears, leaving him with a sense of calm and serenity that he hadn't felt in a long time.

He turned around to thank the assistant demon for bringing him here, but the demon was nowhere to be found.

Eidan shrugged and continued to enjoy the peaceful moment.

The sand caressed Eidan's bare feet with every step, and the water embraced him with a cool, gentle kiss, sending ripples through the night-shrouded lake.

The golden orb of the moon hung suspended in the sky, its enchanting radiance casting a spellbinding reflection upon the tranquil waters.

Eidan stood transfixed, lost in the ethereal beauty of the moonlit night as if the shimmering reflection on the water held secrets waiting to be unlocked.

Eidan's body finally released the tension that had been building up inside of him. He felt a level of exhaustion he had never experienced before.

He decided to lie down on the shimmering sand and close his eyes, letting out a deep sigh. The cool breeze swept over his body, and he felt himself slowly becoming more relaxed.

As he lay there, his mind began to wander, replaying everything that had happened so far. He thought about the investigation, the dark intentions that had been revealed, and his own fears that he had tried to suppress.

Eidan realized that he needed to be more careful and take better care of himself. He couldn't afford to let his guard down, especially not when his life and the lives of his loved ones were at stake.

But how could he fight against his own fears and the unknown? The answer eluded him as he closed his eyes momentarily.

The tranquility of the moment was abruptly shattered by the sound of footsteps, causing Eidan's eyes to flutter open. As he peered up, he saw the imposing figure of Samael making his way toward him with measured steps.

"Samael," Eidan said, sitting up. "Thank you for bringing me here. It's beautiful."

Samael nods and sat down next to Eidan. "I thought you could use some peace and quiet. How are you feeling?"

Eidan paused for a moment before answering, "I'm feeling better. The headache is gone, and the pain has subsided."

Samael looks at Eidan with concern. "Good, I know have told you several times in a row but you need to take better care of yourself." He felt a sense of responsibility towards Eidan, like an older brother looking out for his mischievous younger sibling.

"You should have seen Vrylissia's face when she saw you all fainted and being carried by the small wisps." Samael let out a small chuckle.

Eidan was left in awe of the ancient dragon's and wisps' unexpected care for him. He nodded in agreement. "I know, I'll try to be more careful." He said, a faint smile forming on his lips.

"And that being out of the way," Samael said with a playful smile, "I just wanted to remind you that you did save my dumb arse back then, if not for you summoning your spirit, who knows what would have happened."

Eidan's eyes widened with surprise a hint of embarrassed pink appeared as he replied, "I just did what I thought was right." he mumbled, trying to play it cool. "I didn't want to start a war either, as you are also an important lord of this realm."

Upon not hearing a snarky remark Eidan glanced over at Samael, he noticed the corner of his lips twitching with amusement. T

his made Eidan feel a little self-conscious, wondering if Samael was going to make fun of him. But instead of teasing, Samael began to chuckle softly and then broke into a full belly laugh. The sound echoed around the shore, causing Eidan's cheeks to turn pink with embarrassment.

"What the…" Eidan was offended and looked away. "What's there to laugh about?"

"Well, Oh…I-" Samael spoke in between breaths, "Huff that was unexpected, the innocent crown prince of the human realm is really amusing to no bounds."

Eidan grumpily stood up and started dusting his clothes.

"Wait wait, don't be too mad," Samael also stood up in a hurry and cleared his throat, "I really am grateful for your help and hope that we can help each other in the future as well."

Eidan quickly cooled off and just gave a brief nod and walked towards the waterfall, the sound of water splashing the stones and hitting the surface made him nostalgic.

As they stood under the starry sky, a gentle hum caught their attention. Curiosity piqued, they turned their heads and saw a dazzling spark of light making its way toward them.

The light grew brighter as it approached, casting a warm glow around them, and they could see the intricate details of its radiance. The hum grew louder, and suddenly it cooed.

Eidan's face lit up when he heard the soft coos of his spirit, "Lumin! Where were you?"

"I sent him to the human realm when we came back, he was all worried about you seeing you collapsed but I convinced him to go and make sure your family is still safe."

"Thank you," Eidan softly whispered, snuggling Lumin in his arms and after listening to Lumin's calm voice he spoke up, "He says that nothing had happened while we were in the Dimension of Sinister Intent and…" Eidan's eyes were shining with glee. "And my cousins also reached the Empire safely!"

Seeing Eidan this happy for the first time Samael couldn't help but ask, "Your cousins?"

"Ahh yes, they are the Emperor's brother's children, and they also possess unique fight styles to help in the affairs of the human realm."

But after he was finished saying those words, he sulked a bit, "They don't really like me though so it would be better that I don't go back right away. They can handle matters well on their own." The smile turned into a grief-stricken look.

"Hmm, I thought you would be happy but it seems that I was wrong."

"No, I am happy."

"What a complicated mess you humans are."

As the waves lazily emerged from the depths and crashed against the shore, Eidan couldn't help but feel a sense of a cold that Eidan didn't fancy.

The cold wind blew over them carrying a nostalgic chill that enveloped Eidan's body. The feeling was bittersweet, a reminder of the past that he couldn't get back, if he could…would he have changed the outcomes?

A yearning for something that could never be brought back.

Eidan exhaled softly and said, "Let's go inside."

While Eidan walked away, Samael couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness emanating from him. Even from behind, he could see the weight of grief bearing down on Eidan's shoulders as if he was shackled by it.

To lighten up the mood Samael went up to him and gave him a pat on the shoulder, "See I told you not to listen to that stupid entity's words, it was nothing but lies."


Despite knowing he shouldn't pry, Samael couldn't help but ask, "Come to think of it, there was this strange and absurd lie that it added, 'You lost the lives around you when you were nothing but a child.' How can that even be possible?"

Maybe it was Samael's curiosity or just for the sake of letting Eidan feel not burdened by the entity's words, he asked something that he wasn't supposed to.

Eidan stopped abruptly, his face a mask of regret and pain. "I'm sorry, but I cannot speak of that," he said softly before turning away, holding Lumin tightly. The small creature cooed in concern as they walked away.

I wished for time to pass by quickly

But later I realized that it was my life.

AbyssWritercreators' thoughts