
Forsaken Myself

Without pain you can-not understand peace. Without pain, you won’t protect the peace. Story of a young prince who's bound to face a cruel fate, but even through lies and deception he conquers Life. "I have forsaken myself as I am tired of this Fate. Now. whatever harm comes my way; I'll cut it with my sword." "Beloved by all?" He scoffs at his misery, spitting out blood, and clenching his sword once again, he whispers, "I never loved myself." He breathed out the cold air in the midst of a battlefield.

AbyssWriter · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Observing Silently

"By the way…how many spirits do you possess? I thought humans could only pact with one at a time." Seeing Lumin staring back at the demonic lord with an intense gaze, Samael quickly changed the subject of their conversation.

Eidan paused for a moment, contemplating how to answer the question. "I have three spirits," he finally replied, "Lumin here, as you already know. And two others, though they are not as active as him, they sure are a handful."

He remembered how Vindictus occasionally tried to wreak havoc the moment he didn't keep his mana in control.

Samael raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Three? That's quite unusual for a human. Most can only form a pact with one spirit, and only the most skilled can handle two."

Eidan nodded, "It was difficult at first, but I managed to form a bond with each of them." The amount of mana each spirit receives also determines the user's capability.

And Eidan being loved by mana at a very young age allowed him to freely share and borrow strength from it.

Mana, being a natural energy that one can harness, comes at a cost proportional to one's capacity.

Fortunately for Eidan, his capacity was considerable, allowing him to expend significant amounts of mana without issue.

Along with the spirit's mana, it's a dual-type energy that a few people in the human realm can use.

Lumin let out a soft chirp as if agreeing with Eidan's statement. Samael couldn't help but notice how close the spirit and human seemed to be.

"I see," Samael continued a hint of admiration in his tone, "It's remarkable how you were able to forge a connection with multiple spirits. It speaks to your skill and dedication to the art of magic. And having a variety of spirits to draw upon can provide a versatile and valuable advantage in various scenarios."

Eidan simply shrugged, "I suppose so. But it's not something I take lightly. I have a responsibility to take care of them, just as they take care of me."

Samael nodded in understanding, "Of course. A pact with a spirit is a two-way street. You must give just as much as you receive."

The two fell into a moment of silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Lumin continued to gaze intently at the demonic lord as if trying to read his intentions.

It was Eidan's turn to be curious about the demonic realm, "Do people here not possess any spirits?"

Hearing this Samael waved his hand in denial and said, "No way, spirits are a part of the Celestial realm after all, they would never allow demons to make pacts with each other, and we don't like to do so either."

Eidan's curiosity was piqued as he asked, "So, how do you harness the power of mana?"

Samael's response was dismissive, "We don't. If mana is spiritual energy, then demonic mana is our life force. Everyone can use their life force as energy, but it's not advisable…you know…"

"Because it's draining," Eidan added, understanding the consequences.

Samael nodded in agreement, "Exactly. It drains the life force, which is why only a few demons can use mana. The nature of the demonic realm consists of malevolent energy, and if the demons harness too much of it, they get corrupted."

Since the reign of Samael's ancestors, they banned the usage of malevolent energy to maintain a peaceful place and uphold the inter-realm agreement.

However, the previous lords who had refrained from using such energy were seen as feeble, drawing disdain from some quarters.

As compensation for this ban, an equitable deal had been struck, a portion of Celestial mana was sealed off within the Celestial realm, hidden somewhere in their lands as an equality deal.

Eidan understood more about the realm as he discovered new forms of energy.

"If I understand correctly," he asked, "demons have longer life spans, so they can use their life force as they see fit?"

"No one knows how long their life is," Samael responded thoughtfully.

"At the very least, it's longer than humans," Eidan stated.

Samael confirmed, "Yes, but it's a double-edged sword. We don't die easily, but the threat of death always lingers. Isn't that a fair trade for having longer life spans?"

Eidan nodded, impressed by the trade-off to sacrifice one's life force for mana. Eidan couldn't fathom the amount of willpower and strength required to sustain such a feat.

He was even more impressed by the demonic lord who maintained this realm for a century with his life force!

By now Lumin was fast asleep in Eidan's arms, his small body slowly rising and falling making the two of them lower their voices.

They entered the throne room where many shadow assistants and soldiers were on standby. They all bowed as they acknowledged their lord and his guest entering the room.

With a graceful hand gesture, Samael invited Eidan to take a seat next to his throne, treating him as an honored guest.

As Eidan settled in, a shadowy assistant, the same one that Samael had dispatched earlier, approached him and whispered a message in a language unknown to Eidan.

With an authoritative nod, Samael acknowledged the message and turned his attention back to Eidan, "I would love to continue the chat but there are folks I would like to introduce to you."

There was a knock at the entrance door as if someone was asking permission to enter. "It seems like they are here on time."

With a quick and practiced motion, Samael changed his clothes from casual to more formal attire, turning back to his demonic appearance preparing himself to receive the visitors.

As Samael glanced over at Eidan, he couldn't help but notice the disheveled state of his outside attire, his fluffy hair a mess from the wind. After a moment of contemplation, Samael snapped his fingers and two shadow assistants appeared. With remarkable efficiency, they draped Eidan in a veil and deftly replaced his outfit with a more regal and fashionable attire, befitting his royal status.

During the process, Lumin softly cooed and levitated over the veil.

Eidan's new look was a sight to behold. His messy hair was tamed and styled in a way that complemented his sharp features. His deep-set eyes sparkled with renewed energy and his infectious charisma shone through.

He wore regal attire in shades of deep red and gold, with intricate embroidery that highlighted his powerful physique. The long cream-gold cape hung elegantly from his left shoulder, adding an extra touch of grandeur to his already imposing presence.

The fabric was of the highest quality, soft to the touch, and flowed gracefully with every movement he made. The cut of his clothes was sharp and stylish, with every detail carefully crafted to highlight his status as a royal guest.

As he stepped forward, his new attire glistening in the light, there was no mistaking that he was a force to be reckoned with. His confident demeanor and regal aura commanded respect from all those around him and his new look only served to amplify his natural presence.

Being satisfied with Eidan's new look Samael finally gave an approving nod and with a commanding voice, he announced, "Enter."

Eidan was taken aback by the sheer presence of the Demonic Generals as they made their grand entrance, their imposing figures and intense aura filling the room.

As they approached the designated circle on the floor, they all kneeled with their heads bowed in unison. With a loud voice, they spoke in reverence, "We greet the Lord of our lives, and his esteemed guest, Crown Prince of Lucidnia Empire. We are at our Lord's service and pledge our undying loyalty to you and the Demonic Realm. May your reign be ever prosperous and just."

Samael's relief was palpable as he watched his subjects behave with the utmost respect in front of his esteemed guest. "You may rise," he said, with a brief smile. He was concerned that they might misbehave but they are being quite tamed in front of Eidan.

"I must say, it's quite impressive that a human like you managed to venture into the demonic realm unscathed," said one of the visitors, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "I suppose the tales of your kind being weak and feeble are greatly exaggerated."

Samael's relief was premature. His eyes twitched, while Eidan maintained his calm composure, certainly, the demonic general had not heard the news of them traveling to the Sinister Intent.

The demonic general who spoke had an imposing build, with sharp features that accentuated his angular jawline. His teeth were pointed and his lips curved into a beautiful, yet mischievous, smile.

He had multiple piercings on his ears, which only added to his already striking appearance.

His hair was a beautiful shade of blue, falling in messy yet stylish spikes that framed his face perfectly. His eyes were an unusual shade of amethyst, his pupils the shape of a star sparkling with a hint of mischief and intelligence.

As he stood before Samael and Eidan, his demeanor was one of sarcasm and subtle arrogance.

He carried himself with confidence as if he knew that he was one of the strongest demons in the room.

His voice was firm and unwavering, with a hint of humor and sarcasm lurking beneath the surface.

Despite his somewhat abrasive personality, there was an air of charm and charisma that surrounded him, drawing the attention of those around him.

"Now is not the time, Nolan."

The second general had a sleek appearance, with his hair styled in a sophisticated manner that complemented his sharp facial features. His dull maroon hair was highlighted with lighter shades of maroon stripes, adding depth and dimension to his overall look.

His eyes were a lighter shade of maroon, with thin convex cat-like pupils that seemed to intensify his gaze. He had a unique cut on his left eyebrow, which did not seem to be from an injury.

He was dressed impeccably, with a sense of style that was both efficient and elegant. His clothes were tailored to perfection, accentuating his well-toned body.

Despite his impeccable appearance, he carried himself with a calm demeanor, as if he was in full control of the situation.

"Don't get me wrong, Asher, but I heard about the all-great crown prince of the human realm, and I did not expect him to appear so…weak." Nolan didn't back out.

The third general had a striking appearance with his curly blonde hair, hints of dust gold giving it a unique shine. His eyes were a mesmerizing mix of pure blue and gold dust, and his pupils were as stable as drifting clouds with a spinel shape of unshakeable particles. He had a strong and competent presence, yet he seemed unconcerned about small situations, often lost in his own world.

He dressed in bright-colored clothes that gave off a feeling of royalty, and his style was mature and refined. He was quiet, but he exuded strength and reliability, both in battle and ruling the quarter. He was obedient and careful like he was always thinking before each action and never making unnecessary movements.

Nolan had just made a sarcastic comment about the human realm in response to seeing Eidan sitting beside Samael. To which Asher, took offense.

"What do you know about the crown prince or the human realm?" Asher snapped. "You've never even been there!"

"I don't need to go there to know that it's a cesspool of weakness and corruption," Nolan replied with a smirk.

At that, Asher rolled his eyes. "That's just your opinion. I happen to think that there's a lot of potential in the human realm if we could just be open to their world."

Eidan was listening and observing them silently, he knew they wouldn't even care to listen to him let alone let him speak.

"Ha!" Nolan gave a forced laugh. "You're just saying that because you're a softie. You think we should hold hands with the humans and sing kumbaya or something?"

In the midst, Eidan couldn't help but notice their distinguished horns moving around with their bodies, more than words he was more captivated by their appearances.

"I think we should at least try to understand them before we dismiss them outright," Asher retorted.

"Understand them?" Nolan crossed his arms and scoffed. "They're barely even sentient. They're like ants compared to us."

While the third general is counting the gems on the walls, the argument continued to escalate, with both visitors becoming more and more heated.

Samael watched with annoyance, knowing that this was just another day in the life of his demon generals.

Lumin growled in a low pitch at their banter about his master. "It's alright Lumin, let them speak," Eidan said in a soft murmur, knowing he isn't the one who should be worried about their words.

A figure stood beside the three demonic generals. She was standing on the side watching the first two arguing. She was wearing a long white chain cape and had her hood on.

After the argument reaches its peak, she raised her hand and with a swish of her wrist, she sealed their lips, and turned the head of the third general towards Samael.

"Apologies, it seems like we have disgraced the presence of an esteemed guest."

The third general tilted his head in confusion mouthing 'I didn't even do anything.' Which she disregarded saying, "You should be paying attention as well Cendric."

She drops her hood revealing her long silvery-white wavy hair that fell on her shoulders leisurely, her honey crystal eyes leaning onto the two males that were arguing and sighing; her melodic voice and charming smile seems more devilish than any demon Eidan had ever met.

Her crystal pupils dilated at the sight of Samael's face-palming, as she bowed her head and apologized for the embarrassing behavior all the generals put in front of Samael's guest.

She approached Eidan, her heels clicking on the marble floor and with her flirting gaze. Taking a closer look her smile widens, "Although the crown prince is young and handsome, he is still inexperienced in many ways," she chuckled.

"Oh, and I'm Luna Nightshade, guardian of the demonic sanctuary as well as the moderator between the three realms." She formally introduced herself and without waiting for a response she turned around and said menacingly, "These gentle demons will introduce themselves as well."

She was a vision of beauty and grace, with her flawless porcelain skin and delicate features. Her cape trailed behind her like a river of silk, and her silver-white hair seemed to shimmer in the light. Her honey-brown ornaments glisten as she walks towards the table and gracefully sat down on the chair.

"Now we have seen the rumored prince, let's get to business shall we?" Despite her captivating appearance, there was a sense of power and authority in her.

She moved with confidence and ease, and her voice was smooth and melodic, yet commanding. It was clear that she was not to be underestimated.

As Luna sat down at the table, she motioned for the other three generals to join her, and they all complied with her request. Despite their earlier argument, they seemed to have a great deal of respect for her.

"Oh dear me, I shall undo the spell right away." She grinned as her canines became sharply visible; everyone knew she was holding them shut on purpose.

New characters, New memory cards.

AbyssWritercreators' thoughts