
Forging of a Godking

The ancient tribe of Germanesh is exterminated by the King of Thesa and forgotten after a century passed by.... In the midst of a lush, green forest in a village far from all civilisation a young lad called Robert lives with his family as he gets torn away from his old life and thrown into a world of brutality and games of power. This story is not focused on sexual content. There will be ones necessary to the story and undescriptive. The more disturbing thing will be descriptive battles and slaughters. Youll find plenty of that in the story.

Brisi · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Ancestors Path

Robert was running for his life. He was passing by stones and animals, jumping over creeks and hiking up hills. In his head he heard a certain force warning him before. Now this force was directing him into a certain direction. After half a day of fleeing Robert dropped to the ground, utterly exhausted and fell asleep on the moss immediately.

"Wake up, child! You have to walk."

The voice resounded in his conciousness. Ancient and imposing. It feels closer than before now. In his head a picture forms, of a gigantic tree bowing down to him and extending its branches.

"Come to me!"

It was a huge oak, as large as the skies seemingly merging with it. The trunk was so thick, that it seemed to hold the heaven. Large roots penetrate the ground and connect it to the earth. The tree connects heaven and earth. The aura the tree emanated was old and profound.

"Come to me!"

It sounded out again in his head. In that moment Robert snaps out of it and wakes up. He was shaken. Was this Donar himself speaking to him?? He rappels himself up back on his two feet. Donars will still directs him so he starts walking again. His thirst and hunger quenched by his belief in Donar and the desire to meet him. Roberts shins and lower back hurt. He was quite agile and strong, but running for half a day still takes its toll on someone. After travelling for what felt like a day he arrives under a big oak tree. Not nearly as big as Donar, but a good 100 metres tall, standing out among other trees. Robert once again hears the voice of Donar in his head.

"Enter my realm and be enlightened!"

In front of him a small path actually started, winding up to the foot of the tree, which is slightly elevated. The trunk of the tree was so thick 10 men couldnt fit their arms around it if they tried. As he came closer he saw what looked like a door right in front of him etched into the trunk. The weird thing was, that there was no room behind this "door" instead there was a wall that looked like a water surface. While it seemed fluid it didnt actually flow anywhere. The texture was also weird. Instead of blue, this water, Robert assumed it to be energy, was brown-greenish in color. He came to the conclusion, that he was looking at a portal.

"Enter my realm and be enlightened!"

It sounds in his head. He got pulled closer to the portal like a moth to light and before he realises he finds himself right in front of the portal. With a big decisive step and utmost trust in his ancestor he proceeds to enter the portal. It was nothing special really. It felt like stepping through a normal door. He felt like having entered the embrace of a loving mother. As he looked around himself he saw a large forest around him. But what caught his eye was the mighty tree that covered over all of it. A gigantic tree crown covering the skies. Between the trees Richard saw roots like the ones in your conciousness. This was Donar. With an open mouth richard stands there, looking at this mighty being in front of him. "You are..... Donar?!?!" Robert gasps.

"Yes my child, I am Donar. You are the one called Robert right?"

Standing on this small hills the boy looks up at the mighty world tree.

"Y-Y-Yes my lord!"

"Ive seen the fate of the Germanesh the last 100 years. Now you are the only one remaining in this forest. The last of your kin. How sad this fate of yours is... but dont worry. Your kin have guarded me for so long I will not just let you die out. Receive my blessing my child!"

"Blessin...ghwaaaaaa!!!!" Robert cried out in pain as a strong pain penetrated his mind. It seemed to rupture his head and melt everything inside. After 2 minutes the pain subsided and Robert could finally catch his breath. His head felt lighter.

[Spirit of the Oak is now up and running.]

"Spirit of what is what?" Robert squeals as the prompt echoed in his mind.

"I have bestowed upon you something remarkable I can only procure once. The spirit of the Oak. It is a higher being infused into your soul. It makes calculations, helps you remember things and puts them in numbers. It will greatly aid you in your cultivation path. It was your ancestors before he died. I now bestow it to you."

"My Ancestors? Germanor? Did this increase my strength aswell or my thinking ability?" Robert thought and as he did a prompt rang out in his mind.

[Name: Robert Thorvaldsson Stats: Strength: 1.5, Agility: 1.0, Vitality: 1.5, Status: Exhausted, Healthy ]

Robert dropped onto his bum in shock. "W-W-What is this? Stats? Strength? Awesome!" He felt the same as before.

"Youve turned 16 today. This would be the day you come of age and receive your tattoos. Even though the ceremony cant be held I can help you out. I will hold the ceremony for you my child."

Wind came up and made the leaves rustle. The sun was replaced by the moon within seconds as it turned night. It was dark. Incomparably dark. Only the moon could be seen. In addition to that the environment became cold. So cold ones bones felt the chill. Robert was aware of the cold, but it didnt affect him. Instead it complemented him. Suddenly he heard a prompt ring out in his head.

[Host wounded. Stopping the bleeding advised.]

Robert felt like a knife was run over his body. Multiple wounds gashed and he started screaming in pain. His skin split open forming intricate patterns. His back was littered with big and small cuts, while cuts wound themselves around his arms like snakes. On his chest a bloody mess formed. Then the cuts stopped. Robert now laid there on the ground, a bloody mess, barely holding onto a last thread of conciousness.

[Host grievously wounded. Host will die if nothing changes.]

Then another promopt assaults him.

[Unknown energy trying to invade body. Should the energy be stopped?]

In fear of what might happen Robert thinks:"NO, STOP IT!!!!!"

[Unknown energy unable to be stopped. Now entering hosts body.]

[Unknown energy is mending the wounds on the hosts body. Your status is back to normal.]

The wounds on his body were closing as bright green particles of energy drop onto him and enter the wounds. New skin forms where scars shouldve been. Its colored pitch black and ice blue. Like his hair and eyes. On his back there is a large ice rose etched into the skin glowing with energy. This rose is connected to 2 black snakes that run from the lower back all the way up to the shoulders before wounding themselves around his arms ending with 2 snakeheads with blue eyes on the back of his hands. On his chest were intricate runic patterns he couldnt understand.

[Hosts power increased by: Strength: 0,002, Agility: 0.002, Vitality: 0.002]

[Hosts power increased by: Strength: 0,002, Agility: 0.002, Vitality: 0.002]

[Hosts power increased by: Strength: 0,002, Agility: 0.002, Vitality: 0.002]

[Hosts power increased by: Strength: 0,002, Agility: 0.002, Vitality: 0.002]


After 5 minutes of meditating, recovering from the shock Robert opened his eyes. He was sitting on the hill in the world of Donar. As he inspects his body again his tattoos have vanished. He chooses to take a look at his strength again as a prompt rang out.

[Hosts body structure underwent great changes! Stats: Strength: 2.0, Agility: 1.5, Vitality: 2.0]

"Hahahaha, does this now mean im nearly 2 times as strong as the average male?" As he stood up he felt much lighter and filled with strength. The fatigue from the running has also passed. He pauses. "But where are my tattoos?" as he starts panicking the voice of Donar sounds out in his head.

"Your tattoos will remain hidden unless you use their power. Right now they are only able to give you a short boost in strength and make you a bit more resilient. Be careful travelling and increasing your strength. These vile monks will try to kill you if they find out what you are. You mustnt tell anyone. Along with great power comes great responsibility. You have a task you need to fulfill. The Germanesh can be revived. One day you will be the new ancestor of the Germanesh.... or they will seize to exist. So be on your way to reclaiming the legacy of the Germanesh and revenging your kin. Kill the defilers of the forest! The monks of the Praying Beggar Clan. Return to me when you feel ready...."

With the last words Donars voice fades away and Robert lands in front of the tall tree in the Ancients Forest again. The sweet darkness of unconciousness engulfs him as he slumps to the ground.