
Chapter 14 : Beauty product

"As I said after your years in the Academy you'll be expected to have unlocked your Aura to certain level. There are 6 years of study. During the first 2 years you'll have to become Advanced Warriors at the least, in order to pass the yearly exams.

Ah I must specify. The yearly exams are examens every students has to pass in order to stay in the Academy and enjoy its benefit. You'll be given assignement to help you study and learn how to addapt to strange situation depending on the courses you choose. Different from the yearly tests which are just test that people takes in order to study with the class sabove their own.

Exemple : Usually, Nobles have a better education than most commoner making them better in ceertain courses. If a nobles already knows everytthing there is to know in this year fro a certain course, he can if he want, pass the test and go study with student above his year.

Aura is an formidable topic. First it is a manifestation of your will. When reached a bottleneck while your training, you'll be able to sense your internal energy slow down. You'll have to boil your blood with your thought and wistand the attrocious pain it gives someone in order to unlock your Aura. Your teacher of Weapon's Handling will gives you more informations on it later. Anyway..."Teacher Molles continued talking and soon was lost in the flow of time and history.


Hektor came back with Arianne in their room and bid themselves a good night as they didn't plan to do anything else beside do their homework for today.

Soon Hektor was alone in his study working on the two books he was creating.

First the Way of the Body and Anatomy was the easiest to complete. Even though he wasn't a doctor in his past life, he had had 12 years of education were sciences and biology was one of the main course one had to attend. He alreday knew of the respiratory and circualtory system. Hektor didn't know them by heart and couldn't help yet if someone had an injury but with all the warriors diaries he had with him, it was easy for him to understand where were the injuries and problem one could encounter when fighting beasts. As his study of the warriors's diaries progressed, he soon found out how certain part of the body were more sensitive than other. Weaknesses of the Human body.

He also found out, in one warrior's dairy, that after an incident where the warrior had his arm displaced by the Beasts during a fight. Later, the beast had charged him over and had, after the impact, replaced his arm in the correct way. Even though the warrior had been incapacited for the rest of his life after some of his organs were destroyed or pierced by his rib cage.

It gaves basic information on the way to replace a member of the human body. Now how can we ease the recovery of the Human body with herbs and plants ?

Hektor took the other book he had began making, Nature's Help, and began to class them from habitat. It was known on earth that poison was often found near its counter plant. If by mistakes he gave someone poison, he would probably be able to stop it in time thanks to the other plants found nearby. Hektor continued his research and found several plants who could be used in a way that was completely different from others.

First, was the plant every women and Hektor used to bath. It was the Sun's Ray Flower. How surprising... It was one of the favorite flower of the first Empress and lover of Julien Caprius. While studying it, Hektor came to the conclusion that this flower didn't only gives off a good smell. It was an extremely good flower as it had curative and anti-aging proprieties. Knowing this Hektor couldn't help but smile and laugh crazily. Women could be real spenders when given the occasion. Imagine if a brand new creation could make women more beautifull, remove wrinkles and render the skin softer and smoother than it had ever be. How do you think they would react ? Exactly, it would be the end of the world if they didn't have the product by the end of the day. At least for the nobles one.

Knowing this, Hektor began to search for other flowers, plants, herbs, etc...Which could enhance the already good proprieties of the Sun's Ray Flower. But after 3 others hours of work and a dinner with Bernard who was excited by his first day at school, Hektor didn't find anything else. But he didn't let it disapoint him. He already had found out an extremely good lead, which would be able to make him earn lots of money if the project resulted in a success. He, then went to sleep as he had to wake up early tomorrow.


For the rest of the week, Hektor spend all his time between classes, to his research for the beauty product. As he found more and more product which could be associated with Sun's Ray Flower, Hektor began to ponder on how to mix them. He was sure it was in similar way as that of earth. He had to, first, take what was interesting for him in the flower. Then mix it with other part of flowers in different quantity. That's where the problem was. He didn't what amount of what flower he needed in order to make the best product possible.

Hektor then asked Bernard, after class, to go back to the estate and ask his other domestics if they had gathered any flowers on a list he gaves him. If yes, then, Bernard had to deliver everything in his room by the next morning. If not, then, they had to gather the maximum flowers possible for the weekend, which would come in 3 days.

Hektor had a lot of chance as his servants had been productifs and hadn't slacked off. Soon Bernard came back with a entire carriage worth of flower. Hektor and Bernard did make 15 trips back and forth until they finally had every bag of flowers inside their room.

Hektor soon came back to his research and tested different mixture of flowers with the help of Bernard. After 4 days of intensive work they had finally created a product worth selling.

"Good, even though I'm already sure of it's effect, I want to try it on someone." Hektor thought out loud as he exited his room in the middle of the night.


Hektor knocked on the door of Arianne as he had to have a feminine advice for his new product. He was way too impatient to wait and ask his mother when he came back next weekend in his estate. After knocking on the door several times, Arianne opened it with tired eyes and couldn't help but frown in displeasure.

"Maximus, why wake me up this early in the morning when I can still sleep." She was clearly less welcoming and kind than other days.

"I've created a new product that would make every women in the world scream in pleasure. I just need someone to test it. Would you be kind enough to let me test it on you ?" Hektor asked in a speedy way. He was also tired as he had spend every day working on his research and he had several sleepless nights under hius belt making him a bit unresonable.

"You want me to be a test subject ?" She asked in disbelief.

"Yes and I'm sure you won't be regretfull, what I just did is revolutionary. I promise !!" He said exitation in his voice.

"Well we will talk about it tomorrow, I'm tired. Good night." Arianne said as she was already closing the door.

"Nooo, wait if you do it now, You'll have infinite access to the product. If there is by misfortune, no more product to sell, you can always come to me and I'll create it for you myself. Of course, I'll also give you a reduction of 70% on all of my next product. What do you say ? Isn't it tempting ?" Hektor said as he wanted to rest and didn't want to think about the product in his sleep, something that already happened during this week of research.

"... Ok, but be fast, I want to sleep so badly." Arianne said as a long sigh came out odf her mouth.

"Me too, you don't even know how much I long for good sleep right now..." Hektor said in a low voice as he advanced in the crack that Arianne had made to let pass Hektor inside her room.

There Hektor saw a similar room from his own but didn't ask any question. He just took out a small bottle in which a lotion of a strange cream colour laid. He asked Arianne which had woke up completely after all this, to stay unmoving as he applied his lotion. He slowly put it on her face with his finger as he explained how it would act and what are the effect someone could expect from this lotion. After all this Hektor stopped and looked at her.

Arianne had her ears completely red and she looked a bit shy as it was the first a man had touched her face. But alas, Hektor was completely oblivious of that. He just told her that they would see each other tomorrow for the yearly tests and that he expected of her to make a small rapport where she explained what she had experienced. After all that was done, he came back to his own room and as soon as his head touched the pillow, he fell into a deep sleep.