
Chapter 13 : Cantine and History of the Empire

The cantine of the Academy was grand and spacious. Filled with students going in and out, the place gave off a feeling of welcoming aura. Quite the refreshing aura, knowing that there tended to be frictions between commoners and nobles because of the rights they should receives.

As Hektor and Arianne came inside the cantine they immediately drew the attention of everybody present. Some nodded as a sign of acknowledgement ot Hektor who was knwon as Nobody or Maximus, for those who had made some research, some didn't care and soon focused back on their meal, while others frowned.

Hektor and Arianne chatted as they went to order they meals. Of course things couldn't go as planned. A young man with blonde hairs and a disdainfull look came before them.

"Peasant, know your place and get the f*ck out before Iet you have a taste of my fist." The young man said in a haughty tone.

"Hm... and may I know who you're ?" Asked Hektor as anger flashed in his eyes.

'Why must these nobles always try to make my life a living hell, huh ? Wait, wait, Hektor, don't be hasty, it's an opportunity to make yourself known and make a statemetn here. I give what was given to me. If I receive help and honest friendship, I will be your bets friend. BUT if you present me with that f*cking disdainfull smile of yours, I'll just want to rip that mouth of yours. Wait I almost forgot that the Church of Light was extremely prominent in Healing. HAHAHAHA, f*cker you're dead.' Hektor thought as he focused all his attention on not being spotted. There, Hektor used his most servil attitude and bowed as the young man revealed his name with a proud smile.

"I'm John Backervile, son of Duke Backervile."

"Oh really ? It is an honor for me to see such an important character as yourself. Pleased to meet you, young master." Hektor replied. As he looked at Arianne who had kept silent till now, he saw deception and extrem sadness. They soon made eye contact and he winked at her making her face change from an intrigued one.

"Why are you still here, peasant ? I told you to leave, the company of such a beautifull lady isn't something a commoner like you has the right to appreciate !" John say in an impatient voice.

"Mister John before leaving, let me ask you a question. Are you stupid ?" Hektor said in a calm voice. Each words were slowly articulated as to put weight on them. Every words ringed like a bell as every persons in the cantine was stunned. They didn't think that a students would have the guts to talk back to a noble like that. Soon other nobles, young masters and mistres looked up and watched the show go on as they imprinted the face of the commoner in their face. Some thought that he was disgracing and humiliating all nobles just by uttering those words while others thoughts of it as just something interesting.

The face of John blushed in shame and a frown appeared on it as anger overwhelmed him.

"F*cker, know your place !!" John screemed as he lifted his fist in order to punch Hektor in the face. Alas, he was so boastfull and weak that he couldn't even see or prevent Hektor from beating the shit out of him.

A shadow soon flashed and John saw red blood splashed from his mouth. Soon after, excrutiating pain overwhelmed him as he touched his right cheek just to found out that it had been completely ripped letting everybody present in the cantine witness the inside of his mouth through the right side. There came a cold voice filled with killing intent that chilled everybody in the cantine.

"Hello everybody, the majority of you already know me as Nobody, so I won't make any presentation for now. I have a message for all the nobles of this school and you'll be my little messengers. I see that this school still don't do a lot of things regarding the differents treatment Nobles childs and commoners receive. Knowing that a lot of young masters and mistress, like to feel superior by trumpling on the weak commoner, I challenge all of you. From now on, if I see a commoner being bullied by a noble, I'll step forward and make you experience what true pain is. Oh and to the noble just there. Don't forget to accompany your firend to the infirmary. Have a delicious meal." Hektor said as his calm, cold and harsh voice suddenly turned kind and gentle adding to the stunning effect it had on the spectators.

Hektor and Arianne took their meal and went to sit down on a table nearby. Soon the tables around them were emptied as everyone avoided them.

"That was a reckless move from you." Arianne said with asmall smile. Worry and admiration was written on her face.

"Well, I have nothing to fear. First, I myself am very strong and I don't have any friend beside you, so I don't think they will be able to hurt me through other means." Hektor said.

"Aren't you worried they will take me as an hostage ?" Arianne said, waiting to see his answer.

"Mhua, They can try, first I'll be here and they won't be able to do anything. Second, John was way more polite to you than he was to me, indicating that you aren't just the small daughter of a little priest like you said." Hektor replied as he was so hungry he didn't even look at Arianne as he wolfed all the food before him.

Arianne was frirst a bit stunned but soon a guilty expression appeared on her face.

"Ah, I-I -" Arianne tried to explain but was interrupted by Hektor.

"Don't worry I know everybody has their secret and I won't pry yours if you don't want me to. We will just act as if I didn't discover anything, ok ?" Hektor said as he finally looked at her with a small smile.

"hum hum" She nodded as she began digging in too.

After a good meal they had History of the Empire as the next class.


They were inside the auditorium reserved for the first year and soon a elderly teacher soon arrived before the students. As soon as he made his entrance, silence permeated the whole auditorium.

"Hello youngsters, I'm professor Molles. I'll be giving you History of the Empire for he next year. For those who already know the current subject, you'll be able to pass the yearly test the next weak. Know that it is the same for every class.

I'll first give the rules during my class.

1. Nobody is allowed to speak without asking for permission. Every one found out talking, laughing, sending message are expelled for the next 3 classes.

2. If the question is stupid, meaning that it had already been answered during another previous lessons, I'll discard it and won't reply as it is a waste of time.

3. I don't care if you're a Noble or a Commoner, here only the hard workers and talenteds have a voice. If there's something you don't like, you have three choices. First, fight in a duel. Second, Go make a complain to the principals. Lastly, forget it and let it go.

4. Last but not the least, any insolence and other form of insurgence towards my authority will be punished as I see fit. I already have the agreement of the principal, I can do wathever I want and know that history proves to be a great ressource in tortures techniques.

Now, how about we begin the lesson by reminding everyone who the first Emperor was and how he came to be ?" Said Professor Molles after enonciating the rules of his course.

Hektor was quite happy to see someone who had publicly expressed himself as someone who favored talented and hard workers. No place for good-for-nothing in this Academy.

"The first Emperor of the Sun's Ray Empire was Julien Caprius. Surnamed the Valiant, he was a War God King Realm Warrior having mastered the Swift Hope Swordmanship. He named the Empire as such to instill in it the hope that one day Humanity would be able to produce strong enough warriors to finish this never ending war and take back our place as the natural dominator of the world. First to sacrifice his life to severly wound the other War God King Beast, he set up an exemple for everyone else, be it other warriors or simple humans. Young ones remember that what you're trying to do here is save humanity from beasts. Why care about who is from a nobler birth than another ? In the face of danger it won't change anything.

Making a brief reminder. There is 10 different stage for Warriors. Going from weak to strong, each of them is represented by the colour of their aura. White, Yellow, Red, Green, Violet, Black, Black and White, Copper, Silver and Gold. They represent each Warrior trainee, Warrior, Advanced Warrior, Expert Warrior, Warlord, Warking, War Emperor, War Demi-God, War God, War God King.

You are, for now NOTHING, just simple humans who had the chance of being recruted in the best school of the Sun's Ray Empire. It is our job as your professors to teach you everything you need in order to make you fine warriors. At the end of the years you'll spend in this Academy, you'll normally gain your aura and be able to improve on it while defending our precious Empire's border. Good luck and work hard, because hard work never fails you !!" Teacher Molles finished his long speech as everyone who didn't know of this information was already taking notes.