
Forget me not Hana x Yeol

wake up, Hana almost forget everything. why? checked the story as her journey begin.

QueenMelody · Fantasy
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15 Chs

11. School memories

we get of from the bus

"this is our school? what will we do here?" i ask sungyeol

"talking about our past, it's must be about our story at school"


more than a years ago

"Dad I'll go with the bus"

" no honey, from now I'll drop off and pick up you everyday"

"Mom..." I am whining to my mom, I grab her hands

"Listen to your daddy, okay. I must cook" she let go off my hand

"Dad, I'm not child anymore"

I sit beside dad, dad sip his coffee and put down the cup

"Honey, I'm going overseas for a month, and now I'm here go back at our town and will continue running the hospital as usual, your mom worry to, we are feel bad for leaving you with your aunt lately, now we're here. I can drive you every morning and your mother can cook delicious meal like always"


Dad insisted to drive me to school. I come to early, I can't meet sungyeol in the bus too. I want to introduce myself properly. I put my duty ban around my arm, I peek to his class while walking out, but he's not coming yet, so I keep walking to school gate.

Almost 30 minutes but I don't see sungyeol, the school gate closed and we the student for disciplinary stand in the gate to punish the late student

I see sungyeol running to school he finally punished by teacher. He asked to push up and stay in that position while get hit on his butt. He then must sit down and lift his hand.

After 10 minutes we're prepared to get to the class. I let go off my duty ban and put back into the box. I running out to the school gate, the teacher wasn't there

"Stand up the punishment is over"

I help sungyeol stand by grab his arm

"Are you okay? Can you stand? Why you come late? You don't usually coming late"

He pat my shoulder

"How can i answer if you talking nonstop Ah my butt, I can't feel it, also my hands become numb" he touch his butt

I look down and feel so shy

"Hm... actually I'm late because I'm waiting someone all the time, but surprisingly she was at school" he stand in front of me and looking deeply to me

"Hm, who do you think she is"

I move backward a little

"But I'm relieved, I think she's not coming to school because some reason or she was sick. Ah... I missed the first class" he walking and leave me alone at the gate

Sungyeol walk to his class, he open the door gently

Plak, someone throw a paper ball to his head

"Yo, why you late?" Minsuk asked

Sungyeol sit beside minsuk and keep quiet

"Hey, are you playing cool now?" Minsuk whisper to his ear

"Aack... why I said like that to her, am I to rude to her?, why I'm act like a stupid? Why I'm act like a cool person? how must i say it to her, should I tell I'm late cause I'm waiting for her" sungyeol out his frustration

Min suk look at sungyeol suprisedly and give him code to look at the back

Ms Han were standing behind me and hit the big ruler to his hands as a code she were angry

"Go to disciplinary room, now!, said ms Han send you"

Min suk laugh to sungyeol

"This is not your day bro"

Sungyeol hit minsuk head


Disciplinary room

"I was send by Ms Han" sungyeol walk in

"Oh, finally there someone that make trouble in a class. Hana come here, we got a handsome volunteer"

We are standing face to face

"Hana, this is sungyeol. We really blessed you come sungyeol. There's a pile of work and you are suit for this job"



We walk in corridors silently and awkwardly

We enter the library, it's empty, of course everyone at class now. It makes our atmosphere become colder

"So what will we do" sungyeol crack the ice

"Ah, Mr Byun wife were in labor today, so we will clean up and stay at the library all day as a library officers"

"Oh..." sungyeol walk to some bookshelf

And he lost from my sight

This library so empty that makes me afraid, so I run and try to find sungyeol among the bookshelf and I fin him, he was squat down and hit his head

I come near to him and squat in front of him

"Are you okay?"

"No, I'm not good"


"Because of you"

He look at me with his soft eyes

The light from the sun slowly enter the room, sungyeol eyes become light brownish exposed by the sun

His cheeks a little blushing, he slowly smile at me

I hope the time stop here