
Forget me not Hana x Yeol

wake up, Hana almost forget everything. why? checked the story as her journey begin.

QueenMelody · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

10. reminiscences

We finally stop at a pedestrian bridge near our school

"Why we stop here?"

"Be.. cause.. " sungyeol try catch his breath

While down holding his knees

"This... is ... where we first meet"

"A bridge?"

1 year and 6 months ago

A tall boy with slim and fit figure walk across the bridge, he was handsome and shining, he walk with his friends who is handsome too, I was impressed at first but then they begin talking and fighting. And suddenly the tall boy stop and I bump to his back

"I'm sorry are you okay?"

I just nodding cause I was to shy, this is my first day in high school, I never meet a boy before because I going to a girl school at middle school

I just run


"You see my face that day?" I ask while seeing car at the street from the bridge


"Uh, and how you know it's our 1st meet" I look at sungyeol, he look at me too

"We play some game at our first date, you've told me,that's why I know. At that time you are the one who remembered and know it's my turn to make you remember again" sungyeol pat my head and smile

My face turn red

"Are you shy now?" He teased me

"No" I look at his face, act strong and not shy

"But your face is red than an apple "

"No" I hit his chest, I am walking away to the stair

Sungyeol chase and hug me from the back, his tall body almost cover all my body

He crossed his hands around my neck

"It's okay if you feel shy around me, don't feel shy around another people. You're mine, be my love again please"

"Hihihi " I can hear people laugh

"A young teenager this day" I hear another comment

"Uhuk" I can hear people cough

At a moment we forget that we're in a public place and this is not like in the drama

" I think we must walk gently and run" sungyeol whisper

I'm nodding

We walk slowly and fast and run from embarrassment

I close my face with the flowers


We finally reach the bus stop and laughed out loud after what happened a minute ago

The bus came

"Let's go" sungyeol reach my hand

At the moment I remembered the past, I'm the one who reach sungyeol when we go to the school before

The bus slowly moves I look around the bus, I can see my past sitting alone at the bus hearing a music and sungyeol with his friends sitting in the back.

The memory played like a film reel,

Sungyeol and some of his friends, woohyun and minsuk and others get in same bus with me a few times. I can see sungyeol keep an eye for me closely everyday, until one day I see sungyeol sit at my back alone, try to hear what music I played by leaning over his ear near my head.

The next day sungyeol sit alone in a double chair, there's no empty seat, so I sat beside him, sungyeol then give me his right earphone

I spontaneously put in my right ear, and I hear the song, the song that i always listen, I look at sungyeol, he put his head at the bag he hug

I just look down and smile


Sungyeol wave his hand and wake me from my past memory

"What are you looking?" He asked

"You" I smile to sungyeol

"I know, I was handsome" he smirk

I give his a code to near his ear to me

"Yes, please be my love" I whisper to him

I hold forget me not flower thight as I slowly remembered sungyeol

The bus move gently, the wind blow my hair, both of us look each other eyes, sungyeol eyes really pretty, we smile happily on the way to remembered our past love story