
Forged In Flames and Time

Princess Camilla's fate took an unexpected turn as she was sacrificed into marriage by her father. Forced into a marriage with King Ajax, an immortal believed to be responsible for the gruesome deaths in all the kingdoms, she resolves to make his life a living hell. But as Camilla delved deeper into the secrets surrounding Ajax, she discovered a hidden side behind his veiled mask. With the looming threat of a wedding she never wanted, Camilla's plans took a drastic twist when someone she knew got brutally murdered. As suspicions fall on Ajax, Princess Camilla finds herself walking a treacherous path, while concealing her love for AJ, a mysterious stranger. All hell would break loose when her monstrous husband discovered that his bride already had another in her heart. What if her lover was someone even King Ajax wouldn't dare to lay a hand on? ************ Princess Camilla was forced into a harrowing predicament. Refusing to marry the detestable George, her father's cruel punishment was to wed her to King Ajax, an immortal who was believed to be the monster behind all the mysterious deaths across all the kingdoms. Though Camilla's heart already belonged to AJ, a mysterious stranger, she also resolved to make Ajax's life a living hell, just as her father did with hers. Yet, when she encountered Ajax, he hid his face behind a veil and a mask. Camilla was certain she would never marry him but her confident threat of standing him up on their wedding day took an unexpected turn. The night before their fateful union, George was found brutally murdered, his organs devoured in a gruesome act. With suspicions pointing toward Ajax, Camilla kept her secret love for AJ hidden, fearing the consequences if revealed. As Camilla remained on high alert within Ajax's kingdom, plotting his demise, questions abound as to why a princess whom her family wished they had killed along with her mother would be of any value to Ajax. King Ajax was the guardian of dragons (the last one to be precise) and had been sleeping for Centuries after the dragon died. He believed it was Princess Camilla’s birth that had stirred him up. Her cry sounded like a bell falling from the sky and he yearned to unravel the mystery that lay within her. And, as fate would have it, there were necessary twists and turns, revealing a king far more deadly than Ajax. Camilla and Ajax’s story later becomes a love story envied by everyone. ******** This story contains mystical creatures like dragons, phoenixes, werewolves, vampires, Banshee, etc.

Chrissie_Swift · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter Two

"No," Camilla's voice rang out, simple, yet firm, as she voiced her objection, fervently hoping her father would hear her plea.

"You will marry the man I choose for you," he declared vehemently, his voice laced with disappointment and frustration.

"I have allowed you to remain the way you are because there is no hope of changing your nature. You are the opposite of your mother— devoid of her grace and charm.

No man of reputation would ever consider marrying you.

George has expressed his interest, the only suitor who has come forward. Do not bring shame upon me! You will marry him!"

Camilla's father's words struck her like a barrage of arrows, each one piercing her deeply. The anger in his eyes burned brighter than ever before, intensifying the weight of his disapproval.

Camilla's defiance ignited, fueled by her desire to protect her own happiness. Her gaze locked with her father's, a steely resolve replacing her previous hesitance.

"Is this to strengthen your military alliances? Are you marrying me off merely as a pawn to strengthen your forces on the battlefield?

My mother's brother is a king— is that not enough?" Her voice resonated with a newfound strength, challenging her father for the first time in her life.

Her own happiness hung precariously in the balance.

If her father had announced that she was to marry the son of a servant from the Luke household, she would have been extremely grateful.

But such a match would not serve his strategic purposes, would it?

"That is none of your concern. I have sent word to your Uncle, and he agrees that you are of age," he retorted sharply.

"Does he even know the man you intend to marry me to?" Camilla probed further, her doubt towards her uncle's trustworthiness evident.

She knew too well the cunning nature of her father.

"Do not question me any further. You will be escorted after the ceremony. It is tomorrow," her father declared, his voice resolute and unwavering.

A smirk tugged at the corners of Camilla's lips, taking her father aback. 'It's fortunate that I am already known as the 'crazy Princess', she thought to herself, her little voice in her head, laced with a defiant tone.

"No, father. I would rather die than be married to him. The man is more than twice my age. I refuse to be his fourth wife, not even any man's second," she proclaimed boldly, challenging her father in a way she had never dared to do.

But such defiance came at a cost. Her father's next words struck her with a force she hadn't anticipated. "You shall not bring disgrace upon me, Camilla. You are already a laughingstock. No one would willingly marry you!" His words reverberated in the air, a devastating blow to her self-worth.

He had previously stated that no man of royalty would marry her, and it had not wounded her deeply. But now, hearing him declare that no man would desire her as a wife, the sting was undeniable.

"I will not marry him," Camilla asserted firmly, her voice resolute and unwavering. "I will not even attend the ceremony."

Her father, sensing the unyielding determination in her gaze, knew that she meant every word. She would never show up, and her rebellion would stand as an indelible mark of her defiance and rather turn him into a laughingstock.


Camilla started having a bad feeling. Her chest began to pound aggressively, and she touched the feather necklace around her neck.

It was something she had been wearing since the first day she was born, and her mum told her not to remove or lose it no matter what.

The necklace always made her feel like she was close to her mother again. It weirdly calmed her down whenever she touched it.

Why was she feeling this way, when her father had already canceled her marriage with George?

Camilla's impatience grew with every passing moment, her anxiety mounting like a tempest in her chest.

She could no longer bear the uncertainty, the constant gnawing at the back of her mind.

When the next day came, she had refused to leave her chambers, just in case the ceremony had been fixed, despite her disapproval.

To her joy, the servants told her there hadn't been any announcement and no preparation for a party.

"Has there been any news yet?" Camilla again questioned the next servant who entered her room.

Her fingers unconsciously twisted the fabric of her gown, a nervous habit she couldn't control.

The maiden looked behind her, as if checking anyone had followed her inside.

"Do you recall the mere rumor we heard in the market square a few weeks ago? It is no longer a rumor. Your father indeed sent the letter to King Ajax," they both shivered by the name that was mentioned.

King Ajax was popularly known as the Ice King among other kingdoms.

A man whose identity was nothing but a rumor-

Some labeled him a vampire, others a werewolf, and others a ghost.

Some claimed he was possessed, while others claimed he never showed his face because he was ugly. A few believed he was a little of all the names they called him.

Camilla's heart skipped a beat, a shiver tracing its way down her spine.

'Was this the reason Father wanted to marry me off? Did King Ajax threaten him? Of course he would,' Camilla thought to herself.

"We are awaiting his reply. But we doubt the king would reply. He is probably busy drinking some human blood or stealing their energy; whichever the immortals call it," the maiden concluded, and Camilla laughed dryly.

"Stealing their energy? Have you been watching too many plays?" Camilla teased and the maiden eyed her.

"Now, tell me! We all have been dying to hear why your father was looking for you four nights ago. Since then, you had been hiding in here and avoiding your father and everyone. You only came out to eat when everyone was gone." Her curiosity burned bright, a flame that couldn't be extinguished.

They were all gossip in the kingdom, including herself.

"You know George Luke, right? He had asked my hand in marriage," she informed and the young lady laughed, thinking she had just heard a joke.

"No way, you are serious. What? Don't tell me you argued with the king on that! Even, I wouldn't marry him, why would your father accept such a union?"

The young lady's voice exuded surprise, mirroring the curiosity etched on her face.

"Exactly! I wouldn't even entertain the thought of being a second wife, let alone the fourth to George. George!" The very mention of his name grated on Camilla's nerves, evoking a sense of annoyance and distaste.

"Your father is always looking for trouble and accepting many. Let's hope his encounter with the Ice King would knock some sense into his head. Do you think he'd lose the kingdom if he lost the fight?"

"Don't ever say such a thing. I forbid you! Between my father and the Ice King, who would you want as your king? At least we know of my fathers wickedness, but King Ajax? A kind death would be a luxury." Camilla's voice carried a note of concern, her words revealing a glimmer of genuine worry.

"We'll be going to the market and your father would be receiving some visitors, you would be able to disappear without anyone noticing. Your sisters would be busy checking the men out. Do you wish to come with us?"

Anticipation surged, quickening Camilla's heartbeat as she pondered on that, taking a few seconds to think of the consequences that she'd face once they noticed her absence.

Her father was already mad at her for not marrying George. She wouldn't want to make him angrier.

"Have you ever considered how he felt about you going out without the palanquin and guard?" The servant teased.

"Why now? Are you reflecting on how you could've been Mrs. Luke?" Camilla eyed her, showing how displeased that joke was to her.

"Let's go then!" She exclaimed and they all laughed, forgetting their worries.

On this particular Tuesday, with unwavering certainty, she anticipated George's presence in the bustling market square, surrounded by his men, diligently carrying out the task of debt collection.

Deep within her, her intuition assured her that their paths would definitely cross.

'Would he ask his men to beat me up because I rejected his proposal? Would he just cause a scene or harm me?

His previous advances were made without my father's knowledge hence he probably didn't tell anyone he is interested in me but knowing him,

he must have told people my father has agreed for me to marry him. If my guess is right, he would likely do something,' Camilla thought to herself. Beads of sweats formed on her forehead and she wiped with her palm. It was a gesture even a commoner wouldn't do.

A gentle exhalation escaped her lips, mirroring the weight of her distaste.
