
Forged In Flames and Time

Princess Camilla's fate took an unexpected turn as she was sacrificed into marriage by her father. Forced into a marriage with King Ajax, an immortal believed to be responsible for the gruesome deaths in all the kingdoms, she resolves to make his life a living hell. But as Camilla delved deeper into the secrets surrounding Ajax, she discovered a hidden side behind his veiled mask. With the looming threat of a wedding she never wanted, Camilla's plans took a drastic twist when someone she knew got brutally murdered. As suspicions fall on Ajax, Princess Camilla finds herself walking a treacherous path, while concealing her love for AJ, a mysterious stranger. All hell would break loose when her monstrous husband discovered that his bride already had another in her heart. What if her lover was someone even King Ajax wouldn't dare to lay a hand on? ************ Princess Camilla was forced into a harrowing predicament. Refusing to marry the detestable George, her father's cruel punishment was to wed her to King Ajax, an immortal who was believed to be the monster behind all the mysterious deaths across all the kingdoms. Though Camilla's heart already belonged to AJ, a mysterious stranger, she also resolved to make Ajax's life a living hell, just as her father did with hers. Yet, when she encountered Ajax, he hid his face behind a veil and a mask. Camilla was certain she would never marry him but her confident threat of standing him up on their wedding day took an unexpected turn. The night before their fateful union, George was found brutally murdered, his organs devoured in a gruesome act. With suspicions pointing toward Ajax, Camilla kept her secret love for AJ hidden, fearing the consequences if revealed. As Camilla remained on high alert within Ajax's kingdom, plotting his demise, questions abound as to why a princess whom her family wished they had killed along with her mother would be of any value to Ajax. King Ajax was the guardian of dragons (the last one to be precise) and had been sleeping for Centuries after the dragon died. He believed it was Princess Camilla’s birth that had stirred him up. Her cry sounded like a bell falling from the sky and he yearned to unravel the mystery that lay within her. And, as fate would have it, there were necessary twists and turns, revealing a king far more deadly than Ajax. Camilla and Ajax’s story later becomes a love story envied by everyone. ******** This story contains mystical creatures like dragons, phoenixes, werewolves, vampires, Banshee, etc.

Chrissie_Swift · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter Four

She left the palace appearing as a mere servant, and if this gentleman knew her status, it could imply an acquaintance with her father. If so, then this meeting could bring a lot of disturbance from her father.

"Princess? I just bestow that title upon you, my Princess. I may not be acquainted with the appearance of princesses in this palace, but I dare say you possess a greater radiance than all of them combined," his response stirred a whirlwind of emotions within her, causing her to smile shyly.

Before she could articulate her thoughts, her companions called out to her.

"I must take my leave, AJ," she waved farewell but observed that he remained rooted in place, wearing a gentle smile as she turned to depart.

She ran back to her friends.

"Who was that?" They all questioned before she could say anything and she broke into a smile.

"The most gorgeous man I have ever seen. Did we have such men in this kingdom? He's handsome and he calls every lady Princess," Camilla went on and on till they got to the palace.

"If he's this much handsome and calls every lady, Princess. Then my guess is he's good for nothing, trying his luck to find a rich woman," one of the maidens cautioned and Camilla shook her head.

"I most certainly doubt that. Look at him. He looks accomplished." Camilla defended.

"That, he looks, but it could probably be another woman's fortune he's bathing in." Another maiden also voiced out.

"Be happy for me. I can meet the man of my dreams… even if it is for once," she mentioned, her voice breaking.

Immediately they entered the kitchen, the butler stood there with his nose pointed in the air.

Everyone knew at that moment Princess Camilla was in trouble, again.

"The king awaits you," the butler announced as he turned his back to her and expected her to follow him.

Cold sweat began to form on her forehead. What was her dad going to tell her today? Which man on his list was he going to ask her to marry?

She waved at her friends and walked toward the hall, her heart beating fast as she dreaded what she was going to meet.

'A grumpy man.'

A giggle escaped her mouth, despite what she could meet and hear next.

Her giggle didn't last for long as someone screamed immediately after she got to the hall, inquiring where she was.

"Such an impertinent child! How dare you put this royal household to shame by wearing such a gown. See how dirty it is." That was Aunt Bianca, her father's younger sister.

Was she here to also rub it in her face that no man would ever marry her?

She had married a Marquess and was living in an eight-story building with a pool.

Her husband was one of the richest men in their kingdom, yet she didn't seem happy in her big house.

She often came around to put her in her place.

"I went to the town square, Aunt." As if that would make the situation any better, Camilla defended herself, and her aunt arched an eyebrow toward her.

"So? Must you dress like a servant and dirty yourself as you go?" Camilla could not speak because she had noticed her father was in no cheerful humor.

'Of course, he would. Whatever plans he had with George, I just threw them into the drain,' she thought while not feeling the slightest regret.

"Aunt Bianca!" One of her half-sisters shouted from the door, and she almost ran to hug their aunt.

"My princess, you don't run in the palace. You are royalty.' She rather reminded her with a loving tone as her eyes eyed Camilla over.

"I just got back from the town square, and I got you this beautiful fan," she informed as she handed the pink fan to the older woman.

"That was so thoughtful of you." She praised as she turned her back to Camilla and walked off with the 'proper princess.'

Camilla hurriedly sneaked into her chambers as no one paid any more attention to her.


There stood her narcissistic cousin near the window in her room, looking outside like he was waiting for her to explain where she had disappeared.

"What are you doing in my room, Gregory?" She almost yelled. She hated his guts because nothing that came out of his mouth made any sense.

Just wait for it-

"Hasn't it been so long since your eyes gazed at a gorgeous man? And I didn't want you to miss me too much.

Hurry up and get me a cup of tea. You seem to enjoy the life of a servant anyways and while you are at it, let me remind you that these shoes are the only kind the great Lionel has ever made."

She shook her head, for she wondered how long it would take before her cousin realized these makers went around telling all the rich men in the town the same thing so they could buy and feel special.

"Get out of my room, or else I'll tell your mother you smoke in dark alleys." She threatened, and his eyes widened.

Did he not think she would know? She knew all the stories that fled around in town. Even the number of impotent men fathering other men's children was all in her head.

"Nothing surpasses my ears, so don't be surprised. I even know you bought three flowers yesterday from the same shop and got them delivered to three different households, and you got the guts to beg the shop owner not to disclose it to the other." At this point, her cousin was flying out of her room.

She couldn't hold in her laughter any longer- so she laughed.

She sighed at the sudden realization that she was confined for the rest of the day until her aunt left.

She had to wear her dress and make sure her corset was on and matching her gown. The air-sucking beast in the form of clothing!

One of the maids entered the room after a knock to help her wear the gown.

"You have been summoned by the king"