
Chapter 2

I woke up the next day, it was about eight in the morning, when I finished my shower and was putting on the outfit I had picked out yesterday for the interview awaiting me

I stood in front of my mirror dressed up in a formal black skirt and a formal cream colored top. The outfit was tight fitting, hugging my figure perfectly. It wasn't seductive or anything like that, that's not what I'm going for, first impressions are very important so I have to look professional. If I have a choice, I'd just wear a sweatshirt and joggers cause it's comfy.

Looking at my brown hair tied in a ponytail, I placed my stud earrings, applied some mascara and lipgloss. My lips already looked great so I don't really need a lipstick, besides I was going for a simple look and a lipstick isn't needed. After so, I applied all my body lotions and my signature vanilla-laced perfume. I am a complete perfume freak.

Done with all my preparations, I rushed to the kitchen where mom had already packed some food for me before she left for work. I stuffed a sandwich into my mouth and headed to the door.

Getting outside I saw Claire by her Volvo XC90 sedan, I know I love cars.

"Hi Claire" I beamed.

"Oh hi Rora, are you going for your interview already? It's just eight thirty, you still have about an hour plus." Claire said.

"Yes, I know, but I want to get there early rather than get there late, I really need this job Claire. Maybe if I get there early they'll be convinced that I deserve a chance for this position."

" Alright Rora, I understand. Good luck!"

"Thanks Claire, see you later!!" I said waving.

As I stood in front of the main building of Elite Inc. at nine-ten, I took a deep breath. I'm so early for this interview, I guess I'll have to wait in the waiting room and rehearse my answers.

After being checked by the security, I asked around for where the interview is taking place. I had to wait about five minutes until the elevator came back to the ground floor, and when it opened, I entered it nervously, my heart rate picking up.


The elevator signaled I had arrived at the ninth floor. I quickly headed to the door of the elevator. As I walked out of the elevator, i walked away as the door of the elevator closed. There was a lady at the reception of the floor, I walked up to her

"Hi, good morning, I'm here for the interview. Where am I to wait?" I asked.

"Good morning!" She said smiling. "You can wait over there." She said pointing towards a room that had a 'Waiting Room' signal on its door.

"Thanks" I said nodding as I headed there.

As I entered the room, I noticed that I was the only one present. I sat on a chair and thought about my answers for the interview coming up. I decided to apply some lipgloss cause the one I had on had already wiped off.

After some time, all other candidates started arriving one after the other. After a while, the room was crowded.

I noticed that the room seemed to be filled mostly with only females who have come to apply. The men there weren't even up to five, which is weird cause as far as I knew this job was for both sexes. Before long, the door swung open, the room went dead silent and the most handsome man I had ever set my eyes on entered the room.

About six three ft. height. A black double vent Armani suit that showed his muscles. Cold merciless silver grey orbs. Broad shoulders. Angled jaws.

My Goodness did he jump out of a magazine. He's sinfully handsome.

He was standing there with his hands in his pockets. His posture emitted arrogance and a captivating, intimidating kind of aura.

That word fits him perfectly Captivating.

I literally had to tear my eyes away from him to look at the man standing beside him.

He too was quite attractive. He was tall but not as tall as his companion. He had a blonde hair unlike the intimidating one who had a dark brown hair.

I think I've entered a modeling agency and not a company. Because what the hell are these two Greek Gods doing in a place like this.

Except the sound of the two guys footsteps, nothing, not even the sound of breathing could be heard. As the duo reached the center of the room, silence radiated through the whole room, and filled it. I think like me, every other person in this room was waiting for the dark haired guy to talk. Instead, the Blondie spoke up.

"Hi everyone, I am Ivan Garrison, the Vice President. And beside me is the CEO of Elite Inc. President Campden Smith."

My eyes moved towards the man in question, and the look he was giving the entire room kinda scared me. His eyes were dead cold. With a chiseled jaw and dangerous silver eyes that glowed in ultimate supremacy.

He looked like he was used to receiving tons of admiring stares like the ones he was currently receiving

Campden Smith, so that's his name.

"The interview will be of two stages, the first one with me. And the second one with the President himself. But to have an interview with the president, you have to pass the one with me first." Mr Garrison announced, his eyes roaming around the room.

"This position is very important, so give it your best. Good luck! Every one" He continued, smiling.

I'll try my very best this time around, I really need this

I'll face them in my interview.